Feedback request on new games

No. More like a “three” on lotto’s wheel.

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 04-11-2006).]

Originally posted by molitar:
Ok Cleavage DEAD LAST! I'm so sick of seeing big tits low storyline h-games. Tons of japanese ones that you don't even really need to read if you want that sort of thing.

Mindless sex romps are the backbone of the Japanese erogame market, therefore I'm not surprised of their "international" success. Me too I prefer long and interesting storylines, but I tend to re-re-re-play only those h-games gifted with HIGH erotic contents (yes, I'm SO corrupt [img][/img]... ).

Originally posted by otaru:
i dont really care which comes first... as long ALL COMES OUT and i will purchase eveything...

I agree. And, on a side note, although I don't care for Cleavage, rest assured that you can find worse...


Yugh, I can’t stand the site of Cleavage. I don’t mind if its translated as long as a few others are. All of the games seemed fine except for that.

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

I HOPE we get YuNoHana, It looks the most interesting, it has a story, which, acording to the comments on Erogamescape, Looks quite good.

Cleavage, however, isn’t even a game. There are only 2 paths, which are only about 2 hours long each, and feature no plot. This “Game” gets TERRIBLE reviews just about everywhere, and your better off with standared porno anyway.

Just buy the game in Japanese, you don’t need to read it at all. It’s not worth the price.

YuNoHaNa may seem loli, but it CERTAINLY isn’t as immature as Cleavage. Cleavage is for people with the mental level of 15 year-old boys (READ: 80-90% of the adult male population in the US…).

While I think it’s OK to release along side better games, since it’s not long enough to worry about taking to long to translate.

I’ll DEFINATLY buy YuNoHaNa, though.

You know, most of the time I prefer a story over simple “progress to the next sex scene”. Unless the latter is funny (they sometimes are, without intending to be).

I would think Snow Drop’s problem wasn’t the story but rather the game framework. You had to do a tick mapping to really make progress in the story. Not something for the casual gamer, eros or not.

I actually Like Cleavage the best.
So it’s
1 Cleavage
2 Death Meta
3 Summer Girl
4 Hello Spring
5 Yu no Hana

I’m not really interested in Yu no Hana. I do have a question though, Will these games be uncensored?

Of course they will be. Welcome to the English bishoujo game translation niche.

I would think so. I think that’s the appeal of english translated games. Although if they didn’t uncensor it, then the pirate rate of these games would drop dramatically.

I don’t understand what you mean about the piracy issue but I know uncensored is a major factor in me buying a game or video for that matter. Why pay $40 to stare at mosaics all day? But we digress¬Ö

For the story, and the non-adult parts, maybe?

Mosaics don’t really bother me in general (though they get to the point sometimes where they deform the picture, and I don’t like that). In many cases, I actually prefer mosaics or clever positioning to a crude, messy-looking uncensored shot. Leaving things up to the imagination is often more erotic than revealing everything in gory detail.

How old are you Dark_Shiki? If you don’t mind me asking.

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

[This message has been edited by DetectiveConan (edited 04-17-2006).]

What I mean is that most people who pirate these games are usually only in it for the sex and pictures. They don’t care about the story. Most likely they’ll skip through the text only to get to the pictures. So if english games were censored, then they might as well just download the japanese version of the games.

Usually the only problem I have censored pictures are that to me they simply ruin the artwork. An example is the art done by Carnelian. I really admire the details she puts into colour, the lines and the overall way she makes the pictures flow with such beauty, but then I see the mosiacs and it just ruins the whole picture for me. It’s like having a red splooch on the Mona Lisa. I’d rather have the artists not draw those parts at all then have them censored.

[This message has been edited by tiger_of_the_wind2040 (edited 04-17-2006).]

That’s my only objection to mosaics as well. They’re distracting. They nag at the eye and make me feel like something’s wrong with the picture.

But I bought the still-censored Critical Point because I’m more interested in saving a few bucks than having uncensored naughty bits.

Originally posted by DetectiveConan:
How old are you Dark_Shiki? If you don't mind me asking.


College age. Why?

As a random aside...I've been curious about something.

Originally posted by Benoit:
I fail to see how opinions based only on graphics are useful. ¬_¬
Sure, bishoujo games are about art too, but still...

Ok, but since graphics are all we really have to go on right now...which game's graphics (I suppose overall theme/setting apparent from the graphics fits into this as well) appeal to you the most? Or do graphics in these games really have no value to you other than as props for the story?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-17-2006).]

As dumb as it sounds, I thought you had good grammar so I was curious to your age.

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

Ok, but since graphics are all we really have to go on right now...which game's graphics (I suppose overall theme/setting apparent from the graphics fits into this as well) appeal to you the most?

*looks to refresh his memory*

Yu no Hana - Cute...
Cleavage - Ugh.
Dream Drug - Legs are way out of proportion.
Death Meta - Can't see much because the menu is in Flash. Looks good, but not really... alive.
Hello Spring - Great art.
Summer Girl - Nice, cute art.

So, I guess my preferences would Yu no Hana, Hello Spring, and Summer Girl.

Or do graphics in these games really have no value to you other than as props for the story?

They do have value to me, but it's the story that makes or breaks the game for me. A game that has great art but poor story doesn't really appeal to me.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 04-17-2006).]

Originally posted by DetectiveConan:
As dumb as it sounds, I thought you had good grammar so I was curious to your age.

[img][/img] Well, most high schoolers can write with good grammar if they try (assuming English is their native language). Most just...don't.

Death Meta - Can't see much because the menu is in Flash. Looks good, but not really... alive.

Sounds about right for a story about vampires...

It's always amusing to try and guess what people like. Those are pretty much the answers I expected. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Benoit:
Death Meta - Can't see much because the menu is in Flash. Looks good, but not really... alive.

I'm going through this game right now. It's basically about a "flawed" vampire who can only drink the blood of virgins. There's a few more rules and loopholes in the "conditions", but I won't go into detail and all, given its a potential release.

Thinking of doing a review for it, but I need to be VERY careful of how its worded to avoid any spoilers.

Has many lighthearted moments, but maintains a good level of somber moods.

Of all the mentioned titles, its my first and only choice. Then again, I have something of a gothic fetish (only twins equal it). [img][/img]

I would think Snow Drop’s problem wasn’t the story but rather the game framework.

Actually I got the game but my complaint wasn’t the story. It was the total randomness their was no clue on where you should go next. Did not go to the right place you than just blew the whole ending. The game gave no clue on where to go… no hint… nothing. It was where to visit now and cross your fingers you chose correct. The story was good the mechanics was not. If the main character said something maybe I should go outside to find or let’s go visit at . It wouldn’t of been so bad. On this game I end up waiting to someone did a walkthru for it before I played it through.

So no one in their right mind can go by this doesn’t sell well with a game mechanic like this.