Brave Soul: "And so it begins."

Looks like it’s Ebay for you.

Peach Princess does have Airmail shipping for five bucks.

[This message has been edited by ccunning1 (edited 09-25-2003).]

Originally posted by jafa:
It sounds really good.. I am just wondering, is there any way I can get it here (in australia).. Is there any member here from australia as well?

Hmm, someone was from or in Australia. But I thought PeaPri does send to Australia anyways.

We do sell to everyone in all countries, including Australia of course. Got an order from Crotia the other day. It was pretty cool.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
We do sell to everyone in all countries, including Australia of course. Got an order from Crotia the other day. It was pretty cool.

Was the order for a bishoujo game? if so, what language?

Yes I know I can buy this game from jast usa or PeaPri… But I wanto to know other’s expiriences in buying hentai game, since the immigration here is very strict… BTW i am in Victoria state

Sneak it over like you would a Capuchin monkey. Sorry, I’m dead tired and I have to wake up early tomorrow, or this morning, rather. So I should be sleeping now, which I’m not… How terrible of me… I’m going to sleep now.

精神 の 神

o_o pictures someone sticking their bishojo game where the sun doesn’t shine

It seems like they’d honor an ebay transaction at

just looked at


[This message has been edited by ccunning1 (edited 09-26-2003).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
But remeber the local laws vary from state to state in Australia, so you may have the game distroyed or held at the border.

Heh, couldn't remember about that because I didn't know about it. I havn't done many transactions with people in Australia and the few I have done have been for non-adult items. But now I know!

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Got an order from Crotia the other day. It was pretty cool.

Was that a Freudian slip there, Peter?


Originally posted by ccunning1:
o_o *pictures someone sticking their bishojo game where the sun doesn't shine*

[This message has been edited by ccunning1 (edited 09-26-2003).]

You smuggle monkeys often? There?

Hey im another new person to this board
am also from Australia (Queensland) anyway i bought Viper paradice it took 2 weeks and as for problems i had none at all so i dont think there should be much in the way of problems

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
The duplicators tell us October 4th.

The question you should ask is: What step, if any, comes after duplication?

Bah, I don’t mind if Brave Soul is held up a bit…I’ve just recieved Casual Romance Club from JList ducks to avoid flying vegetables, or maybe lemons, seeing as they feature so prominently in this forum

PS. I never have got the lemon thing, anyone care to enlighten me?

When do they anticipate the game to ship? Looks like I’ll have to place my preorder.

Originally posted by Interzone:
PS. I never have got the lemon thing, anyone care to enlighten me?

It is an evolution of one of the running gags on this BBS. I would randomly interject remarks about my evil plans (in keeping with my secret identity as Satan), and once someone equally randomly asked me 'what about the vampire lemons?'

Ladyphoenix liked the idea, so she has adopted the vampire lemons and they're her cheerleaders/chibi assistants now.

order the game soon because it could come back from theduplicator ant day now.
I ordered the game back in october 2001.

i ordered it a LONG time ago, im just trying to make sure theres 50$ of room left on my credit card for this… heh

Originally posted by light:
order the game soon because it could come back from theduplicator ant day now.
I ordered the game back in october 2001.

So did I, that was when it was first available for Preorder.

"His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man." Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

am I remembering correctly that preorder-bonus only applies to people in the US? I seem to remember reading that once, and that’s why I haven’t done so… but I could be just having a brain freeze.