Demonbane summer 2010 release

Yeah, they only mentioned that a ship date will be announced this week. Not that it will be shipping this week. It is possible we may have to wait another week or two. My impression is that the packaging and the disc press are considered separate, and they are probably putting it all together themselves or something.

i hope we get word soon i would rather have it without the swag if it will take longer because of it

Update is up. Apparently the golden master disappeared into the ether in between Jast shipping it and the replication company receiving it >_< So now it will be a few weeks at least :frowning:

Uh what?

They have to have their disc printing done in Japan? That sounds like a bunch of BS to me. It went golden Master on Feb 23. You’re telling me it took that long for it to “arrive” to their replication company. I’ve done international shipping before and it doesn’t take that long either; even if Nitro+ got the word that its all good JAST could have had them send it. What is JAST sending their golden master via Pigeon mail?

The timing and date is very odd. Earthquake happened on March 11th, and they went golden master on Feb 23. They had a post last week talking about the packaging being done this week, and now even the packaging isn’t done. They could of done a mockup. Everything sounds off if you ask me. At least I was right about one thing, my statement that for any JAST Golden master you should tack on an extra month to what they predict.

I think you’re misunderstanding something. I’m pretty sure JAST does disc replication in San Diego. The problem is that JAST USA is not in San Diego- JAST USA is in Japan. Shipping the stuff FROM Japan caused the problems. Now, the replication company would have its own backlog of discs to press and JAST probably had a particular schedule organised and sent the disc in advance of this date, then assumed everything was going to order, although in actual fact the disc never arrived at the replicators.

To be honest the main thing I find odd is that we’re mailing the master disc to the replication company. In my own experience with replicators I’ve sent the data to them over the Internet, but different companies work in different ways.

Ok, but it still doesn’t make sense why it would take 15 days for their master disc to to reach the replication company. If they sent it out on February 23rd, that is MORE than enough time to get out of the country of Japan. The same applies if they sent it out on the 28th. It doesn’t make sense. I have gotten stuff from Japan before and I’m not on the coast and it still took less time than that.

According to their post, the replication company (who is based in San Diego according to you) isn’t anywhere near the earthquake. Why would they lose it even with tracking data suggesting they got it.

I’ve worked in a factory like the one described. It’s quite easy to lose track of things, honestly. Lots of moving parts and dark corners and piles upon piles of orders both incoming and outgoing, very easy for a parcel to slip behind the dock or into a wrong mailer sack and you never see it again. Now as it was listed as arriving it surely made it as far as the replicators and if they lost it you can’t blame JAST for their screwup. But were I in Mr. Payne’s shoes I might not be so keen on continuing by business with someone who dropped the ball on something so important.

Well, better slow than sorry… As long as there are no strange issues I’m happy to wait just a little longer.

This will be sort of a limited edition right? I wonder if MangaGamer’s Da Capo LE or this one will be better put together…
My bet is on Demonbane. (Da Capo LE had some small issues that bothered me, like it had no autorun or menu that launches for the game when you put it in. Instead you have to hunt for setup.exe on the disc. Also slightly annoying, their install directory varies every single release… I have a MANGAGAMER directory, manga gamer, Circus … etc) Also, the game itself was a copy of the digital version… complete with a few of the same issues : Untranslated song titles, strange sound click at the beginning of the first song you hear in the game, each time it loops. I dunno, little stuff like that bothers me… But, at least they did a nice job with the DVD cases, and art book :smiley: Oh, also the OST that comes with it, is missing about 10 songs from the game… kinda annoying…

Anyways I’m dying to see how this release, and artbook will compare… (looking at the pictures in the update, it looks like the artbook will be smaller than mangagamer’s. Probably going to be a pamphlet type as well…? Art Book or Art Booklet?

Ah, but I must take into consideration this release is 14$ less than the Da Capo release… So, this isn’t really a LE, but some bonuses are thrown in… Anyways can’t wait to review it.

It’s likely a polite fiction to save face on the part of either Jast USA or the replication firm. As TubeSockWarrior posted, it’s likely that they DID get it, and simply lost it.

Of course, it could also be that the package was stolen close to its intended destination, and someone in the shipping company fraudulently filled out tracking information. (I doubt this, as the tracking info is I think generally embedded on barcodes that have to be scanned, not on anything that a UPS guy could - or even has time to! - manually enter into anything.)

True that. Stories like this one are … well, “common” would be an exaggeration - but this is far from the only example of the Post Office mysteriously discovering a letter that had been lost 15 years earlier. There was another example I recall (but sadly can’t find proof of) where the letter was at least half a century old, and was found because they were doing a complete renovation of the Post Office, including ripping out much of the equipment, and they found it.

I’ve worked in a factory too. Stuff like this causes things to hit the fan pretty quickly. We used bar-code scanners on pretty much EVERYTHING. If something is wrong or missing, the scanner WILL let you know. This technology isn’t exactly new either and lots of places have it.

I still find the whole thing fishy especially since they threw in mention of the quake. I suppose the quake is their scapegoat this time around.

It doesn’t take 15 days for shipment to leave the country especially one as small as Japan, and not only that it seems like it DID arrive in San Diego and that everything was going right. Did they just look at their “tracking information” and go “yep, no need to look further into it. It’s all going good”. I may be coming off harsh here, but JAST is a business and I have not seen one drop the ball as much as JAST does consistently. It makes me question the ability of the person who is making their business decisions (This could be Peter, but it could be someone else too). It seems that JAST needs to look over their business practices again. Perhaps it would be wise to examine how larger companies do their practices and take note.

o man i was so looking forward to it … i really hope i can get my copy before june

Wish they would just release the digital version already, wouldn’t have to put up with all the bs surrounding the packaged version. Why make us, who just want the game suffer for those who need packaging. With ‘mainstream’ games sure they may have digital downloads out/unlocked around the same time as the hard copies release, but that’s only fine b/c they have a concrete release. Where as with Demonbane i’m sure a digital copy could have been out end of March if not earlier instead we have to wait until the end of April which may be pushed back even further, truly ridiculous. :End Rant:

Wonder if MangaGamer will release yet another game before Demonbane is released. ;p

A package a friend sent me once from Japan (airmail) took SIX MONTHS to reach me, in France. I once sent a friend in Japan an X’Mas card. He received it in JULY.
Don’t under-estimate any postal service’s ability to fuck up.

Once ordered an eroge in 2007, turned up in 2009.

I use EMS now =P

The EMS you mean is from this?

How much it costs?

Too much

uh wow.

Well according to this we’ll be getting Demonbane at the end of April:

Only time will tell if that’s going to be so

silly not even jast knows when games will come out

Post Office was playing it for a while?

Longest shipping I had with some figures was half a year.
And then the nerve to charge me taxes for it, hmpf.