C-G's Virtual-Mate?


Originally posted by Laslow:
I've read most of the posts here. Personally, if this system is implemented, and I decide to buy another G-C game, which I probally won't unless the system is changed, I WILL download a crack. In my mind if I buy the game legit I should be able to play it as I see fit. I think of it like playing a "mod" of a computer game. In all my life I would never have thought I would tolerate or even thank pirates for what they do, but this totally idiotic move by G-C may have me doing just that....

well one good thing that will come from this, I don't think that after all these posts that Peter will try implimenting something like this [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 10-22-2004).]

Interesting view on the use of pirates. As much as I can see and agree that pirates do a lot of harm, what you said is one of the reasons I don't think they should be fully gotten rid of (if they ever could be), we will never know when we might need them to help us be allowed to play a game we legally bought whenever we want to play it without fear of a faulty (or no) internet connection preventing us from playing it.

Okay that slightly sardonic view aside, you're right, if there is one good thing it is that such a system will likely never be seen here, so for now I guess we all can at least be thankful for that much good coming from this mess.

Originally posted by Italicus:
STRASUPERULTRAMEGAIPERLOL!!!!!!!!!!!! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
Say what?

A few days ago, I think I would have felt the impulse to buy the games and just download the cracks as well, to bypass the inconvenience that V-mate presented. Now, with G-collection’s recent behavior, I feel personally insulted. G-collections isn’t going to get a dime more out of me until they’ve taken steps to mend the hopeful trust they so flagrantly cast aside. I don’t like being left in the dark, and I don’t like being misled. And I really don’t like dealing with a business that doesn’t seem to have the foggiest notion of what is going on, both within and without.

Originally posted by papillon:
… As long as they’re not dead elves!

I’m missing a joke here, aren’t I?

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I don't like being left in the dark, and I don't like being misled. And I really don't like dealing with a business that doesn't seem to have the foggiest notion of what is going on, both within and without.
Is this lack of information typical SOP for Japanese companies when they reach a moment like this and need to find a plan of action? At least they could bounce ideas off of us and see what is the most acceptable compromise (such as two versions or a patch after six months to one year but no longer), this keeping us in the dark is slightly annoying and worrisome even if they are working on plans behind the scenes.

It is rather comical in someways that they don't seem to know a market they sell games in and when something good comes from their branch office to help sooth people's nerves it seems they pull it back because it did not come from the top offices of the home office leaving them with nothing and customers more confused then ever. So to me at least this is getting very comical, in a way that leads to many of us at least for the time being to boycott their games.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-22-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Originally posted by Italicus:
STRASUPERULTRAMEGAIPERLOL!!!!!!!!!!!! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Say what?

I was laughing loudly at what laslow posted, LOL!!!!! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 10-22-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:

Interesting view on the use of pirates. As much as I can see and agree that pirates do a lot of harm, what you said is one of the reasons I don't think they should be fully gotten rid of (if they ever could be), we will never know when we might need them to help us be allowed to play a game we legally bought whenever we want to play it without fear of a faulty (or no) internet connection preventing us from playing it.

Okay that slightly sardonic view aside, you're right, if there is one good thing it is that such a system will likely never be seen here, so for now I guess we all can at least be thankful for that much good coming from this mess.

Hey, i had that idea previously of him, mmmkay? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Kidding. Anyway, it is sad *****************************..... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 10-23-2004).]

Originally posted by Italicus:
Kidding. Anyway, it is sad we are now forced to rely on bad guys instead of the good ones if we want to play with a non V-Mated system..... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]
A question comes to mind but it might not be the right time to ask it. Yet on the issue of 'bad guys' I think so long as they (the pirates) are not stealing or aiding in the theft of programs (the game itself) it's more of a gray area if they are the bad guys or not, but you are right it is sad that even those that stand against piracy are thinking of legally buying the game and then getting a crack of the V-Mate system.

Which is partly why I think it is simpler to just boycott for the time, avoids any possible 'moral' dilemmas about this issue.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Interesting view on the use of pirates. As much as I can see and agree that pirates do a lot of harm, what you said is one of the reasons I don't think they should be fully gotten rid of (if they ever could be), we will never know when we might need them to help us be allowed to play a game we legally bought whenever we want to play it without fear of a faulty (or no) internet connection preventing us from playing it.

I agree. Piracy does have its uses occasionally. Hacker piracy (as opposed to distribution of full products) came about as a sort of protest against big business, you could say. Corporate juggernauts like Microsoft, when left unchecked, have a tendency to infringe on the rights of the consumer if it'll net more profits (I personally think that having to buy a new $100 Windows XP CD for every computer you own is a load of bull). Pirates provide an alternative when companies like Microsoft get a little too big for their britches. I'm not denying that piracy causes a great deal of problems for companies and their consumers, but I think we shouldn't let ourselves become too set in our blanket view of it as "Satan's work," or some such. I somehow doubt all pirates are selfish bastards who solely dedicate themselves to spreading anarchy and toppling capitalism. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-22-2004).]

The VM launcher is a separate program, as I’ve pointed out just now on the G-collections board.

Edit: Removed a statement that might be considered inappropriate.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-23-2004).]

There you go then, they can either crack the system or study it and create a program to trick it, whichever they find easier, once again not that I support either efforts. Now a new question is what will be out first, G-Collections response and possible solution or the crack of the V-Mate system?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-23-2004).]

I wonder how big/small the patches going to be? Not all of us are fortunate enough to have good/speedy connections… and a one year wait for a friggin’ patch is downright ridiculous…

Originally posted by rowena:
I wonder how big/small the patches going to be? Not all of us are fortunate enough to have good/speedy connections... and a one year wait for a friggin' patch is downright ridiculous...

I thought they retracted the statement of offical patches? Or am I missing new news?

@ Laslow

Yes. Now the patch release time is in limbo.

No sure time, for sure no game on no connected PC.

alright guys, you are pushing it… discussing ways to go around the vmate system. even though it doesnt directly affect peapri, i cannot endorse any discussion like this. italicus (and others), i ask all of you to stop discussing about this crack; you guys are getting too detailed and technical regarding how to go about this crack and i cannot let you guys go any further with this here, REGARDLESS OF REASON. whether you hate vmate or not is none of my concern, and i cannot control what you guys do in your lives and outside of this bbs and how you reverse-enginneer stuff on your own, but i cannot allow any discussions like this on my turf since this is a company bbs.

i really should have stopped italicus before he talks too much about this…i guess i was being a bit too lenient and underestimated him.

i can see how this can be a gray area given how people are upset with the vmate system, but as a company bbs, we have to work on a more black-and-white fashion, especially on piracy or anything that tempers with the products we currently sell/will sell. if you must, please discuss this amongst yourselves OUTSIDE of this bbs.

…and please dont give me any “freedom of speech” crap on this. before you start complaining, consider this: i dare you discuss about cracking the vmate system on gc’s bbs. if they turn a blind eye, then fine i will let you continue. but until then, i am afraid it’s a no-no.

i may have to resort to some serious editing/deleting (regarding personal attacks/insults and discussions on the possible crack) on some of the posts on this thread, but i wont do it until i wake up in the morning. so for those of you who are reading this, please edit your posts, or i will do it for you first thing in the morning. consider this as a warning.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-23-2004).]

I edited almost all of my incriminated posts, Lamuness-sama.
And please believe me i’m sorry i’ve put on a discussion like that on your BBS. I guess in my rage against V-Mate i went too far and crossed a border i shouldn’t have crossed.

@ everybody

Lamuness-sama is right.

PLZ active your e-mails.

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 10-23-2004).]

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 10-23-2004).]

I’m sorry if you felt we were out of line, Lamuness. I don’t think I posted anything technical, though I did post a philosophy on piracy that some may take exception to. I’m not sure what else you find unacceptable regarding our discussion of piracy, so you may edit my posts if you feel it is necessary.

thank you for your cooperation, italicus; i really appreciate it.

(well, no need for me to write the second line anymore)

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-23-2004).]

talking philosophical stuff about piracy (as in how it may actually benefit people, as an example) is fine by me. people simply posting “i hate vmate, i will just wait for a crack to come out” is also fine by me. however, specifically talking about actual ways to come around vmate or providing info for such i am against.

see the difference? i deleted one of nandemonai’s posts yesterday for this exact reason.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-23-2004).]

One day i’ll tell you how i bashed several “Kana” pirates, Lamuness-sama… kidding, i don’t want them to identify me.