Brave Soul: "And so it begins."

thanks for the reply Lamuness…

so both your rank and your luck will decide what will be available for you?
or your luck will affect only in which items will appear where you visit? (or the chances of enemies dropping goodies… of course… if they do so)

or is the luck stat related to something else? I ask this cause in one screenshot I saw “luck” under the character stats… also… “mind” and “will” stats are somehow “linked” stats right?? cause “intelligence” and “willpower” use to be linked (or related if you prefer to say it this way) in most RPGs…

(yes… this kind of questions sound like possible spoilers… but in RPGs this kind of info is very useful… I remember that I used to turn my characters into “barbarians” and then… guess what… the final boss is vulnerable only to magic! :P)

Originally posted by Sandalphon:
thanks for the reply Lamuness..

so both your rank and your luck will decide what will be available for you?
or your luck will affect only in which items will appear where you visit? (or the chances of enemies dropping goodies.. of course.. if they do so)

or is the luck stat related to something else? I ask this cause in one screenshot I saw "luck" under the character stats.. also.. "mind" and "will" stats are somehow "linked" stats right?? cause "intelligence" and "willpower" use to be linked (or related if you prefer to say it this way) in most RPGs..

(yes.. this kind of questions sound like possible spoilers.. but in RPGs this kind of info is very useful.. I remember that I used to turn my characters into "barbarians" and then.. guess what.. the final boss is vulnerable only to magic! :P)

In the game, luck stat affects (in part) how well your character avoids and dodges attacks. All the stats will have explanations on what they will affect right on the game screen so you will know how they work.

As for rates of dropping items, there are various difficulty modes in the game. In general, the higher difficulty setting you choose, the more EXP you get, and the higher the item dropping rate will become

thanks again

just curious… if you can change the main character’s game… how do the other characters refer to him??
talking about the recorded dialogues… not the text fields…

Originally posted by Sandalphon:
talking about the recorded dialogues.. not the text fields..

I think, those will remain japanese, so people who don't understand the language wouldn't mind the difference and those who do would only realize thatthe translation isn't stuck to the mere words but the meaning of the sentences.

FYI: In japanese, it isn't obligatory to even call the name of a person you refer to. It only happens if the sentence otherwise would be ambiguous. But if the subject of a sentence is obvious, it can be omitted. Thus, some japanese can become quite short (only a verb, to be more specific).

On the other hand, if a sentence requires the players name to be not ambiguous, there are still 2nd person pronouns available, that also don't need to be adapted to the entered name.

Like all Crowd games, this will be again CD-DA?

I just like playing the soundtrack on my CD player.

yes… I thought the will refer to him using pronoums or in some special way

thanks for the japanese information…

I might not understand japanese at a 100%… but I know some things about it… and the ways they talk… the polite verbs and ways to behave in those polite situations… and so on…

[This message has been edited by Sandalphon (edited 09-17-2003).]

The music for BS will be in MIDI, but don’t worry it runs fine in XP unlike TCI.

just being curious…

how many endings does Brave soul has?
cause I still don’t understand that pretty well… the game finishes when you kill the final boss (I assume there’s one) and the ending is deduced of your progress with the female characters by that time (the one with the higher “progress” is the ending that’s dispayed… so no great progress equals normal ending)… or does it end when you reach a “peak” level with one of the girls??

originally I thought that the answer was my first guess… but then… what if I take my time avoiding the “main quest” and develop all the girls equally? that’s why I don’t understand when the game stops and an “ending” occurs…

There are a total of beep endings in the game…sorry I can’t tell you because that will be answered when you have cleared the game if you get a chance to visit the staff room.

Yes, most endings rely on killing the final boss and then seeing which girl you will end up with etc (that’s how most bishoujo games go anyways, we can’t really get off track that idea), but there is one bonus ending that “avoids the main quest” but I won’t speak much of it since that’s a spoiler; it’s up to you guys to find out.

Hidoi! Big meanie…

精神 の 神

Originally posted by Lamuness:
The music for BS will be in MIDI, but don't worry it runs fine in XP unlike TCI.

All CROWD-games that were released after TCI play their MIDI-soundtrack pretty fine under XP. Apparently, they recognized and fixed that problem before they released XChange2.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
On the other hand, if a sentence requires the players name to be not ambiguous, there are still 2nd person pronouns available, that also don't need to be adapted to the entered name.

I noticed this in the night insight scenes in Casual Romance Club. The subtitling inserted your name, but the spoken Japanese was just "him", "that person", and so on...

On this topic, has anyone on the board played any of the games with that "Emotional Voice System", where the girls supposedly actually pronounce your name? Is it any good yet?

staff room?? hmm…

I guess that the bonus ending happens when you play in “NEW GAME+”


The extra ending not available is Alicia’s @##%@%%^^&^$&&%&* (spoiler encryption enabled).

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 09-19-2003).]

so the bonus ending is a “bishoujo” one… right??
I ask it this way… cause I think that maybe there is a path (or paths) that can lead you to a non “bishoujo” ending… and if is that possible… is there more than one “non bishoujo” ending??..

Yes, the bonus ending is a battle-related ending, has nothing to do with the girls at all. That I can reveal because you can technically get that ending before you meet all the girls.

Sandalphon, I don’t mind people being anxious excited and curious about this great game and of course this is a good thing but…can you stop asking questions that may lead to spoilers? The game’s gonna come out in october so why don’t you just wait till then and enjoy the game to the fullest without knowing too much (…you ARE going to buy it right? :P)

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-19-2003).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Yes, the bonus ending is a battle-related ending, has nothing to do with the girls at all. That I can reveal because you can technically get that ending before you meet all the girls.

Sandalphon, I don't mind people being anxious excited and curious about this great game and of course this is a good thing but.....can you stop asking questions that may lead to spoilers? The game's gonna come out in october so why don't you just wait till then and enjoy the game to the fullest without knowing too much ( ARE going to buy it right? :P)

Ah, just spoil everything already. When you leave milk out too long, that's what happens.

yes I’ve ordered it… why??

if you only see me here when something’s comming has nothing to do with if I support or not the genre… of course that I support it… but… I don’t hang around here… cause as you can see… I’m very curious… also… to be completely honest… the fact that I’ve changed my CC 3 times since I ordered LMM (may 2001) makes me … so I prefer to stay away… in order to stop thinking about it…

ok… I’ll just wait… silent… ^x^

PS.: In the future I’ll ask about what I can do… cause I ordered LMM as soon as it was available in order to get the “omake” but… as I’ve said before… I think that the order needs to be somehow “updated”… and don’t worry… I’ll vanish again soon… as soon as I get my copy… to get the answers by myself

I haven’t noticed before that karen wears eyeglasses… heh heh heh… see… even being curious I miss one thing or two…

(btw… some people call my curiosity… idleness? what’s your opinion?? :P)