Dragon Quest

Here’s a party chat line from one of your kids:

“There aren’t any children our age in this castle, but, fortunately (other kids Name) and I are twins of each other.”

(I don’t remember which one says it, nor am I sure if that’s the exact line, but it was something like that…)

What does this sound like :smiley: :smiley:

Weeeelllllll… I’m not into bestiality, so - you can have her! :stuck_out_tongue:

rofl…not a horse though.

All lies. Everyone knows gypsy twincest reigns supreme with the DQ girls, only followed by a certain religious loligoth. :stuck_out_tongue:

An intellectual essay on Dragon Quest 8:

http://anepigone.blogspot.com/2008/01/r … -viii.html

I knew DQ8 was awesome, but after reading that, it’s even moar awesome. 8)

Just for a laugh or two pick Debora for your wife. She the least useful of the three choices, but her Party Talk is funny.

Bianca = country tomboy
Nera = submissive saint
Debora = dominatrix tsundere

All joking aside… she appears to be really popular with the doujin crowd. Especially since she looks prettier with her hair down (and a virgin, which opens a whole new window of vulnerability in her character).

On deeper inspection, I think Debora has taken a few of Jessica’s roles in all the hentai stuff. Jessica filled their dominatrix because she has a gruff and defensive side to her (more so than previous DQ girls at least). However Jessica is a kind and open individual: she just watches herself closely around men because they tend to leer (her interactions with Angelo is a perfect example).

On the other hand, while Debora eventually grows to become a less selfish person, she always remains the Queen in her world. It’s always her way. Perfect S&M material. :stuck_out_tongue:

Score! I was cleaning my room and found a never before opened copy of DQ8 hidden between the cracks of reality and my ps3~ and after reading most of that essay (I didn’t want to spoil anything :o ) I am looking forward to playing this even moar~

-cracks the shrink wrap- Here i go! :smiley:

I’m like at the halfway mark so far~ My god this game is so good! When I compare DQ8 to DW1-4 I can see huge similarities (That’s a good thing :smiley: ), this game keeps so close to it’s roots that I love it moar and moar the moar I play it.

It’s making wonder wtf Square-enix did to the FF franchise, I really wish they kept it as close to the original feel of the gameplay like the DQ series seems to be doing. (leaving me little faith for FF13)

The localization and voice acting of this game is something new to me, and I really like all the (what i’m assuming is british) accents and colloquial vocabulary. A nice change for sure. :smiley:

But like, Why the hell do these characters look like they just came from an episode of dragon ball?

The fortune teller at the start = Mr. Satan (I’ve seen a few variations of him running around so far, as if one wasn’t enough. :shock: )
Angelo = Trunks
Marcello = Vegetta
Hero = Gohan
Trode = Chibi guru or what piccilo would look like at age 467

There’s a whole bunch more people that all resemble some sort of dragon ball character but those are the ones that really stick out in my mind at the moment :lol:

I lost the link, but there was this Japanese site that showed Akira Toriyama only has 18 ways to draw humans and aliens shaped like humans (i.e. Piccolo, Freeza, Cell, etc). Everyone is a derivative of those 18 templates. His women fall into 3 versions… the other were all male (hair styles didn’t count; it was the body shapes).

Basically Toriyama is a not-so-imaginative character and fashion designer. However as a creature (animals, monsters, etc) and object (swords, armor, artifacts, etc) designer: he’s practically a god. His ideas get “borrowed” time and time again by other manga artists and game makers.

Toriyama has joked about it several times. He’s well aware of the fault, and has even drawn things outside his normal style, to prove he’s improved. However Toriyama’s art style is very distinctive. If he draws different from the DBZ way, people complain about it not being Toriyama. Damned if he does, damned if he don’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s not alone though. Yoshitaka Amano (of Final Fantasy fame) also draws everything the same. That’s partly why he uses vivid colors in his art (it greatly helps in making them look different). Naoto Tenhiro also suffers from this. He’s a FANTASTIC fashion designer, so it doesn’t show that much - but how he draws faces and bodies can be categorized to about a dozen templates. Or as some people say: take something he’s drawn recently, and compare it to one of the Sister Princess girls. Odds are, you could find a clone.

Yeah aside from the Dragon Ball characters I encounter from time to time everything else looks just fantastic, (Especially Jessica :smiley: )

It’s also reassuring to know I’m not crazy in regards to seeing various variations of DB characters running around (Mr. Satan especially), thank you for quite the in depth explanation~!

(just saw the pictures now for some reason, and Bianca looks like a happy version of android 18 :lol:
and The green haired dude looks like Crono and the Green haired chick looks like Ayla )

Official Dragon Quest 9 Site has been open for awhile. The game is going to sell for about 6000 yen ($60) in Japan. Lots of customization options on the Hero. Appears to have anime cut scenes. Energetic fights. Etc.

Basically DQ on steriods.

It’s graphically inferior to DQ8 (obviously), but appears to have a lot more gameplay offerings.

Ahh so good, I’ll have to give the other Dragon quests I haven’t played a “Cor Blimey” to the face :lol:

Is there any crappy titles in the series I should watch out for?

I think I lost a lot faith in FF13 and actually would rather see DQ9 come out first, haha (I’ll still play FF13 I’m sure , but I have more faith in DQ9 being more of the same of what DQ does best and less of FFs transcendence onto a whole different universe of final fantasy, much like it has been doing in series of late. from what I’ve been seeing and hearing about both it would seem DQ follows the route I am more favorable to. :roll: )

I’m just a sucker for nostalgia and DQ has that in spades :smiley:

I just didn’t even think dragon quest was the continuation of dragon warrior for the longest time till I was like “wait a sec…” and put 2+2 together :lol:

Edit: From what I gather the entire series is just pure unadulterated win 8)

Edit #2: Rofl @ when something casts Puff-puff on Jessica and fails “Jessica laughs triumphantly having won the battle of the buldges”

Edit #3: Shit now i’m behind again! I need to hurry up and finish this game I just bought DQ4 + 5 today (and a copy of ff4) :lol:

Hmm… given that DQ never changes it’s core gameplay style (at least with the main series), they’re all good because they’re all the same. :wink:

However some DQ are better than others. I’d say DQ3, DQ5, DQ7, and DQ8 are the most significant and popular. DQ3 for introducing the whole class system, night-day system, false ending, and massive world map into the series. DQ5 for the whole monster raising idea (which probably inspired Pokemon) and generation format. DQ7 for being sooooooo damn loooooong (it made epic mean something). DQ8 for revolutionizing the entire look and sound (especially the Western version) to DQ.

Not to say other DQ are useless… DQ1 started it all, DQ2 introduced the ship, DQ4 had named characters and the wagon, etc.

The various spinoffs (Torneko, Monster, Heroe, Sword, etc) always do well in Japan, but tend to get mixed reviews in the West… probably because DQ isn’t as monolithic. Personally I’ve never been a huge fan of Monster (it’s just a second rate Pokemon); although I really enjoyed the “arcade-ish” feel of DQ Swords.

Not to mention that ??? had a cute voice actress. :twisted:

I also got ff3 recently too, finished DQ8, and started on a bunch of other DS games, and I think it’s appropriate to say this in honor of dq8; winner winner chicken dinner, and I look forward to the rest of the series :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah… if you ever wanted to bitch or praise about the translation quality of the DQ series, this is the guy and gal to do it too:

Plus Alpha Portfolio


Well…it’s not the quality. It’s some of the censorship they have as well as the missing PT in 4. I doubt he is responsible for either.

And on a completely different note…if it wasn’t obvious already I have more than shown I am a DQ fanboy by buying another unopened DQ8 blue slime controller I saw for sale the other day for $25.

Another somewhat gravedig (somewhat because it was still on the 1st page), but I do have a relevant question. Does anyone know if the new downloadable quests will require a DSi and will the content be coming in the US? It doesn’t look like there will be a (near) simultanious release of DQ9 (which I’m surprised at given its a flagship title), so wondering how they’ll handle those new quests, if at all, for the US market.

Anyone else notice GameFAQs removed their Q4 2009 release info for the US releases of DQ9? Does this mean no US release? Or are they just having to redo everything because of the bug that it pushed the translation so far back it might as well not be mentioned?

That info is updated by the developers and neither scenerio looks promising. :frowning:

I think the US branch is still planning how DQ9 will be released. In Japan DQ is king and FF gets pushed back. Total opposite in the US.

Square-Enix USA is more interested in FF13: they clearly wanna release FF13 first. However DQ9 is the main focus of Square-Enix JPN.

My gut instinct tells me DQ9 won’t see US/European shores until after FF13. Since FF13 is still waiting for DQ9, the target dates for both games in the West keeps getting shifted.

And of course there’s Dragon Quest X in production…

Damn them…This is why we should have universal (or near universal like Chrono Trigger DS) release dates, :evil: