
Okay… to be more specific, I want to get all the endings on this game–which, considering the number of characters involved, shouldn’t come to too many

Besides, if push came to shove, and I just had to have those last five endings out of fifty (probably for the CG’s), and I was ready to throw in the towel, I’d go over to GameFAQs and check for a walkthrough Of course, at fifty endings, it’d probably be 100 pages long…

I looked at the Jewel Knights Crusaders page again. I was wrong, the Hentai Neko review didn’t switch the names Ruri and Husui.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... or at least as many as you can get, which isn't easy in the case of some games... If a game has, say, 50 different endings and you've found like, 45 of them, not many may bother to find these last 5 endings, probably because that they've exhausted all their ideas of how to get these last 5 endings and don't feel like seeing endings they've already seen all over again while there's other, completely undiscovered games witing for them ;p.

I see someone here has played gloria [img][/img]

Ah! So the game from hell does, in fact, exsist…

It’s all part of my evil plans…

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I see someone here has played gloria [img][/img]

Wasn't a larger problem with Gloria though no 'fast foward' for the text more so then trying for 50 endings? At least I think 'fast foward' over already viewed scenes would have made it easy to see the other endings.

Eep! 50 endings and no Fast Forward… sounds like it’d do better as a very expensive paper weight…

Originally posted by Wolfson:
Eep! 50 endings and no Fast Forward... sounds like it'd do better as a very expensive paper weight... [img][/img]

That's a bit exaggerated.
Glo*Ri*A had about 40 endings and you could fast-forward by keeping the return-key pressed.
There is only one problem with this method: you also skip the decisions. [img][/img]
I actually think it was more annoying that there were only three save-positions...

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I see someone here has played gloria [img][/img]

Nope, I haven't ^_^. but there's plenty of other games with that many endings, you know ;p. Not in english, through...

Originally posted by Wolfson:
Ah! So the game from hell does, in fact, exsist...

Yeah, it sexsists. [img][/img]

My main problem with all those endings was that there were often just a minor difference in the path choice and sometimes it was hard to tell where that difference was. GloRiA is one of the few games where I think a walkthrough is necessary to get all the endings, unless you have loads of time on your hands. I mean Critical Point had something like 25 endings but it was rather easy to find each one.

Yeah I gave up with gloria, CP wasn’t too bad to figure them all out. Plus the nice skip text feature

I live for skip text anymore. That’s the problem I’ve found with Kana as I’ve tried to replay it now… there’s no skip text or fast forward option. You can make the text go automatically, but it’s still slow (even when set to fast), so the only way to really move through the game is to sit there with your finger on the Enter key

Originally posted by ekylo:
I mean Critical Point had something like 25 endings but it was rather easy to find each one.

Quite right.
And in opposition to that, we also have XC2 with about the same amount of endings and the most unrelated reasons for different endings I have seen in any b-game so far.

* XC2-ending-spoiler
(Still refuses to understand how the way Takuya helps a girl with her remarrying father influences his endings with Kouji)
* end XC2-ending-spoiler

... and there are plenty of best endings that still elude me. Perhaps, I have to use the walkthrough after all...

shrug I don’t remember XC2 being all that hard either. Then again, it’s been awhile since I played. I don’t even remember what different Kouji endings there were. (I wonder where the heck I put my notes?) For the most part, I remember that you more or less had to get all the “right” choices to get the good endings for each girl, making the bad endings relatively easy to get afterwards. Asuka’s endings were the main ones I had trouble with because her paths often depended on choices earlier in the game and I would sometimes forget which choices led to which save points.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Asuka's endings were the main ones I had trouble with because her paths often depended on choices earlier in the game and I would sometimes forget which choices led to which save points.

Actually, Asuka was the first best ending I got. The second was Megumi.
... and that's it. For Maiko, I finally used the walkthrough and for all the missing bad endings as well. After that, I decided that I have to resign from XC2 for a while because playing it just following a walkthrough isn't the way I wanted it.
So, all the other best endings are waiting for me. But XC2 isn't the only game that needs to be finished and I don't plan to return to it soon.
Currently, I am more into Doushin...

Might as well. The XC2 best endings were okay, but it’s not anything you need to be rushing to find. (I like the TCI ones better myself.) Though I still can’t believe you went and got yourself the bad endings before the good ones…

Originally posted by ekylo:
Though I still can't believe you went and got yourself the bad endings before the good ones... [img][/img]

Perhaps I am weird...
But doesn't that qualify me for being here in the first place? [img][/img]

Jokes aside: I knew that getting all the bad endings with the logic applied within the game was a hopeless battle, so I decided that using the walkthrough for them was forgiveable. But the same shouldn't apply to the best endings.
... well apparently it does after all, but I don't want to swallow the last remainders of my bishoulo-gamer's pride by doing that... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Currently, I am more into Doushin...

How is Doushin? The Japanese version I assume though unless it has be translated without any notice I guess it has to be, anyway, how is Doushin so far?

I might have asked this before but not sure you had started at the time instead I think you had just mentioned having it to play.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
How is Doushin? The Japanese version I assume though unless it has be translated without any notice I guess it has to be, anyway, how is Doushin so far?

Of course, it is the japanese original.
I actually already played it a lot one and a half year before, but at that time I knew not enough Kanjis in order to understand most of it.
In the meantime, I lost my savegames and thus recently started to play it again from scratch.

The game itself is at least interesting. You play from the point of view of one of three sisters and most of the time you can change the point of view instantly to one of the other two on them. But depending on the current situation, the choices for this "zapping" are also sometimes restricted...
Of course, you can only make decisions for the character whose view you are currently in. All three live together, but at daytime they go separated paths: The oldest sister works in an office at a company and provides the three of them with the money they need to survive, the middle one goes to college and is well known at the tennis-club there and the youngest still attends senior high and is close to graduation.
But because they live together and to some extent also share their feelings, soem decisions in one sister's path causes unexpected results in another one's.

However, you'd better not expect a simple and happy story in Doushin despite its cheerful looking graphics in typical CROWD style. There may be best endings for each of the sisters, but they are at least as hard to get as they are in XC2.

Particularly figuring out when to switch to whom in order to prevent or cause what is the real challenge in this game.

* curses *
* re-edits the entire post in order to remove most of the spoilers *