Dragon Quest

Ugh… I’ll still wait and get it second hand. I wanted party talk in DQ4. They screwed me on that, and Square-Enix already got my $$$ for the Japanese version of DQ5.

It’s my petty act of protest. :stuck_out_tongue:

You never know…they stripped DQ4 and gave the US the game exact version they Europe - minus those additional languages. In the European rom party talk probably wouldn’t have fit for all those languages, but had they certainly had room in the US release.

Actually, the US ROM has multiple languages, just set your DS to French or Spanish and the game will display those languages…

Whats wierd is that the US ROM has almost of the Party chat already translated, just unused. I think its for other languages, too.

not from what i heard - it was stripped out entirely for non-Japanese carts

I hear that it was still on the cart unused, from hackers who are making a patch…

Anyway, according to a new NP issue, the party chat remains, and the accents seem to be toned down. Not so sure about Puff-Puff, but given that this is a DS game, and SE has the idea that the DS is for kids, it might be removed…

According to this interview, Party Chat is 100% intact:

http://www.siliconera.com/2009/02/13/sq … alization/

Dragon Quest 9 gets delayed again, and the game industry takes a shit. :lol:

Any word why the delay this time? That’s really an 11th-hour delay for several months so I expect it was something serious.

QA checks. This is the flagship title of Square-Enix in Japan: over a million copies will be sold on the first day. They’re combing through every line of data to ensure no problems. I believe they found one. There’s also word this game is using the large memory DS cards, and the fluxing economy made it difficult to procure enough of them to meet demand. If they did find a major bug, then this would impact production if they’ve already started flashing cards in the factory.

Wow… DQ5 sales are actually above expectations. Several online vendors have emptied their initial run and need time to request more orders from Square-Enix. About damn time DQ gets some respect. 8)

DQ5 was never made it over here officially so that could also be a reason. The other one could be people had a chance to play DQ4 and liked it and decided to buy DQ5.

DQ5 is really good. The party chat is still in, though there is some inconsistent censorship(Puff-Puff replaced with fortune telling, but a number of innuendos present, some of which are original, “mother ocker”, “Suckling ocker” “Lyn Gerie”?..) it’s better than DQ4 in terms of localization…

DQ9 was delayed due to game crashing bugs being discovered at the 11th hour. DQ9 delay will most likely impact the release of Final Fantasy 13:

http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/ … ws122.html

Square Enix does not want DQ9 hurting the sales of FF13. They may push back FF13 as a result, because it would be dumb for them to be competing against themselves: if a Japanese gamer had to pick between DQ9 or FF13, they’d probably pick DQ9. The FF team does not want that to happen.

DQ9 has greater priority than FF13. It goes to show you which series is better loved in Japan, as well as which side controls the unified Square Enix corporation. :lol:

That goes without saying if you take into account that the DQ-title-theme sometimes is mistaken as the japanese national anthem! :lol:

Wish that were the case with the ports…

The official member website has a bride quiz up…looks like the choices based on the little data I see are about even…though my choice is a bit lower the 1/3…

Heh… I got Bianca, which according to the poll: Your taste in women matches 42.24% of the people who have taken this quiz.

Well at least we don’t have to compete then. :smiley:

I won’t meddle either - even without test I now that I prefer Jessica! :twisted: :stuck_out_tongue:

I always preferred Princess Media.