Cosplay Fetish Academy discussion and questions

So does that mean we can consider it ‘released’?

Basically. It means that they’ve started processing orders to ship the game to people who preordered it. Usually this is accompanied by a news announcement – no, scratch that. Every other time in the past this has happened, there has been an announcement. So the lack of an announcement is kind of odd … but we’ve already basically been tipped off that PP is busy with getting ready for con season.

I’d expect a announcement either tomorrow or when ever they start shipping the game. But then again anything could happen.

Yeah, I would imagine that the announcement will happen tomorrow when the next J-List newsletter is released.

Actually ive noticed a trend over a past few years, and this will explain it i bet, Peach Princess isnt a big company, so only a few people do this, they ship out the pre-orders first then make an announcement, so i wonder if they had a few more pre-orders or got them back(from the copier) late in the day so they didnt have time, but they usually ship out the pre-orders then update to the world. its a trend you will notice from now on, since i pointed it out.

As a kinda after thought, i wonder what kinda office they have, if its not in the corner of peter’s 8X8 studio apartment that is :lol:

as long as they game ships before fathers day i meets the website’s spring release date

Yeah, got my e-mail today telling me it was shipping.

I must say, I’ve been looking forward to this game the most out of the games that have been announced in the last three years by PeaPri.

Sex romps are my favorite type of h-game, and what really put CFA over the top for me were the shots of Yuuki being “seduced” by the teacher. I doubt anything in the game will be able to top the awesomeness of the original bus scene from X-Change, but here’s hoping.

Let’s just hope this isn’t like Tokimiki Check-In where there are scenes like the one where you and the short-haired cook girl get into an argument and get lectured at by the old man and it takes literally five minutes on “skip mode” to get through all the text and get back to the h-scenes.

I do agree that scene dragged a bit, but I’m not a fan of sex romps, mostly because I tend to find the stories more engaging. However, unlike some feminists, I think its okay to like whatever you want to do in your own home with your own fantasies.

the game is listed as on sale on the peach princess site has anyone got shipping confirmation yet

just got the new jast news letter they say it is shipping

You never know … ‘packaging’ is a programming term meaning ‘to turn a bunch of source code into an executable that can actaully be run and/or installed’ :slight_smile:

i here lots of sites saying the game is shipping but has anyone got a shipping email yet

Just got my confirmation that it’s getting shipped within 24 hrs. Always find it amusing that even though I live in San Diego it still has to be “shipped” to me. Heck take off shipping and I’ll drive down there to pick it up myself.

cool first confirmation

cool. Great release, finally :slight_smile:

I pre-ordered this game and got an e-mail saying it was paid and ready to ship but it hasn’t shipped yet. How long does it normally take for it to ship out after you receive this e-mail?

from what i can tell
it depends on the when you pre-ordered and how you pre-ordered

Got my copy today, and if anyone wants to know it is using software defender. Furthermore very early it again states that Shana and Yuuki are twins, and the manual confirms them to both be 19, instead of 18 and 19 as it was before.

my problem with software defender is that my laptop has no internet connect and the computer that does i share with 3 other people(manly 1 other but the other 2 might need to use it at any given time and i don’t have the money to get it fixed or the storage space to put all the data if it needs to be cleared and the place were i bought it from (circuit city) went under and i don’t want to send it sony because i don’t know how much time it would be gone for

so how is the game so far

I pre-ordered mine a long time ago, about the same time they first put the downhill night games on their web-site. I received the e-mail paid and ready to ship on May 17 about 2:00 AM (EST) but it hasn’t shipped yet. Should I e-mail them and find out what’s happening? I’ve off from work next week and I wanted to play it while I was off.