Demonbane summer 2010 release

This is actually true.

Although I only let people I know well hold them up for me. It’s such a RELIEF! :slight_smile:

Cute girls there!:slight_smile:

Really cute girls!:slight_smile:

Some cute girls!:slight_smile:


To me the cutest girl in all everything is Hikaru Shidou, she’s the best ever!^^ ^^ ^^^^

that’s not even a character in demonbane >_>

for all its worth

it is not that the full game is offensive, just 1 aspect of it.

an example of that is how Chinese and Korean/Corean soldiers are shown treating civilians in western games. They are always shown as killing civilians for sports! Now you can either enjoy Crysis 1, or not play the wonderful game because in the beginning of the game you clearly hear a woman saying “The soldiers are gathering civilians outside” (or something along that line :x ).

that being said, I haven’t played ONE yet because I can’t stand the graphics of the title, you can read that as “eye candy is very important for me”. So I guess I really can’t comment about someone else dislike of the “eye candy”! :mrgreen:

From experience, if you just start playing the game anyway, after a while you’ll not care about the art so much. I’ve played so many eroge with offensively bad art and it really does stop bothering you after a while.

No you don’t.
I could barely finish Tsukihime… I had a hard time not to puke everytime a sprite show up on screen in Higurashi.
Tha quality of art is important, especially when the so called awesome story are, in fact, crappy and boring (Like the Higurashi).

Not liking a game entirely because of art style is fair game, imo, as it deals with preferences. I liked the sprites in Higurashi with their cute big hands and other may find it so bad that they can’t stomach it. I will agree that I did forget about the designs in the case of KiraKira. I hated their ears and yet it didn’t bother me after a while as it grew on me perhaps because I already spent the money on it. Even still, I would prefer playing a game that looked better to me because I can’t buy up just any game nor would I want to.

My take on it is that I’m annoyed there’s been no announcement that the game has shipped yet. I want my game, dammit! :smiley: It’s Friday, we were told game ships this week, and I’d like to get ahold of the game before next Thursday when I have to leave for ACen. Grumble grumble …

The novel was released in the same year War of World movie was released. The author took elements of the movie.

And well… one of Demonbane’s major points is loli, so you can’t help that. And loli doesn’t include adults. The term came from lolita, a gothic girl from a famous novel iirc.

Lolita wasn’t gothic, she was a normal 12 year old girl in 1950s America.

loli in anime is more based on body type regardless of age al is at least 1000 years old

Not sure what I’ll do. Online returns are such a chore. Then again, I couldn’t buy something half the price of the game when I needed to. Got my email a bit ago. I think I’ll just play it if I get it as I hassled them so much about canceling.

Also, Friday the 13th notification. They aren’t trying to invoke bad luck, hm…

Omg they got my shipping address wrong!

I ordered at JastUSA site with current shipping address,
but somehow they sent me email, saying they are shipping to my outdated address from my J-list account
that has same email associated with my JastUSA account…
(I didn’t bother updating my address at J-list since I’m ordering from JastUSA site…)

Well… this is weird since my passwords for Jastusa and J-list accounts are different and all…

I replied to the email … hopefully I get a reply back soon…
I wonder if I should send in a ticket as well … ugh so frustrating! :cry:
the order confirmation email I got when I checked out at JastUSA was fine,
but now shipping email says shipping to wrong address???

My copy just arrived, though I’m a bit busy playing Daiteikoku so it will have to sit on the back burner for a while.

Hohoho, mind saying when you got the “we’re sending it in 24 hours” email? I know you live super close by and all, but I was under the impression no one got the new email seeing as how the only people to post about emails cited the false alarm email.


you are lucky do you live like right next to jast and ordered right away or something

Well considering their warehouse is in San Diego, and I live in San Diego county, I would hope that I would be one of the first ones to receive it, though that hasn’t always been the case.

I haven’t recieved any e-mail either, then again I’m currently working on clearing Koihime Musou, so I wouldn’t have time to play it anyway

this isn’t koihime muso were most of the girls are clearly under 18

Just got my shipping notice never mind