Demonbane summer 2010 release

Just saying that from watching the “Unlimited Blade Works” movie, that aspect of the story made a hell of a lot more sense then it did in the eroge… I’m pretty sure the movie was staying true to the all ages version, but I personally liked that fact.

If you wanted to establish a sexual relationship between the Rin and Shirou, one could have done it easily, as it was pretty obvious that they felt something towards one another in both the virtual novel and the movie. So it wouldn’t have been that weird that they’d hook up without the excuse of “sexual mana!” but plain “Oh Shirou, I may not be able to see you again after this, lets shag!” instead. (well forgive me, I’m not that experienced in writing novels ;))

There was some eye candy in it though, so it wasn’t all bad… but it definitely took a while to get rid of the initiate giggles.

By “bonus”, you mean “skipped and forgotten”, right? As much as I like HF and Azifu, Swatty-sama, please, save me from the ero-scenes (though at least the HF ero-scenes make some sense).
It’s like, you know, the ero-scenes in ToHeart or ToHeart2, you’d rather forget they even exist.

some story based games have that problem some people said the ones in princess waltz were out of place some of the rape ends in soul link really don’t make sense
even some of them in suika weren’t needed

It’s a known but inevitable problem, though, as the industry is so small that any single copy bought is useful to help the company survive. I mean, even KEY of all companies tried with full non-erotic games and had to go back to copies with erotic contents. One could say that one can skip what exists but not create what doesn’t…
So, yeah, as artificial as some ero scenes are, they’re a necessity to get a few more copies sold, no matter how completely unnecessary they are to the game. Primary example: ToHeart2. Some of us all knows all know how some ero-scenes left a sour taste rather than the non-ero version.

Well I wouldn’t call em “unnecessary” considering it is the marked we’re in, but I do think that they could make em less awkward. There should be a ton of different angles on how to initiate an ero-scene, making excuses such as it’s necessary as a plot to bring down something… well that’s just weak from my point of view.

Since we talked about Fate series, here is something related.

This game needed to have been out yesterday. I need my fix of the Dark Side* in English. :stuck_out_tongue:

Help me, Darth Payne, you’re my (almost)** only hope.

[size=1]* Dark Side as in dark themed plot, not necessarily Dark Side as in dark violence and gore: though I’m not complaining for more of that either.[/size]

[size=1]** MangaGamer has been feeding my addiction so far.[/size]

It seems getting new engine test takes longer than expected. We gotta wait till December.

And I would recommend anyone to stay away from anime version of this game. Cut tons of stuff from original game. Hell, even Nitro+ themselves made fun of this in one of drama cds.

i don’t think it is the engine i think nitro+ is doing their own shit and working on demonbane in their spar time

I thought they were working on 3rd Demonbane game in their spare time while working on other major title.
I don’t know what’s so big deal about getting it done.

they moved their offices i have no idea how long that could take then they have to insert the uncensored cg’s and english script and change the unicode

i just saw some screenshots and it seems there were certain censorship like invisible penis. I coudl be wrong though.

those weren’t the uncensored one that is just from the censored version
there are quite a few invisible penis h-scenes oh and there is futa in the game as well

You mean

futa in bad ending?

So you played Japanese version already or what?

I think it’s likely that the US version of Demonbane is the very last priority for Nitro+. Unfortunately, that translates into a fairly lengthy delay :frowning:

Isn’t that because Nitro+ is not sure about success of their first title here? Eroge has always been minor genre. And in especially countries like USA, there isn’t guarantee for success.

My main worry is that Nitro+ decides to cancel the release in favor of focusing on projects they consider more important and/or to save money.

they are required to do it
not releasing demonbane to jast could get nitro+ sued for breach of contract

Since Jast USA reports they’re completely done with their work, and all they need is Nitro+ to finish up and then the game can be released … I doubt very much that Nitro+ would cancel. To do so after Jast did all that work would be extremely impolite.

Besides, if worst comes to worst, there are two ways out. First, Jast would probably be willing to pay Nitro+ more money to get them to finish up the job; Jast has already sunk all that cash into the project, and so it makes sense to throw a little more to get something releasable. Second, Jast could get some of the Nitro+ fansubbers to take the completed work, and patch it into the existing Demonbane; they could then get Nitro+ to approve them selling the game plus patch.

The delay’s only been a couple of months – two months past the end of “summer 2010”. If it goes another six months and no new word … it might be time to start worrying. It’s not time yet. Nitroplus could still be working on their new engine.

It is very unlikely Jast would actually sue, for two reasons.

  1. The success of this joint venture requires Nitroplus’ cooperation. If Nitroplus doesn’t want to proceed anymore, but Jast tries to force them to continue, the relationship will be so poisonous that nothing useful will be the end result anyway. This might get Demonbane released, but Nitroplus would never be willing to even consider working with Jast ever again, on anything.

  2. Suing your business partners is always a last resort, because it sends signals to other potential business partners. If Jast were to sue Nitroplus, win or lose, other h-game makers are going to know what’s up. They’ll be less likely to want to do business with someone who might turn around and sue them. That could be fatal to Jast in the long run.