Cosplay Fetish Academy discussion and questions

I got to play alittle of this game, I started 2 games on Yuuki and Shana paths, nearly complete on both but not quite yet. Yuuki’s path so far isn’t bad, don’t like shana’s too much atm though, hope the other paths are better

*Edit: Started a game on Kotori’s path, and I enjoy it more than the other 2 so far

Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I just got around to playing this game and I just felt like making some comments.

Nice game for a sex romp, though I’m really not hard to please. The art is fantastic, I love it. I wasn’t a huge fan of all the girls and scenarios, but it had enough of what I like to make it quite enjoyable to me. Yuuki’s confession scene I found to be my favorite, probably the most touching scene in the game, plus I really like the music that goes along with it. It’s unfortunate that this is the type of game I’ll put away and probably never play again, but such is the way of gaming. I got a good amount of entertainment out of it and that makes it all worthwhile to me in the end. I now peer over at the stack of unbeaten games on my desk, which I will be adding two more to in the next few days, it’s kind of sad, but I’ll get to them all. Afterall, I just took about a 10 month break from erogames, but in the past 10 days I got an inkling, and played through 2 completely, and finished one I was only partway through.

Well, this is a solid game, and I am happy to have played it. Much love to Yuuki and Shana, heh. Well, off to probably Moero Downhill Night with me.

Glad you enjoyed it as well. I thought I might not play it again as well, but the light-hearted nature of the game sucked me back in like Snow Sakura did. I -wouldn’t call this game a pure sex-romp either. The story is a nice little romantic comedy. Granted the harem endings are pure tittilation, but the one girl routes are quite satisfying.

Just started playing this game.

My only complaint is that when you start the game you have to wait through the whole opening movie before you can do anything there.

There should be a way to bypass the movie and go straight to the load menu too.

I find that if I just point my cursor anywhere on the screen and click, you go straight to the title menu. Works the same way with most games.

Some games, like AliceSoft games, force you to watch the OP through the first time round, then allow you to skip it on subsequent times. I really wish they wouldn’t do this - if I want to skip the damn OP, let me skip it. AliceSoft OPs are usually really boring too.

It’s a bit buggy at times. Sometimes it’ll respond to a single mouse click, other times I’d have to spam keys before there’s any effect whatsoever.

I always give the movie a watch my first play through. No reason not too, and they’re usually not too long. But if it didn’t let me skip it the next time around, I’d be pissed. I don’t think I’ve ran into a game that made you watch the movie every time though. That would most likely piss off a lot of gamers.

Okay, at one point in the game Yuuki and Ryouji use a code phrase ‘Tairano Masakado Rebellion’ to hide from Shana their after school orgies with Miwa. Ryouji points out that the kanji for ‘rebellion’ is the same as that used in ‘orgy.’ Can some kanji-literate person show me what that looks like? My dictionaries are of no help and Babelfish usually just adds to my confusion.


(if that seriously doesn’t appear in your dictionary throw your dictionary out right now)

EDIT: On rereading I realised that you probably had trouble finding ?? to know that it was one of the component kanji used. Far less likely to appear in a dictionary.

Nothing beats loving like having an orgy with your cousins. And teacher. And your cousins friend. And your brothers girlfriend. That was a pretty fun way to end the game.

I think you were right the first time. I need to find a better dictionary. Even my NTC kanji dictionary fails to list the above combination, which leaves me scratchiing my head. How is that pronounced? “Rankoo”? You know, when I asked Babelfish to translate “orgy,” it gave me “o-[two kanji I don’t know]-ri-gi,” which I think is just the sound of the word “orgy” transliterated to a combination of hirigana and kanji. This is mighty goofy, if you ask me. Shouldn’t that have been in katakana?

So what does “rankoo(?)” mean literally? “Rebellious intercourse?” Sounds apt.

i am surprised to here from the interview that it may have sold more than princess waltz

Well, it was a pretty good game. For a sex romp, anyhow. Us Americans like our sex, dammit!

It is quite fun to play with, and much better than previous Sekilala releases (I compared this with come to see me tonight series, slave pageant and idols galore) in term of story. Here is hoping for better releases from SL.

Just FYI for anyone who might want this game and is on the fence, has it on sale for 19.99 currently. There’s a couple of other good deals as well. Definitely worth checking out.

So far I’ve done two out of the four endings. I loved the Yuuki ending…the graphics were wonderful for her. I was also enjoying the Maika storyline until the ending. The ending seemed too abrupt for me. There was, to use a phrase, “no climax” to this storyline. I’ll probably go through to find the Kotori story next, with the Shana as the final storyline.

This is a great game, I’d at least give it a B+, an A- at the most…but just something about the lack of ending for the Maika makes me confused. It would have been interesting, at least to me, if Maika had found a way to send the characters back to the original universe¬Öand the main character staying behind to be with the Cosplay universe’s Maika.

Of course there’s also the fact that I’m trying to figure out how the characters popped from one universe to a parallel universe. Tachyon particles? Neutrino particles? Maybe there was some kind of antimatter explosion that caused a rift? Maybe there was a meeting of baryonic particles and nonbaryonic particles…just the science geek questions in me…

just say it is magic and you will be happy
the only way to get maika is the harem end

That’s strange…I was able to get her by her own path. I haven’t gotten the harem ending yet. Hm…

I love this game. I was one of those who had some issues in getting my pre-order, but that extra month of headaches was well worth it. Despite being a sex romp at points, this game has so much heart and fun. The story, while a bit absurd is just a great time with some interesting plays on common issues. Even with another run through again, the charm of this game just grows.

Not sure which girl is my favourite though, they all have an appeal that is different.