Demonbane official thread (new)

Did you download the fixed movies from this thread?

I’ve only played Al Azif’s route so far though… So if there are more videos that have problems, tell me what chapter and which route…

Sorry dont know what route or chapter this movie plays in…


I decided to test all the movies with windows media player… after I got the zip file with the updated movies,that movie had issues with playback.

edit: i fixed that movie using solution 1 for myself thou.

Oh, man! It was so obvious! HOW did I overlook that… in any case thanks a lot, man.

I just got my copy of the game. Is it normal for characters, after chapter 1, to be not voiced?

I just wanted to say I really enjoyed this. The packaging was very cool as well. I’ll certainly be looking forward to future Nitro+ releases.

Yes, this is normal. The game is only partially voiced.

there is a full voice patch if you can find it

That’s an unofficial patch that’s ports the voices from the PS2 game. I rather not use it since it might mess up the original voices or the game itself.

I just got my copy and the dvd was inserted upside down and lots of minor scratches on it. Luckily it installed fine so I’m good, but I was kind of pissed when I first opened the case and saw it in there like that. Enjoying the game so far, but I’m just scratching the surface I think.

Upside down?! That’s a new one… Glad it installs fine though!

Hi, we’ll gladly send a replacement disc, can you open a ticket to about this? Yes, we’re not happy with the cases used for this game at all.

Thanks. I have been playing to make sure everything is fine, and my copy has worked well so far so I think I should be all right. Thank you very much for the offer.

I know I’m pretty late but I’ve really enjoyed the game. I’ve got Al and Ruri’s normal and good endings so far. I’ve got to say, the music is probably the best out of all visual novels I’ve played. It’s really good. It definitely adds to the epic feeling of the story. Also like the way that everything ties together. Specifically Ruri’s ending revealing that Kurou is in fact Hadou Kouzou. It makes some of the bits and pieces you get earlier in the story make more sense.

^ I agree, really good music and the various routes tie together nicely. Leica’s path is really good too

i never played lieca’s route since right before i got to it my computer crashed could anyone give me a synopsis

Unlike Al and Ruri routes Leica has no choices once you get on her route (no bad ending or anything). I think in general it is probably the “craziest” route. My synopsis is going to make very little sense but here we go:

It has a lot of focus on Leica (Metatron) and Sandalphon, her brother (named Ryugaa). Sandalphon gets a ton of screentime in this route. Vespasianus is in this one a lot more as well since he was in charge of the project that Leica and Ryugaa were test subjects for. Dr. West makes a motorcycle with pages from the Pnumonic manuscripts for a power source and Sandalphon proceeds to be a badass and destroy deus machina with it. Tiberius brings Claudius back as a zombie after Claudius is killed by Kurou and then zombie Claudius fights Kuro. Then Tiberius pilots Demonbane to kill Kuro but Kurou gets Demonbane back and breaks his face and Sandalphon burns his grimoire which kills him for good. Leica is captured and used as the core of Cthulu and has some fun with tentacles. Sandalphon pilots Liber Legis and fights Kuro in the place of Master Therion. Then kurou and leica team up against nya kinda and win by destroying the Master Therion fetus which messes up Nya’s plan. Then they go back to arkam and only Kurou remembers anything that happened.

Left out a lot of things but yeah basically a lot of stuff happens. lol

In many eroges with 3 main heroines/routes the third/last one tends to diverge the most from the original. The first 2 routes are almost like 2 sides of the same coin. The third route is sometimes harder to attain or complete. Personally I liked Leica’s route the most since it was probably the darkest and heart-wrenching. Leica arguably suffered the most physically and emotionally among the 3 heroines whom I sympathize with.

Any word on when that patch will be issued to fix the issues with this game? from translations to typos to the movie encodes?

In my opinion this title may do better by omitting the animated scenes. They look like footage of 90’s anime show. And what’s with the scream “DAAY… MOOOAN… BAAAYNE…” ?

Anyway other aspects are good as I have expected (and I had high expectation due to this title being hot topic for more than a year). Good story, lots of action scenes, nice art and music. And it’s in English too, so yeah… I’m a happy guy.

I actualy thought that was part of its charm. The nostalgia went through the roof particularly when I saw that dinosaur fight. I felt like watching Ultraman all over again. :smiley:

I love this game! Just finished Al’s route and I’m about to go back for the others. To be honest I usually like my VNs quite sex heavy, but in this case I wouldn’t have given a damn if the scenes weren’t there. Good characters, good story, good art, and good music! Translate the sequel damn it!