C-G's Virtual-Mate?

My computer runs on XP, has broadband and I dont plan on upgrading anytime soon. Still I will not buy this game because they want me to go ONLINE to play an OFFLINE game which is something that I am against.

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
On the flip side, G-C's willingness to address our concerns (such as a patch to bypass VM) shows that G-C does care about what we, their customers, think. And they're actively seeking compromises. So I find that in itself encouraging.

Sorry, but I have another view on this:
"We are going to release a patch a year after the game's release."
"Ooops, the patch will be delayed a year after we have stopped sales on the game!"

looks to me like a simple lie.
Getting back my trust isn't THAT easy!

Also, this solution wouldn't work for me, because I would wait with my purchase UNTIL the patch is available. But then, I wouldn't be able to buy the game because it is out of print. After all, sales will then have stopped a year ago.

I know I haven’t posted in awhile because of computer crashes and upgrades, my last got really messed so I had to do full reinstall of my OS which means all of my passwords and usernames were lost. And don’t get me started on my cable internet company Two plus days of nothing. Given the problems I have had lately, I cannot see how this V-mate thing is a good thing. I will probably by their LMM (I still want PP’s LMM though) to test it out,but any other future purchases are in doubt.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
This is just going better and better!
They continue misinforming their customers for shortly calming then down and just hours later make them even more furious.

If I wouldn't have already given them a F for customer care yesterday, they now would have deserved it, making a desperate situation even worse!

Muuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I better stop talking here! A year to wait is too much!!!

If a crack comes out, you can bet i'll purchase the game only when i'll have the crack downloaded!!!!

Originally posted by Ecchifan:

On the flip side, G-C's willingness to address our concerns (such as a patch to bypass VM) shows that G-C does care about what we, their customers, think. And they're actively seeking compromises. So I find that in itself encouraging.

Still this is not enough for me. Personally i'm not satisfied at all. Read my previous post to this one, plz. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Also, this solution wouldn't work for me, because I would wait with my purchase UNTIL the patch is available. But then, I wouldn't be able to buy the game because it is out of print. After all, sales will then have stopped a year ago.
Judging by continued sales of their previous releases, it doesn't seem likely GC would end sales of a new title unless the company itself went under. And what's the likelihood that a patch will be available a year after GC goes out of business? I think the patch solution is a placebo to make people forget the "shiny coaster" scenario. The whole thing could be a fabrication, and who would be the wiser?

T_T Yup you’re right. The more i read their new statements, the more i’m convincing something is fishy.

A plain lie, after all…

Originally posted by Italicus:
If a crack comes out, you can bet i'll purchase the game only when i'll have the crack downloaded!!!!

You know, this solution would work, but it wouldn't lead their announcements and regulations as much ad absurdum as mine... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Also this shows one thing: Only going illegal would be a working solution to our predicament at all. The crack would be an illegal alteration of the original program and the only legal solution (waiting for the patch) is ruled out by their regulations because the game wouldn't be available by then.

Buying the game in advance blindly trusting that the patch WILL appear someday is somehow a big NO-NO to me... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:

Also this shows one thing: Only going illegal would be a working solution to our predicament at all. The crack would be an illegal alteration of the original program and the only legal solution (waiting for the patch) is ruled out by their regulations because the game wouldn't be available by then.

Buying the game in advance blindly trusting that the patch WILL appear someday is somehow a big NO-NO to me... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Sadly they're moving more and more people on pirates' side this way. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

I don't think there'll be so much people willing to wait a year for a "phantomatic patch" to be released. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

I do feel bad about being among the many who participated in the G-Collections survey (in choosing what game they should choose to focus on after their official release of Idols Galore) since I ended up choosing Let’s Meow Meow as the first choice- mostly because of the sheer number of “datable” characters available in the game itself, compared to all of the other games offered in that survey, rather than the fact that said “datable” characters were (mostly) cat-girls.

That being said, I think that I may have to give “Let’s Meow Meow” and its V-Mate system a pass for now.

Originally posted by perigee:
Why do you keep insisting that those with Internet access aren't inconvenienced? My laptop has wireless, ethernet and dialup hardware. It's as fully connected as possible at home. The problem arises when I'm on the road - which is quite often

In the last statement I said "those who aren't inconvinienced", and then mentioned broadband. You don't apply to either of them, as you find yourself inconvinienced and you have dial-up. I'm not saying anyone with internet isn't inconvinienced, I'm saying that those who aren't too inconvinienced (i.e. those protesting mostly on "principle") shouldn't complain so much about it.

This might differ from what I said to begin with, but that's why I'm here, after all. I don't sit in front of my PC with the universal answer to everything; I sit there with my opinion. By seeing others opinions and seeing how things work, my opinion may or may not change.

Of course, the workings of the V-Mate system is one thing (and one I don't particularly mind), the constantly changing statements from G-Collections is another. I'm debating with myself which is worse; no statements or constantly changing statements.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 10-21-2004).]

Originally posted by Italicus:
Sadly they're moving more and more people on pirates' side this way. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Please don't understand me wrong!

There is a legal alternative to piracy and I chose to take this one!
Doing without the games at all. It's not like G-C's games were top-notch, compared to all the other games that are still available in japanese...

I left the path of piracy a long time ago and no senseless decision of a company would coerce me to go there again!

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Please don't understand me wrong!

There is a legal alternative to piracy and I chose to take this one!
Doing without the games at all. It's not like G-C's games were top-notch, compared to all the other games that are still available in japanese...

I left the path of piracy a long time ago and no senseless decision of a company would coerce me to go there again!

I was not talking 'bout you. I was talking 'bout some of my friends. And, personally, if the crack is coming out for Hitomi, i'll give it a try, and not V-Mate. Sorry for them, that's it. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

It’s certainly easiest to presume that the people most vocal against anti-piracy measures are likely to be the pirates themselves.

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
I think the problem is that the "executive" staff at G-C did not think through on all the implications of their policies. If there is a MBA or attorney within this staff, he/she would have (based on the training received in graduate school) thought out the implications more clearly.

Yeah, well, I can tell you one implication of their policy right now: if there's no definitive date for patch availability THAT THEY WILL HONOR (ie. don't come back after I buy the game and say "hey, guess what, we're not releasing that patch after all") then I'm afraid I won't be buying. Damn shame, too.

Originally posted by AG3:
I'm not saying anyone with internet isn't inconvinienced, I'm saying that those who aren't too inconvinienced (i.e. those protesting mostly on "principle") shouldn't complain so much about it.

AG3, I don't want to get drawn into a debate with you. But I have something to say here. I play on PC's with net connections, so by your definition, I'm not "too inconvenienced". Protesting "on principle" is my right, and voting with my wallet is my right as well. I'm not as freaked out about it as Italicus (no offense Italicus), but this V-Mate is something I feel strongly about for 2 main reasons I've already written earlier:

First, we talk about if G-C goes under, not being able to play the games any more. Believe me, it could happen. How many English b-game companies have done just that in the last few years? Otaku, Himeya/CsWare, Hobibox Europe just to name 3 off the top of my head. And if it happens to G-C, do you really think the guys working there will give a rat's ass about whether or not we can keep playing our games as they're getting kicked to the curb? I don't think so. They're going to be more worried about finding a job. This is why I'm pushing GC to commit to a firm release date for a patch for each of their VM-enabled games before I will buy any. I don't want any $39.99 coasters, thank you very much. I get enough free ones from AOHell. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Second, I do NOT like phone-home systems checking up on me. You may make the argument that lots of other things phone-home on us, eg. credit cards, etc etc. That is a total slippery slope argument. Just because I allow credit cards to phone home, should I automatically allow my games to phone home? I already stated that I do my part against piracy - I buy the games. I don't want somebody "looking over my shoulder" every time I boot up a b-game.

Like I said, I don't want to debate you. This is my position and I'm not changing it. But I felt that you were painting all us anti-VM folks with the same brush, and I want to clarify for everyone on this board and elsewhere exactly what MY position is, and the reasoning I have for taking that position.

[This message has been edited by Nameless Mofo (edited 10-21-2004).]

Originally posted by Mozart:
It's certainly easiest to presume that the people most vocal against anti-piracy measures are likely to be the pirates themselves.

Don't take me wrong.
I'm against pirates activities, but this V-Mate left me no other choice then rely on pirate cracks after purchasing a game. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

This V-mate situation isn’t improving, and even I’m starting to feel discouraged. With the timing of patch releases still in the air, the restriction on the number of “different” computers the games can be played on, and the issue of having to give away your username/password to complete strangers just to sell a single game…if this continues, I’m not sure I’ll bother buying any of their future titles. If the situation changes…fine. But as it is, G-collections is just inconveniencing all of us (am I wrong?), business ethics aside. G-collections needs to get their act together, or I think they’re going to be in for a hard lesson on the pitfalls of making entertainment software user-unfriendly.

I think what irks me most though is that it seems WE have thought more about this issue, its consequences, and possible solutions…than THEY have. Hell, I think a number of us alone have given this more thought than they have.

shakes head Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-21-2004).]

You’re totally right.

Anyway, it seems that the unfriendly dudes are not getting discouraged by the whole story. Voice is spreading amongst bad guys, too. I fear the worst…

Nihongo, nihongo…

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 10-21-2004).]