Brave Soul Special Events List and Endings (Spoiler)

The last mission is to go kill the Dark Lord.

so how does i save games??? i been playing for few minuts and it wont let me save.??

Just kidding. I’d been reading pretty much all of the help posts for Brave Soul on this forum and have been pretty disgusted by all of the repeats of information going around. Hopefully, I won’t be hypocritical by doing the same, but I’ve searched for the answer without finding it. I was just wondering if Ruby’s special was truly affected by her Skill stat. I read somewhere that it was actually determined through her strength and I also wanted to make sure before investing all of my skill fruits/seeds into her.

Also, has anyone created a listing of all weapons AND where to get them? Basically just looking for info on items that enemies drop, as some weapons and armors are unavailable for purchase (Lightsaber and Muramasa).

AND does anyone know how to get wealthy option in New Game? I’ve beaten the game only three times, but it seems to be an ongoing mystery as to how this actually works. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Lost Paradise ending?

Thanks for your help!

[This message has been edited by GuardianE (edited 07-06-2005).]

The Light Saber is usually found in the last dungeon, which is Minstrel’s Ruins.

I don’t think anyone knows how to precisely get Wealthy. Maybe get Karen’s ending? It doesn’t have anything to do with Losers’ Paradise, as I already had the option before doing that path.

I know that I got the lightsaber from doing colisseum runs. I forget if I picked it up from a knight or an ogre, though. I was just wondering if there was a comprehensive list.

I don’t think such a list exists.

I think the Light Sword is dropped by the red knight, though.

You can find a comprehensive list of items here

[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 07-07-2005).]

Just beat the game with for the 4th time with Karen on Special Difficulty. I received the Expert Experience Level Availability in New Game.

Still no sign of wealthy… so it can’t be tied to Karen.

I recall Lamuness saying that it has to do with how many endings you have gotten.

I do remember getting Expert before Wealthy.

Just one more ending to go.

According to my FAQ which I never did finish or publish (but still want to):

You will begin the game with all the items and money you ever cleared the game
with. To unlock it, beat the game on Peasant items, and Wander difficulty or
higher. Expert experience may also be required.

Wait, there’s a Peasant level of Items when starting out or you must beat the game using solely crappy items? I’m assuming there’s a peasant level of items. Is that unlocked by beating the game on easy mode?

It may just be a condition of ending tallies. I’m on my 6th so far.

[This message has been edited by GuardianE (edited 07-08-2005).]

Should’ve clarified: peasant is the normal mode, where you start with the usual crappy stuff.


Hmh. Ahoy folks. New member to the boards here, and much as the game amuses me greatly I’ve hit upon a few unfortunate and slightly annoying problem aspects.
So far I’ve only finished the game once, with Alicia. But I intend to “catch 'em all” as it were. But about halfway into the game or so it started acting up a bit, now every time a screen is supposed to change into a CG one the game locks up and I have to press Escape or right mouse button or somesuch to move the game along. Same thing when loading/saving games. I also can’t seem to overwrite save games any more, just create new ones.
All of this is a bit annoying, but fairly minor. Not enough to kill the game or anything.

What ~is~ a bummer is the fact that my artroom doesn’t seem to update at all any more. Like I said, I’ve finished the game with Alicia, but I have no pictures in the artroom beyond the time you go for a drink with her the first time. Grr.
And yes, I have patched it up to the most recent, so I don’t think that’s the problem.

Any ideas ? And yeah, I realize this might not be the most proper thread to ask this in, but y’all seem nice and active and helpful here, so I figured I’d give it a try.


Originally posted by Noirbo:
I don't really remember but if I remember correctly...

Retrieve Ancient Scroll - Caroll
Bad Tasting Food - Karen
Magic Flute - Ruby
Recover a Lost Item in Lost Forest - Marin

For more detail, you should check out Smithy's job faq... ^_^

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 12-13-2003).]

Anybody happen to know which other missions let you get Ruby ? I'm assuming that there's more than the Flute one, since I've noticed Marin appears in at least three different missions (the one with the kids in the haunted house, the lost longsword in the lost forest, and the goblin gang elimination one). And Carroll appears in both the scroll and the book ones early in the game if memory serves. Anyways, reason I ask is because I was planning to grab Ruby as my next gal, yet first time I played the game I don't even think I got offered the Flute one, and second time around I missed it because I, dork as I am, went and selected another mission before my brain caught up and I went "Oh wait, maybe..." :P
Anyways. Help appreciated. [img][/img]

After a good chunck of time searching, I found the thread listing the missions and their information:

Find the Hidden Treasure
Recover artwork (not sure about this one)

The guide isn’t complete, though.

Ahh, grazie.
Pretty spiffy guide, if admittedly both incomplete and a tad hard to read. s But still, nice to see that someone tried to put one together.
And yeah, Hidden Treasure certainly would make sense for her. I just wimped out of taking it because Alicia insists on being a wuss and backing out of it. mutters
Thanks anyways chief.

Yep, Recover Artwork IS a Ruby mission.

Found Wealthy mode. I had just gotten Marin’s ending while playing on Crazy Difficulty (I think?) and Novice Mode. This was my 7th ending. Got all the girls, plus the Cobden/Rudy ending. Maybe it’s just after you get 7 endings or maybe after you get all the girls…

Originally posted by Benoit:
After a good chunck of time searching, I found the thread listing the missions and their information:

Find the Hidden Treasure
Recover artwork (not sure about this one)

The guide isn't complete, though.

I imagine that was a lot of work. Nice assist Benoit!


Not really.

Just to be clear, I didn’t make the guide.

I know this may sound stupid but I’m new to BS and I don’t have a clue.
1. How do you do a girls "special events"
2. How do you change girls in your party, when I played I only had Caroll in my party once, Marin twice and didn’t have Ruby AT ALL.
3. Straight after I completed the game with my characters my game crashed, do I have to start from my save point?
Cheers, post a message on here, I’ll look daily or e-mail me, you should be able to see my e-mail.

A good start would be to read the manual, if you haven’t done so yet.