Demonbane summer 2010 release

Just making sure…
Through J-List, to satisfy my materialistic nature, the “Shrinkwrapped DVD-Rom” option will get me my case and mini artbook, correct?
Not the Internet Download/Preorder/ships 1 week after CD-rom? (How does an internet download ship? Or is it both?)

As I picked the first option all those months ago.

For new games the internet option is sent to you as an email link some time after the preorder versions are shipped. Since you chose the shrinkwrap version you get the physical disc. As I understand, the minibook and slipcase are limited edition items the preorder customers get as supply allows, and those will be a part of your order when it finally ships.

yep first printed dvds will include case and manual

What if I preordered on Rightstuf? (fo the cheaper price)

the first printed dvds will come with case and manual so yes youll get it as well if you order from rightstuf before they all sell out

I actually emailed Rightstuf customer service about this and they said:

But maybe they just didn’t know what they were talking about.

From Jlist 'Deus Machina Demonbane preorder (Internet Download [preorder] - ships 1 week after CD-ROM arrives) ’

So the download edition won’t be available until a week after physical copies ship? Seriously? ‘ships 1 week after CD-ROM arrives’ arrives at destination or cd-rom arrives for shipping at their factory?

And so its journey begins.

Same, cannot wait xD


I am not that familiar with Rightstuf, but knowing that the first releases are said to be with extras I’d assume the initial stock Rightstuf would get would have those extras. Not like it was promoted to be a store exclusive like some main stream game limited releases. I’m leaning towards it being a mistake.

Anyways, I haven’t gotten my processed email. I had to email them to update my thing, so I am hoping I get it at the same time as others.

Sounds like they are shipping :smiley: And the booklet is probably inside the case…>?

I tried to contact them in time about my information changing, but it seemed I was too late. I had to retry my order. If it really is shipping then I won’t get it when everyone else does. Also, it would really suck if that is so because then I think I’d miss out on the preorder bonus for reordering, haha.

Well, I asked about the May 15 est. shipping date on rightstuff and

“At this time, we have the expected availability date for the item as May 15th. Unfortunately, we are expecting a small quantity of the item. The remainder of the product that we are expecting, does not have any availability date at this time. We have to rely on the Manufacturer to release the product.”

So hopefully, having preordered it quite early on (hopefully, I did it during Late Nov 2010), I hope I’ll get the 1st shipment.

Yeah, it should be the manual/mini artbook inside the case.

so just one person got any thing saying they are shipping

I got my shipping confirmation today as well. Now to see how many days it will take to get to me when I could just drive to their warehouse in about thirty minutes.

My preorder was relatively late in the process, so I will probably be getting my shipping notification towards the end of the week. I hope the game gets here before ACen, that way I can install it on the laptop and play it some while manning the video rooms at ACen.

Lol, this is probably not gonna end up well for me. As the timeline of events for me was:

9:30am EST, OH MAI GAH, worried that rightstuf ver. won’t have booklet.

9:54am, pre-orders Jlist ver of Demonbane while firing off another email to rightstuff regarding booklet infor and etc,

12:30, decides that its probably not worth it changing vendors and sends of cancellation email to Jlist.

5:34, have not recieved an email from jlist confirm cancellation.

I’ll lol if I get two copies.

So what do you guys think I should do? Cancel the rightstuf one now (as I might not even get it by May 15) and un-cancel the pre-order for Demonbane on Jlist once they recieved by first preorder cancellation email.

Or what?

I might get two copies as well from what happened in the situation I talked about. I hope one is canceled and I’d get the other given I realized what was happening late yesterday at the date that they asked for all updates to be filled before.

Just cancel the Rightstuf one now if you really have to have extras. I can’t remember the details, but if I recall correctly I think the book was only a few pages, yeah? I hope my reorder gets extras even if I don’t think it is that big of a deal. Your Rightstuf preorder must have been a good deal at least if you decide to keep it. I remember it being more than a fourth off the price when I checked way back.