Brave Soul: "And so it begins."

I would buy… magical hidden option c, get them both for the 4 finger discount lol. Atually I would get BS I think, and I am not talking bullshit

It’s gotta be BS all the way i would probably pick that over food even if i was on an island by myself and i was starving

Originally posted by Gambit:
ohh... i smell a new thread coming on...
If they released Brave soul and Crescendo on the same day(and u only had 50$) which one would you get?

Offer my copy of GinIro on ebay at 50$ minimum and get both...

No, that's no good idea either... [img][/img]

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I'll buy some off of you Nandemonai.

That would require me wanting to sell games I've never played; I don't usually get rid of games PERIOD.

Originally posted by smog:
I would buy.... magical hidden option c, get them both for the 4 finger discount lol. Atually I would get BS I think, and I am not talking bullshit

I think we both know you are ;)

I just have the fear of Bravesoul being one of those rpgs that can drag on… and after hearing that u may not get the girl you were nice to all game… (or something like this)
I just dont wanna get bored of going ovet the same levels over and over because of one simple choice…

In other words… when you go back to replay it… even to try to get another girls ending…

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 09-13-2003).]

i had a question about BS RPG aspects. In most RPGs that come out now if you beat it once you get that always helpful NEW GAME+. So i was wondering is that option gonna be in Brave Soul also.

yes there is

I don’t know if you’ve already answered this or not…
will your choices decide if you are evil, neutral or good?.. or do you pick that choice at the beginning?.. or the choices given only affect which missions you can get and the degree of interaction (intimacy) with the girls…


[This message has been edited by Sandalphon (edited 09-14-2003).]

So uhh… hows that BS coming…

(had no real point to this message… just to make it the longest forum besides that lamuness one thats like 1500+ posts)

Originally posted by Gambit:
So uhh.. hows that BS coming...

(had no real point to this message.. just to make it the longest forum besides that lamuness one thats like 1500+ posts)

There are longer. Check out the post on, for instance, ... shoot - what was the name of the one Dave E's alter ego was really pushing? That slave training one...Dokusen? There's like a 15-page thread buried in the archives.

In general, this board is slowing down some in comparison to how it used to be - that's probably in no small part due to 'Kumiko' having left, as Kumiko's entire function was to keep the board going.

Are you suggesting Lamuness is inadequate?

Are you trying to resurrect their rivalry?

I think the theards are shorter, because everyone can't contribute to them. I hate to write this, but if you don't understand the Japanese language, you contribution on this board is very limited. That's one of the reasons I spent time away from this BBS.

A thought:
[color="FFFF00"]Lemons are dancing on water.

nobody has answered my question… :’(

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I think the theards are shorter, because everyone can't contribute to them. I hate to write this, but if you don't understand the Japanese language, you contribution on this board is very limited.

Well that depends on which particular topics we're discussing. Some do take quite a bit of understanding of the Japanese language, others are more opinion-based or based of cultural understandings. You sometimes just have to contribute where you can. For instance on the help board, the topics generally are either technical, gameplay/logic questions, or CG find questions. I can't do much for the ones in the first category (Doug-san usually does those actually) but I try to help out as much as I can for the other two.

But Nandemonai-san does have a point. One of the things Kumiko-san did was try to keep discussions going and bringing up new topics when things slowed down. For the most part, a lot of the regulars try to do that functionality now, to various degrees of success. Plus, there's always slow periods between game releases. I'm sure there will be a flurry of things for awhile whenever the next game comes out.

Originally posted by Sandalphon:
nobody has answered my question.. :'(

Because not many have played it yet.
Even I tried it only through the first few missions without reachin an end by now, but I may try an answer before you are entirely fristrated. Actually, I hoped of an answer from Lamuness or DNA, because they have played it quite more...


will your choices decide if you are evil, neutral or good?.. or do you pick that choice at the beginning?.. or the choices given only affect which missions you can get and the degree of interaction (intimacy) with the girls..

First of all, I don't know if certain decisions disqualify you for later missions, but it is very likely.

About the characters main mentality: The standard-terms good/neutral/evil don't apply here. He is just as you play him. If you decide to slay entire hordes of monsters needlessly, it's your decision as well as if you run away from them (after you solved the quest that they were meant to be obstacles to).

One main focus of decisions is how good the character that you plays matches the personality of the girl that you pursue...

However, these are only impressions from short testplays of the japanese original and may be entirely wrong. But now. it's up to the ones that really know to correct me and point out how unaccurate my statements were...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Offer my copy of GinIro on ebay at 50$ minimum and get both...

No, that's no good idea either... [img][/img]

Sold for $50 hehe [img][/img]

thanks for the info

btw… we will have the option of changing the main character’s name right?
(the one called “rudy”… or can we change all the names of the party members?)

thanks in advance

You can i read it somewhere on here where it was just default names.

Originally posted by Sandalphon:
I don't know if you've already answered this or not..
will your choices decide if you are evil, neutral or good?.. or do you pick that choice at the beginning?.. or the choices given only affect which missions you can get and the degree of interaction (intimacy) with the girls..

Sorry Sandalphon for missing your post. I didn't spot your question which is kinda buried with the rest of the chit-chat posts that I must have not noticed it.

No, you won't turn evil if you make the wrong choices. Your choices will mainly affect the latter (relationship with girls), but your choices will also *indirectly* affect what events are triggered later in the game.

Basically, you have a hunter rank. The more successful missions you complete your rank will eventually go up. Many stores in the game will not sell you anything unless you are at a certain rank. There are also some missions and dungeons that rely on what hunter rank you are at. Some of your choices will affect the outcome of the mission (whether it's deemed successful or not).

And yes, you can change your main character's name to whatever you wish (actually there is an issue in the japanese version where your "edited" name will not be reflected in the game at all (people just keep calling you "mr. main character"), but the english version is enhanced (well, more like fixed) to reflect the changed name.

And no, you cannot change the names of other characters; don't forget the japanese voices are recorded with the girls' names so it will be weird to the main character calls alicia "alicia" in his voice playback when you somehow changed alicia's name to say "mary" in the text

September 30th for Brave soul.

October 7th for Crescendo.

Do i win a copy of each game now for correctly guessing their release dates?

Heh if i was right… wouldnt everyone be surprised.