Brave Soul: "And so it begins."



[This message has been edited by cdog21 (edited 09-19-2003).]

you must wait until october 13th…

or… at least… that’s what I sense…

I’m just playing Baldur’s Gate until Brave Soul comes out…that way I can get my hacking and slashing quota without losing my mind thinking about Brave Soul (which is gonna ROCK!!!) sorry, got excited for a second

actually, these days i am going ARGH, too many games, not enough time!!! i have a REAL LIFE now and it is cutting into my playing time! I am playing Baldur’s Gate and Disgaea (yes, i broke down and bought it) when i have time, and plan to add Brave Soul to that list once it gets here

oh yeah, PLEASE let it be released after the first of october so the money for the pre-order is there i know it’s weird to say “Let the release date be later” but i don’t have any money until the 1st!!! October 1st is perfect, let it be so, I decree by the power of the lemons lol

Hey, Lamuness…

Does it use a point and click battle system?

Left click to attack, right click to use spells?

ya pretty much

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I think, those will remain japanese, so people who don't understand the language wouldn't mind the difference and those who do would only realize thatthe translation isn't stuck to the mere words but the meaning of the sentences.

FYI: In japanese, it isn't obligatory to even call the name of a person you refer to. It only happens if the sentence otherwise would be ambiguous. But if the subject of a sentence is obvious, it can be omitted. Thus, some japanese can become quite short (only a verb, to be more specific).

On the other hand, if a sentence requires the players name to be not ambiguous, there are still 2nd person pronouns available, that also don't need to be adapted to the entered name.

That said, even though a person is standing right in front of you, it is alright to refer to them in third person. I always use this with my girlfriend. For example:

Miki wa 157 cm daro?

(You're 5'2" right?)

Note that I didn't translate her name at all. In this in English it doesn't make sense to. Of course I mean Miki, she's the one I'm talking to. But you will see this in English translations sometimes:

[same Japanese sent]

(You're 5'2" right, Miki?)

I cringe when I see translations like this.

In any case, hope this helps expand your knowledge further. (to the original poster)

Best regards,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by ccunning1:
Hey, Lamuness..

Does it use a point and click battle system?

Left click to attack, right click to use spells?

Hmmmm, kinda, but perhaps not the same way you are thinking. There are no spells to choose from. With some weapons you get 3 attacks, others 2, so you use your different mouse buttons to use those attacks (or even potions if you want to set them up like that). But most combat is "automatic", lessening the burden on you (you'll be thankful). As an old paper and pencil RPGer and game player, I will extremely happy with this system. And I tested it extensively.

Best regards,
Made in DNA

It sounds like you guys have done a good job with everything.

One more question…Can I start the game right off in the most difficult setting, and is that recommended for an average strategist?

All i want to know is if there is a New Game+ feature where you carry over your equipment ect?

[This message has been edited by Rensa (edited 09-23-2003).]

No, you cannot get the hardest difficulty setting at the very beginning because in return you get 100 times more experience and much much higher chance of dropping items and that kinda spoils the game big time

Yes, you have the option of starting with the same EXP and equipment when you cleared the game…but only if you have those options activated

Sounds great, can’t wait till it’s released

Originally posted by Jason4:
My comp's cound card is so screwed up that I can't play them.

Isn't that a great occasion to clean up your issues with the soundcard while you are waiting for Brave Soul?
After all, you don't want to remain it this way for all eternity, right?

Hi everyone, I am a new member here, nice to meet you all…

I am just curious is this game really good? taht all of you are so exited about it

Originally posted by jafa:
Hi everyone, I am a new member here, nice to meet you all..

I am just curious is this game really good? taht all of you are so exited about it

To put it in short: NO, the game's not really that good or revolutionary as far as RPGs go and it's a pretty old production technologically wise. HOWEVER, this is the first serious attempt at translating a RPG adult bishoujo game and of course everyone (me included) is thrilled at it.

Originally posted by jafa:
Hi everyone, I am a new member here, nice to meet you all..

Welcome to the board.


I am just curious is this game really good? taht all of you are so exited about it

Hmmm, to tell you the truth, most of us havn't played it, neither the demo or the Japanese version. So whether it's "good" or not is a determination most of us can't make.

Could i get a guesstimate of the release date? I would like to preorder it for the free shipping but i don’t know if i’ll have some spare cash in time.

Originally posted by Angry Gamer:
To put it in short: NO, the game's not really that good or revolutionary as far as RPGs go and it's a pretty old production technologically wise. HOWEVER, this is the first serious attempt at translating a RPG adult bishoujo game and of course everyone (me included) is thrilled at it.

To clarify -- The game is dated. It was probably dated when Peach Princess originally announced it, several years ago. That it is being released now... well, if there were any competition, Brave Soul would probably not fare so well against it. There isn't any at all, however, and Peach Princess is known for perfectionism (at least that's MY opinion).

So the game looks to be a solidly executed, if not terribly original, RPG. Storywise - who knows. If the character interactions are great, it will certainly be worth it.

Brave Soul was released in Japan on 03.30.2001…so around 2.5 yrs old?

As Kimiko stated before, for the most part none of us companies will get the newest games out in english until say at least a year after it’s released in Japan and then there is time to translate and test etc which can very well take a year.

For the Japanese Brave Soul, the CDROM version is also and only in MIDI. The only exception to that is the Japanese DVDROM version which uses PCM output for background music. And sorry, the one that is being released in English is just the CDROM version.

So if it’s really a pain for you to listen to MIDI you may have to turn off the background music (or get a better software emulation thingy like yamaha but I know very little on this so don’t take my word for it).

As for future games, for the games that are in peach princess’ software lineup, I don’t recall any that will have only MIDI; it’s either CDDA or PCM.

It sounds really good… I am just wondering, is there any way I can get it here (in australia)… Is there any member here from australia as well?