Bishoujo Game Junkie

Do not play with that game, try getting Water Closet instead, its a happy game full of joy, and it doesn’t have any weird things in it, just happy happy happiness!


what is happy??? Y_Y i’m going back to sleep. i still have hitomi as well to go through but… sigh yea

Not to mention - it is really educational!

There are things in here that you probably encounter every day, but you won’t learn anywhere else as much about those things! :lol:

:twisted: I can’t wait to see what wil happen to you when you’ll finaly play Hitomi

Ok so i decided to Wait on Hitomi. After Kana i just didn’t feel up to it. So i decided to Try another Game i have… Lightning Warrior Raidy… hmmm ya know i didn’t really Get much out of this Game one way or another. It had certain Parts i didn’t like She’s blackmailed into the Whoppee for a Item by a “Charmed Guy” which made my stomach feel cold and Parts i Did like The battle monster made it feel more like a real RPG game.

Anways its my Small little talk on the Game. Did anyone else Play this one?

You’re evil, Nero!

Y_Y Is everything peeps or Suggesting to me things that are going to make me Deppressed

Played it and rather enjoyed it. It was nice doing something in an eroge that wasn’t just click-click-click… look at options… click-click-click. Okay, so it wasn’t the greatest RPG out there, but I didn’t mind. I had fun exploring around and figuring things out. I had the sequel pre-ordered before I even finished the original. I’m hoping that they expand on the whole RPG concept, and apparently from the word on the street, the RPG elements in LWR2 are more expansive in terms of what you can do.

I’d like to see an eroge that actually has a good subgame. All the ones I’ve seen so far have been pretty mediocre, and I don’t have the time to play through them. I usually just try to stick to a pure regular game or a pure eroge, because mixing them only seems to bring down the quality of both. I’d like to be wrong someday though.

Well, to give an idea of how incredible Water Closet is, it was the first game to receive a perfect score on a well known eroge review site. :smiley:

The Game Play i did Enjoy. i actually Didn’t Mind Grinding Levels out. (not that there was to much to grind) but i did enjoy it. it was Good but… i just at the End was just sorta… huh its done then? ok. i mean i didn’t feel much either way. I disliked Certain parts but i think… well maybe i am just a Serious Lighty. cause some thing in the game made me sad… i think i am just to easily Deppressed. Y_Y i still can’t get Kana out of my mind even after LWR. WHY did everything happen that way!!!

Look on the upside, you can consider it a baptism by fire of sorts.

Y_Y well… I still have Hitomi… … I didn’t even feel like ranting about it just left with Sadness from Kana.

Fire huh… i feel Crispy already,

I Also played the Begging of Secret wives Club… … When it started off i thought the Story would have some Crazy Twists… but it seemed kinda Rompish…

Y_Y… kana

I was baptized by fire in the crucible of what many consider the holy trifecta of highly recommended translated eroge: YMK, Kana, and Crescendo. (The fourth game I got, since I order from J-list in groups of four for the discount, was CSMT.)

That game, I would call more a baptism by immersion …

I think Snow Sakura needs to replace one of those games. I’ll make it my goal to change the baptism to my liking. :twisted:

For VNs in general and not just eroge, I’d make it Ever 17, Snow Sakura, and YMK, which is what I’m trying to make my friend go through now. :smiley:

I really really Liked Snow Sakura it was my First and made me happy… O.O i am going to play it again… right now.

Yes, the game needs more love. Too many people ignore it because it’s not serious and dramatic, but it’s a really great slice of life game where you can just relax and laugh.

Snow Sakura wasn’t out yet when I started, and YMK was still fairly new. By the time I ordered again, I pre-ordered Snow Sakura and Family Project, as well as ordering Hitomi and CSMT2. Don’t get me wrong, I love Snow Sakura to death and hold it right up there with them.