Heyyy! Guys! does anyone hear me...?

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[quote] Originally posted by Unicorn:
Perhaps, olf-san would have some matching reviews in store?

Well, no, sorry, I don't intend to put any reviews in Peach Princess board, mostly because they're too much of an amateurish quality to be put in a company public board AND because of possible copyrights problem AND because I don't like my works to be exposed to the whole world's eyes. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
OTOH, I'll keep posting reviews in the ren'ai ML (presently, I'm writing a review for the first "Toraha" game...)

[/b] [/quote]

Aww, don't be shy, olf-san! We'd apprepicate your reviews, no matter how they are!

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I'd favor that, but it is also a lot of work to write reviews (especially, if you are not used to it), so it would be a bit too optimistic to expect all of them to write reviews. However, any review would be appreciated, so who's going to be the first?

(If you all wait until monday, I'll most probably be it [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] )

Yeah, any review would be good... And I see why you'd want Olf-san to send his reviews: he doesn't need time to writte them down [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

PS! I just saw the mail I got from you! I'll answer it when I can but because of a "lack of computer with Internet", you might have to wait for a while, since I priority the PP board when using what little time I'm able to spend before a computer with Internet. Anyway, you'll get a reply sooner or later! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, regarding my reviews-to-be-written, I am not as far as I should be in most of those games, in order to write a review. So, the first games, I might write reviews about, would be mahjongg-games ("Sho-Ki" and "Datsui-Jann 2" to be more specific).

Hmm..so how is Sho-ki I was thinking of getting it. is it a traditional MJ game not one with magic attacks and stuff or with wierd rules?

hello everyone i haven’t disappeared…i’m just really busy with ap roject right now…i was chosen as a playtester for The Sims Online, so i am busy dealing with multiple beta-test bugs it is giving me a positive thing to do and keeping my mind off brian (who, by the way, is in a full-blown relationship with his ex now) so i am putting all my energy into it

i’m not as depressed anymore…still not quite ready to deal with the real world, but not contemplating bad things either

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm..so how is Sho-ki I was thinking of getting it. is it a traditional MJ game not one with magic attacks and stuff or with wierd rules?

The only one thing about Sho-Ki, that really annoyed me, were the magic attacks, the opponents could use with some disastrous consequences. For example, one of these attacks puts all the players into a "Riichi"-mode, so you are suddenly no longer able to decide, which tile to keep and which to drop.

However, to overcome those magic attacks has to be regarded as a part of the challenge...

(more about that in my review next week)

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
I don't intend to put any reviews in Peach Princess board, mostly because they're too much of an amateurish quality to be put in a company public board

Well, I think all of us are amateurs. I don't consider none of my reviews as a professional work either. But the fact, the goddess praised them, makes me confident enough to give it a shot.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
AND because of possible copyrights problem

Huh? Could you be more specific about that? I thought, writing a review would be within the bounds of the freedom of telling ones own opinion. If you could tell me, where I am going to run into the danger of violating copyrights, I would highly appreciate that (or were you quoting someone else in your reviews without asking for permission? That would be a understandable reason...)
(or does posting the review in the group give them the copyright of your work?)

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
AND because I don't like my works to be exposed to the whole world's eyes. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Are you aware, the whole world might view the contents of the yahoo-group as well?

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
OTOH, I'll keep posting reviews in the ren'ai ML (presently, I'm writing a review for the first "Toraha" game...)

If that's your unchangeable opinion, it can't be helped. I'm going to read them (including the mentioned one about "Toraha") there in that case...

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i'm not as depressed anymore...still not quite ready to deal with the real world, but not contemplating bad things either [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

That's good to hear/read. Obviously, I overestimated your recovery.
Hope, you have a bit fun at testing the SIMs.

Oh yes: The "vote for goddess" - campaign is about to show results: Only 10 more votes and your website is at Diamond level 2!
(At least, you'll have to upgrade your vote-link after that, if I recall correctly what happened after you got level 1...)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, I think all of us are amateurs. I don't consider none of my reviews as a professional work either. But the fact, the goddess praised them, makes me confident enough to give it a shot.
I don't like putting amateur reviews on a commercial site...
Huh? Could you be more specific about that? I thought, writing a review would be within the bounds of the freedom of telling ones own opinion. If you could tell me, where I am going to run into the danger of violating copyrights, I would highly appreciate that (or were you quoting someone else in your reviews without asking for permission? That would be a understandable reason...)
(or does posting the review in the group give them the copyright of your work?)

Many copyrights problems. First, pictures. It's illegal to put pictures of the game in your review, without authorization from the copyright holders. Now, when it's done for a review (and you only use some pictures and not offer them all to download, of course; and you give appropriate credits, of course, and tell they're posted without the copyrights holder authorization) on a private homepage, it can be under the fair use rule (though the copyrights holder may ask you to take them down; but they usually don't since it acts as free ad. for them after all). Posted on a commercial homapage is another matter...
As for quoting, it's the same thing. A quote in a fan review falls under the fair use rule. Posted on a commercial site, even if made by a fan and not the company's worker... I don't know.
At last, yes, when you put any of your work on a commercial site (that way), you can lose your copyright to that work. It depends on the legal stance of the site for your posting. For instance, the site may declare it owns all rights to anything it hosts. Then, it can be held responsible for everything is written in the reviews, but, at the same time, you lost your copyrights on your work (and, yes, it happened to me: I once posted on a private ML some works [some RPG rules], then learn that, by default, since it was a private ML, the law gives ownership to the owner of the ML to everything that is posted in the ML [except if, of course, I took the appropriate steps to ensure my ownership of my own work...])
Are you aware, the whole world might view the contents of the yahoo-group as well?
It's just not the same. The Yahoo! ML is a private ML with open membership while PP's board is a company's board. See the difference? In other words, the ML members are still a small number of people (it is a club after all), while the PP board's reader are all of their customers. It's not just the same...
If that's your unchangeable opinion, it can't be helped. I'm going to read them (including the mentioned one about "Toraha") there in that case...
Thanks for reading... though they're not high quality reviews (and there are only 3 of them so far... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img])
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
I don't like putting amateur reviews on a commercial site... [QUOTE]

I see your point. Maybe, I should think of a proper disclaimer, telling I am no professional game-reviewer and all content is based on my individual imporessions...
However, I think some amateur reviews would be better than no reviews at all.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Many copyrights problems. First, pictures.

O.K. This is why I don't use any pictures in my reviews.
I think, anyone who is interested in a game, might look at the pictures that are shown at the websites of the retailers or makers, so there is no need for me to rip any pictures out of the games.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
As for quoting, it's the same thing. A quote in a fan review falls under the fair use rule. Posted on a commercial site, even if made by a fan and not the company's worker... I don't know.

I see. But I am going to write my own reviews without quotes (even when I tell about the story, I would put that into my own words and not simply type down the text on the backside of the package), so these kind of problems would also not apply to me.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
At last, yes, when you put any of your work on a commercial site (that way), you can lose your copyright to that work. It depends on the legal stance of the site for your posting.

I see. So by posting my reviews at this website, I am going to be an unpaid freelance-reviewer for PeaPri, because they could claim the rights on my reviews.
Good to know (so, for example, I have to decide if I post my reviews here or at himeya, because both sides might claim the rights and I would have gotten into trouble), but now that I know, fine with me.

Thanks anyway, because now (if you havn't forgotten something important) I am more confident about not doing something against the copyrights by writing my reviews.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Thanks for reading... though they're not high quality reviews (and there are only 3 of them so far... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img])

You thanked me too early. I am only going to read them. Right now, I am experiencing some problems with signing up at the yahoo groups, so I think I have to postpone it into the next week. But if you like, I'd tell you, what I think about them after that. (Of cause, I'd do this via email and not on this board, because that would be only our beeswax.)
(In turn, you might try visiting our goddess's website and read some of my reviews...)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
O.K. This is why I don't use any pictures in my reviews.
I think, anyone who is interested in a game, might look at the pictures that are shown at the websites of the retailers or makers, so there is no need for me to rip any pictures out of the games.

1) I, personally, don't like reading a review about a visual product (movie or, in this case, game) and having to go to somewhere else to be able to see the pictures for this product. So, I think some other people may be in my case.
2) The maker may not have any pictures for the game (case for old games whose informations were taking down) or the sample pictures on the maker's page are the ones the maker think was relevant for their review, but not necessarily for mine. For instance, let's say one game has 5 very good CGs while all the others are pretty bad. Which ones would you think the makers would put on their page?
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
1) I, personally, don't like reading a review about a visual product (movie or, in this case, game) and having to go to somewhere else to be able to see the pictures for this product.

I see. But in order to avoid running into copyright-problems (and because I am already used to do it this way, because ladyphoenix only accepted review-submissions in txt-format), I am going to stick to this method.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
For instance, let's say one game has 5 very good CGs while all the others are pretty bad. Which ones would you think the makers would put on their page?

This topic could be covered by an according comment in the text and your rating of the graphics. Of cause, a picture tells more than thousands of words and would help the readers to make their own opinions, but if it's illegal, it can't be helped.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
hello everyone [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] i haven't disappeared...i'm just really busy with ap roject right now...i was chosen as a playtester for The Sims Online, so i am busy dealing with multiple beta-test bugs [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] it is giving me a positive thing to do and keeping my mind off brian (who, by the way, is in a full-blown relationship with his ex now) so i am putting all my energy into it

i'm not as depressed anymore...still not quite ready to deal with the real world, but not contemplating bad things either [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Good to hear that you haven't disappeared and that you're having fun right now [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Ah! Finailly it's friday! My practice at that school ended today, so next week I'll not have to chase the kids *phew*...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Ah! Finailly it's friday! My practice at that school ended today, so next week I'll not have to chase the kids *phew*...

Well, maybe if you didn't have those lemons on your shoulders, the kids would stop running away from you... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hmm, sorry, I sort of got lost in the topic. (Been busy at work.) You know, I've never really thought about whether my reviews go on a commercial or non-commercial site. I think except for a couple on RightStuf, all the rest were sent to non-commercial sites. The closest I came was working on the detailed guide and chart for Snow Drop that I submitted to Peach Princess (then again, what got presented was different from what I submitted). But those, I didn't worry about any claims to what work I did since I was mainly doing it to hopefully help out PeaPri and the fans who were having trouble with the game. (Darn, that reminds me, got to reply to that one guy asking me Snow Drop questions. So behind on my emails.... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] )

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, maybe if you didn't have those lemons on your shoulders, the kids would stop running away from you... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Uh, I actually told'em that the lemons weren't dangerous, as long as you didn't eat any lemons if front of them (and indeed, who would do soemthing like that? I've always said that someone who eats a raw lemon must be mad *makes a strange face*). Unfortuately, most of time didn't believe me. I got to be gym teacher several times during those 2 weeks, because that the real gym teacher were gone doing something else, or so was I told. Quite easy job, in fact, althrough most of the kids keept throwing the basketball in the wrong way most of the time.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Uh, I actually told'em that the lemons weren't dangerous, as long as you didn't eat any lemons if front of them (and indeed, who would do soemthing like that? I've always said that someone who eats a raw lemon must be mad *makes a strange face*).

Look around you. We're all mad here...

Actually there are no legal problems with using pictures from a game in a review. Well, theorectially there SHOULDN’T. Short excerpts for critical reviews have always been specifically exempted by at least US copyright law. Of course, Unicorn was one of the ones who brought this up and he’s in Germany, so big whup for him.

I of course recognize that it IS more polite to ask first, and if the company asks you to take certain pictures down for whatever reason, it is a nice thing (but not a legally mandatory thing) to take them down.

But if you can’t actually get a reply from the game maker because the game maker is Japanese…well, then there isn’t really a problem.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Of course, Unicorn was one of the ones who brought this up and he's in Germany, so big whup for him.

Big Whoop?
I am not Guybrush Threepwood and I also don't want to become a pirate (even less, a graphics pirate...). [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ooops. Was that a bad pun?

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-14-2002).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Actually there are no legal problems with using pictures from a game in a review.
You sure about that? Last time I checked the text of the Berne Convention, it is illegal. It's just allowed under the fair use rule.
Well, theorectially there SHOULDN'T. Short excerpts for critical reviews have always been specifically exempted by at least US copyright law.
It's call "fair use", meaning it's not legal per se, but admitted.
Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Look around you. We're all mad here...

Ah. I almost forgot that [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img].

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Big Whoop?
I am not Guybrush Threepwood and I also don't want to become a pirate (even less, a graphics pirate...). [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ooops. Was that a bad pun?

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-14-2002).]

Just stay away from zombies, and you should do fine as a pirate [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]