Demonbane summer 2010 release

Does the game at least portray the Lovecraft elements better than Black Cyc’s Cthulhu did?

Never played the latter game, so I can’t draw exact conclusion. This game is about overcoming Lovecraftian cosmic odds with willpower and love. Kinda typical super robot theme, but on far greater scale. (To be honest, I haven’t read many Lovecraft works.)

If you’re after a serious and comprehensive treatment of Lovecraft, Demonbane isn’t the eroge for you. Actually there probably isn’t an eroge for you, unfortunately.

Kinda yes and no. The two prequel novels have dark theme, close to original Lovecraftian theme. Then again, overcoming impossible odds like Lovecraftian cosmic horror isn’t a bad idea.

I’m not expecting that for Demonbane, I’m just hoping that the story uses the Lovecraft stuff as more than just name drops like Cthulhu did. I’m also hoping for a better written story, likable characters, villains I can actually take seriously, better action, and better ero scenes than Cthulhu.

Besides, the Lovecraft stuff is only one element getting my interest (I’m only an amateur fan anyway since I only started reading some of his short stories several months ago). First and foremost, I’m interested in this eroge because it’s the first giant robot themed eroge to come out in english officially and that’s more than enough reason for a giant robot nut like myself.

So what’s the game more like:
Getter Robo series
Gao Gai Gar series
Gatchaman/G Force series
G Gundam
Mazinger series
Gurenn Lagan

Getter and TTGL since Demonbane deals with cosmic horror.

shingo any change this will be out before koihime muso (Jan 31, 2011)

Eroge, movie, TV series, or video game…hell, no entertainment medium can compare to the opium induced ravings of the genius that is Lovecraft.

This would strongly depend on how you class ‘better’. One thing to remember is that, above all, it IS a nitroplus title. While this carries a number of implications, many of them positive, it also means the eroscenes are on the whole crap and Demonbane is no exception. Now, that said, if better = longer, Demonbane shouldn’t disappoint, with one extremely long H scene that compares with some of the longest ones in eroge-- and it’s probably better than anything in BLACK CYC’s Cthulhu.

And since we’ve been discussing Lovecraft: … lhu-parody

The irony is… he feared real life more than imagination. He admitted he felt rage and horror whenever he saw different races on the street. Then, his wife kept mentioning that she was a jews herself. Sometimes, reality is more terrifying than what we can find from fiction. If he didn’t suffer childhood tragic, we may not have seen his work like today.

I thought Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night had better ero scenes than Cthulhu (quite an achievement on Black Cyc’s part to making worse ero scenes than Nasu).

How is that even possible?

If artists fail hard at drawing natural body proportion. That’s how.

Kishingtaido translation at 50%

demonbane isn’t a very ero based game it is more story based

Just like Fate/Stay night. Most people don’t play Fate/Stay for H-scene. They think those are just bonus. Same to Demonbane. And prequel novels are pretty good too.

Not one of Fate/Stay night’s eroge scenes would be considered “bonuses” they where all awkward and just plain weird… “Ohh Shirou, I lack mana, would you please give me your sperm!?”

Same can be said about Demonbane. Tentacle rape, etc.

Many of Eushully’s games use this premise to good effect.