Downhill Night...that was fast.


Oops, thanks for that. I was just out of it. >_<

And the first thing I’m going to do after I get this game is to crack open the script container with a virtual crowbar.

anyone got their copy of the 2nd game yet

Mine came in the mail last week. Still waiting on your copy?

Haven’t played it yet though… Tomomi and Kei are probably the only girls I’m going to target when I do.

Mine arrived yesterday. And it’s Europe. :slight_smile:
I think I’m going to play the first game again (it’s quite short anyway and I missed one or two routes) before I start this one.

usually 2-4 weeks after the physical copy is released.

I received my copy about 2 days after it was shipped. Am going to play it soon…been busy.

Has anyone beat it yet? (The first one was really short … how’s the second one?) If so, how was it?

I’ve only played one path of the second game’s JPN version before I got my ends on MDN1 in English. It’ll take quite a bit longer to finish.

I only played through Rinka’s route. The game is very good. I believe the battles in the first game had a lot more choices, but I think the battles were a lot more exciting in the second. The characters were really charming especially because they were all voiced this time besides the main. One play through felt at least twice as long and most likely more than that. It is obviously much longer in general because of how the routes are structured in the game. The only thing I like more in the first was the battle BGMs.

The story was actually great, but (to those who’ve completed Downhill Night 2) I am confused with Blaze’s product description considering the ending I got with Rinka marrying Akito. Is there a true ending in this game or will Blaze just be one of those alternate-reality-spin-offs? I thought the ending was very satisfying and despite liking the series I am wondering if I’d get Blaze or not because of the ending. If there is some other ending that doesn’t lead to marriage while still having Akito dating Rinka, then I have some back tracking to do. I already have some clues on how to reach that if it exists, but I feel like playing other games.

Blaze is apparently a direct sequel to Downhill Night II. It also only has one semi-new character. If you plan to buy Blaze expect the same characters with one sort-of new one added to the mix. Still that alone should make it interesting. It is rare when all the former characters make a return. Blaze is also supposed to feature actual racing (which could very easily suck) and is supposed to be longer than 2. I cannot confirm anything though as this is just what I’ve heard. I’ve not actually played Blaze yet.

Buy Blaze if you liked 2.

In regards to story I’ve also only played through Rinka’s route at the moment and I actually did enjoy this one (a lot more than downhill night 1). The battles in the second one do seem to have less choices which I am thankful for. They were a little too much at times. Especially when replaying the game. Not to mention the skip feature did not work correctly in the first game…

I will agree with eropanic and say that the game is about twice as long for the main route…but can’t yet say anything for the others.

I really enjoyed looking at the background cgs. Kind of weird to say but the ones in 1 were not all that detailed. The ones in II however were very detailed and continued to be thus the entire game. I think the artwork also improved from the first game.

Overall for the cheap price it is it was a decent buy. The story is not the most unique but it doesn’t need to be. It’s a fun little game to pick up while waiting for some of the better games to be released. I’d pick it up for the price that it is (which I did).

I’m off to play the other routes.

anyone got a walkthrough for downhill night 2

You can request the walkthrough by emailing g-collections support address.

How did you like the BGM during the H-scenes for at least Rinka’s route, kyrt? It seemed out of place to me as only once did the music turn dramatic and it seemed to turn dramatic at an awkward place - half way through the first Rinka scene. Usually in games the music gets all moving at the start of the scene after the set up. Think it is some kind of error? “Night on the Ridge” seemed out of place to me for H-scenes at least.

g-collections didn’t release it
peach princess did
got a

Read your manual; on the right column.

I knew Peach Princess, another company Peter owns, released it. Just saying what the instructions said. Not sure if instructions come with the DL copy.

And before I even start playing this game, I’ve already cracked open the PKD files and begun tinkering. I’m also porting some of the custom BGM I was using in the Japanese version to the EN version, plus adding some more. Once again, I’m pulling background tracks from the anime adaptation of Wangan Midnight. Now I think you guys deserve an explanation as to why.

Okay, Wangan Midnight is originally a manga series about late night street racing on the expressways of Tokyo, specifically the Wangan-sen (Bayshore Line). The main character’s car is an old, but highly-modified Nissan 240Z with a checkered past. All but one of its previous owners (including the original) was killed while driving that car. The MC has numerous accidents throughout the storyline, but both car and driver bounce back.

TOP was likely inspired by that to create Kei and her Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R (AKA “Hakosuka”/“Box Skyline” due to its body shape), which incidentally is just as old as the Devil Z. Kei may be gone, but her car still kills.

And that’s my reasoning as to why.

Also, having both the English and Japanese versions on hand allows me to spot ARGHs and errors created by the original writers. One scene in ch5 has Shuuji listing some cars with quad headlights like the Hakosuka. One of the examples he incorrectly cited were “old Honda Integras”. At no point in time did JDM Integras get quad lights. This is only true of one generation of the NADM Acura Integra (the DC2).

Anyway, gotta get back to editing. I had an utter facepalm moment when I saw the fake name for the Suzuki Cappuccino (got turned into Espresso. Coffee for coffee, but that was just lame).

The music for Rinka’s is so far the worst. Technically I haven’t gotten around to playing the other routes yet so I can’t really compare as far as the BGM goes. Who knows maybe after hearing the others Rinka’s will be one of the best? I will agree with you it didn’t make sense for it to begin there. I thought it should have begun earlier…maybe the music was slightly cut off or they only had part of the music for some reason. Or it was short.

Also did anyone else who played the game think the very first cg received for Rinka was kind of random and haphazardly thrown in at the last minute. Not to mention its a brief flash and then done. It just seemed out of place to me at that time.

This is another quick question but when anyone else began playing the game did three of the cgs for Rinka already exist. Jast gave me a download version and an actual disc version (download was for it being late?). I was wondering if it was just mine or if other people had them as well. Then I have to wonder why…no big deal really just curious if they happened to miss those two on all of them.

Currently in the middle of Tomomi but may have messed up somewhere along the way because I think I’m missing a cg.

Also a bit more news on Blaze. I did some further research and apparently the game starts out with the main character dating Rinka rather than married to her. Not sure how good Rinka’s path will be in that game since she “seems to be straying”. So yeah the game is a continuation but I think the other girls (including the weird one) will be the main characters in the next game…I’ve never seen a direct continuation like this in a game (other x-change and that doesn’t count) so I’m not sure what they will do in Blaze. I will say this though. I believe the game will be released sometime in 2010 and I predict a November release. Again though whose to say?

This is another quick question but when anyone else began playing the game did three of the cgs for Rinka already exist. Jast gave me a download version and an actual disc version (download was for it being late?). I was wondering if it was just mine or if other people had them as well. Then I have to wonder why…no big deal really just curious if they happened to miss those two on all of them.

I have those early unlocked CGs as well, plus a couple of videos. Now if only I can figure out what files controls the text being displayed in that vid menu so I can edit those stupid names out.

I’m a bit relieved that it wasn’t just my BGM that seemed out of place. I kind of wished it was always the dramatic one - right now it just seems awkward.

It seems I missed the first CG - the only CG I am missing of Rinka, but…

When I first started and I was browsing the menus and in the CG menu I noticed at least two of Rinka’s CG were already unlocked, but I didn’t pay much attention and it could have been three. Seems a bit weird. Probably just an human error when finalizing the copies after testing? As for sending both copies, if it was because it was late, then JAST seems to be taking care of their fans. Mine came a few days after AX without.

Weird girl, that I assume to be Komachi, is really cute… Be nice if she becomes leveled up to main status in Blaze since I liked her as much if not more than Rinka. That would probably convince me although I am pretty set on getting it since I liked the first and loved the second.

I’m doing Tomomi’s next too. I don’t really like the other two girls’ archetypes. From the little I’ve seen of them I’d prefer the shy girl route next.

Okay, this is somewhat maddening. I’m getting major framerate problems and de-syncing with the videos when they’re played in-game, regardless of quality. This is an issue I did not encounter when running the Japanese version (which ran the vids off the DVD, required to start the game). This doesn’t seem to make sense because if I were to play those vids in a media player, I get absolutely no lag. Anyone have a fix for this?

I seemed to get the de-syncing when I had the “mouse” outside of the game window. Especially in the opening as it would have the super obvious skipping around. Whenever I tested it with the mouse inside it was fine. Try that? I was a bit shocked too since these games are low spec and all. Figured I had to upgrade, haha.