Bishoujo Game Junkie

I agree, I find something missing between the Japanese language and the English text. I don’t find it as intense or provoking in the text form as compared to listening to it in Japanese. Now, I don’t read or speak the language but I’ve heard that alot is lost in translation, whether it be gaming, manga or anime.

Oh it’s true… it’s very true. :cry:

ur all still trying to give me the Scare well it might arrive today or tommorow.

Just don’t tell us that le nuage and I didn’t warn you about how hard it is to play Hitomi if you are a light sider.

Yeah, or for that matter Kana. I mean, if it can make grown men cry…!!! :cry: :shock:

Y_Y More Warnings!!! It will be here tommorow it Seems. But because you have all warned me when i go threw it you all better excpect me to Act Correctly to Everything there. So when i come Back an Emotional Wreck and post something please no I told you so’s.

Also i plan to do an all=nighter/all day Play for Both of them to go through it all in a go… i think… but i might.

So long as we don’t end up hearing about you on CNN, Rueters or worse… YOUTUBE!!!
Everything, will be fine… I hope. :cry:

That’s one heck of an all-nighter. Not that I’ve ever played Hitomi, but I know that Kana (the Japanese version) is ~0.7mb of text. Yes, I know that’s about half the size of Yume Miru Kusuri, but still, it’s not exactly small!

… although I guess I can’t talk, after finishing G-Senjou no Maou in an all-nighter, but that wasn’t with another game as well =p

Now we have to bet to know how much time you can play before your emo wreck.

Let’s say you start with Hitomi.
After one hour you collapse (don’t forget to KEEP hitomi’s panties the first time you play) and the next morning your roomies find you on the ground crying and repeating “don’t hate me oni-chan…”.
Maybe they will make a video of this and put it on youtube. :lol:

?? = onii = elder brother
? = oni = demon

Sorry, can’t let unintentional hilarity slide. =P
Although, from what I’ve heard about Hitomi, your line might be more correct >_<

Hey, even the oni-chans have a heart, just ask Shingo :wink: .

Argh… it’s not the first time someone tell me that.
I have to remember… onii and not oni ! :lol:

That would be me.

I think it may be partly that your internal sense of sarcasm is slightly defused by not being able to directly understand the words being spoken.

Certain dramatic angsty statements if said in English you’d respond with “That’s so CHEESY” but since you’re just reading along and you know the translation isn’t 100% exact in all nuances you go along with it more…

I have them. They have Just arrived. I need to take care of like 2 Things and then i am going to start! I need to Finish a book I got which is a Favorite of mine from my Younger Years. (Dealing With Dragons. Patricia C. Wrede part of the Enchanted Forest Chronicls Very Very Amusing Read.) Order Lirael so i can Finish The Sabriel Series Later. So that will be a small walk and about 1 hour of Reading… then i will Start… not sure which one First but I was thinking Kana since i seem to be more of a Lighty Person.

Wish me luck.

Y_Y ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh arghhhhhhh thrases I am going to Read something happy for sake of my own sanity or i may just go and through myself off a ledge… and seriously… i know you where trying to warn me… but couldn’t you have been a bit more Detailed… i thought sad but … but Y_Y… and i haven’t gone through both of them Y_Y i don’t think i can handle another… i want to go hide and cry in the shower… Y_Y

Of course we couldn’t give you more detail, we didn’t want to ruin the experience for you … or our own enjoyment in seeing you have a meltdown. I’m wondering which ending you got, since there are a few more to go and each is interesting in its own way. (except the ‘true ending’ is almost identical to one of the other endings … I think the post credits speal is really the only difference - and that will tear your heart out all over again.)

poor little setsuna let me take you under my oh so dark wings… I will make you a powerful Sith Lord.

I couldn’t agree with you more. :lol:

Setsuna will need more than that, much much more, like the entire dark side collective. :twisted: :lol:


alright setsuna thou shalt now play virgin roster . when Im done with you your soul shall be a quagmire of sadism.