Eroge Review

Actually Gun-Katana has been kicking my ass. While I’ve beaten the game and unlocked all the CG’s, getting all the Achievement Medals I have not. I have about 15 more to go before I can claim to have completed the game 100% and thus do a review.

Next Cyc title is probably EXTRAVAGANZA or Shikigami… but I still need to get that loli review I promised done first. :expressionless:

As I am led to understand, they are one and the same. Why he flip-flops between the two handles is a mystery to me. However it’s certainly possible that I’m totally wrong and it actually is two different people… but the distinctive style is just waaaaay too close. … reater=279 … eater=1780

My best guess is that ??? is meant for his “dark art style” and ??? is for his “soft art style” ¬ñ MinDeaD BlooD being the only title which he did both at the same time. Just to further elaborate on my “proof” that it’s the same artist, GUN-KATANA is credited to ??? and Shikigami is credited to ???

These girls are from GUN-KATANA:

These girls are from Shikigami:

Notice the extreme similarity in the “stiff” body posture, hand gesture, and finger nails. Eyes, mouth, and nose share the same “level position” – and both use the same technique for hair bangs and eyebrows. Means to display facial expressions are also the same.

Perhaps the most compelling evidence is how the artist draws men. The one on the left is from GUN-KATANA, and the one on the right is from Shikigami. Practically the same.

Being the character design whore that I am I thought I’d dig a bit deeper into this. My assumption had always been that it was a single artist behind all of the games, but it seems we’re both wrong - either that, or one individual has a godlike ability to split his/her personality and the ability to work simultaneously on two projects:

metawo’s BrainMurder - currently responsible for Yami no Koe Zero

pcevo - currently responsible for Bifronte

It’s not unprecedented for character designers to work on multiple projects simultaneously (Ino and Yoshino Keiko have done so several times), but to develop two personal sites with two discrete identities, one of which is male and one of which is (likely) female, and one of which has an active doujin circle on the side - not impossible, but if this is all the work of one person I’m guessing he or she has serious sleep depravation issues (among other problems of a more existential nature).

If I were to hazard a guess I’d say the similarity in their art styles is more a function of artistic homage or mimicry bred from a close working relationship - similar to that between Yokota Mamoru and Dodai Shouji, for example.

Just my two tangential cents.

Nice detective work there. :slight_smile:

I noticed there was an email address on ?? ?? site… so I sent a message asking what the deal was, after making my earlier post. Actually got a reply back. :slight_smile:

As you deduced: they are indeed two different people. :oops: ?? ?? did the character designs and backgrounds for MinDeaD BlooD. However ?? ??? was chief art director of the title. Thus ?? ?? was “forced” to adapt the style of ?? ???. This is also why the two are constantly “mixed up” when review and commercial sites give credit to the artist. Originally Cyc gave credit to ?? ??? for being the artist… but now ?? ?? gets credit. Insanity abounds.

I still find it absolute incredible that the two share the same artistic flaws in their illustrations. :shock: I didn’t press that issue in my email, because I was worried it would be rude (some artists are sensitive to criticism). ?? ??? entered the eroge industry before ?? ?? - the former started with Black Cyc, and is one of their “in-house” artists. ?? ?? started with Nail and is a “freelancer” who happens to have a really good business relationship with Cyc and ?? ???.

Also I got no answer on if there’s going to be a MinDeaD BlooD 2… can’t blame a guy for trying… :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not unusual that games are made by number of artists instead of just one. You can just peer at some companies like alicesoft and eushully. All the art seems to be very consistant, but yet it’s made by atleast 3 or 4 artists.

I’ve always figured the eroge industry was no different than the manga industry - i.e. one person gets all the credit for work done by a huge staff - but things like artists sharing the same technique throws me for a loop.

For example Hidenori Matsuhara and Kosuke Fujishima. For years I never realized that Hidenori would substitute for Kosuke … on Kosuke’s own projects no less (Sakura Taisen, Ah! My Goddess, etc)!!! Talk about confusing… seeing Hidenori Matsuhara name as character designer for Belldandy and the gang… and it happens from time to time. :shock:

Shingo is more inquisitive than me: I just take my twincest for granted. 8)

Had a look at your latest review and eagerly await seeing the next one. Anyway, I’ve got a question, in the GSS review, how come there isn’t a profile for Kyouji? Just curious, I mean there’s a profile for him at the Black Cyc site. If it’s a spoiler thing then I understand.

Komorebi ni Yureru Tama no Koe is finally up. Missed a review for last week, and hopefully I can catch up and make a two-fer sometime. :slight_smile:

I avoided it because I described Kyouji’s most important qualities in the review itself: lived in the US, came back to Japan, is loved by the girls - especially Yuka - and is basically just your everyday guy, thrusted into a really dire situation. Outside of that, there really isn’t much to say about him… at least nothing that would have been a spoiler. I can go back and give him a profile though.

Might delay my upcoming Yume Miru Kusuri review for Princess Waltz. If all goes according to plan, Ayyo should start posting his own reviews starting next month. If not, then I’ll do my best to keep the weekly update schedule. I owe Baldo a review for Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry, last week I’ve written something myself, your honor is safe :wink: . Therefore…

…You can start paying your debt, now :stuck_out_tongue: .

However, it’s good to see that Ayyo too started re-releasing reviews :smiley: : … pressions/

Just checked out your latest review. 82 ero-scenes? :shock: Oy, there’s this concept called ‘too much of a good thing.’ :roll:

How’s that Harukani review coming along? nudge poke brings out the cattle-prod :wink:

Don’t scare the Erotic Hope Of America :wink: , he’s working on it, but distractions abound :stuck_out_tongue:

I was amazed by that number too - would that be anywhere near the record for most ero-scenes in an ADV or VN?

I’m currently replaying Harukani a second time: I go through an eroge twice before writing a review. Usually through the first session, the “new game” hype or my personal bias gets in the way of making an accurate judgment. So it’s coming along. 8)

While 80+ scenes is a lot, there are titles with more. For example Megami Dai Taisen - another AMG ripoff - has 136 of them… granted the majority are just “copy-paste” stuff or insanely short. Ore no Megamisama! actually does a very good job at keeping the sex long and diverse… especially for non-dark title (where more “forms of sex” are available).


Should I review more light eroge?

Or should I review more dark eroge?

So many choices… :wink:

Great review, great game… But WHY those filthy bloodsuckers have the admiration of the masses? :?
I’m sure that if Jun had been a Faerie or Alien prince, the story would be (almost) unchanged.
Just say “No” to undead 8) :stuck_out_tongue: !

Well technically speaking, the vampires in Draculius aren’t the undead kind, but more of the “viral species” type. There are the “true blood” who were born from vampire parents, and then there are the “turned” who were simply infected from a bite. In either case, they are living biological creatures, and not reanimated corpses. Follows the whole Blade movie thing, rather than the traditional Dracula or D&D tabletop RPG.

A real ambulatory biohazard menace, I tell you! :shock:
Gimme that flamethrower!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen:

That quiz … sucks.

Yes! I see now, Baldo! I understand! Down with the evil vampires!!! They only seek to transform us into their cattle! Let us rise and slay them before…

…before they…


…whoa… wait a minute…

DOWN WITH BALDO!!! He lies! Protect the precious! PROTECT!!! :twisted:

Whoah… the suprise development is shocking… wait…
Whatever… (looks around) Are there loli vampires around?

so narg is yami no koe/ Zero on the docket for your review :smiley: :smiley: :wink: