JAST USA signed liscensing deal with Nitro+

Uh, I didn’t know it was set in Italy…that makes it somehow more appealing. I’m a little worried, though, japanese authors tend to have a very stereotypical idea of Italy.

By the way, it’s more correctly "Orma Rossa"instead of “Oruma Rossa” - it means something like “Red Footprint”, or more fittingly “Red Track” - and “Luparia” is kinda funny in ways that would probably require too much of an explanation :smiley:

Anyway, count me in on this one, too.

the demonbane site finally updated they added ruri and Master Therion

The review of Gekkou no Carnevale was. in fact, so interesting I had to stop reading it. Past a certain “awesomeness threshold”, I just want to be surprised. I don’t like spoilers, and I especially don’t like reading about something that may or may not ever come out. I really do hope it gets picked up (although I expect it probably has been). We’ll just have to wait and see …

I have been almost completely avoiding FFXIII coverage, for example, along with GoW3, and Heavy Rain, and Alan Wake, etc. etc. I just … don’t want to know. I’ll check the reviews to make sure they didn’t pull an epic fail, then buy the game, and that will be that.

I’m the same with Mass Effect 2 right now…only a few more days, I can take it!

it’s the same with France ^^ (With the exception of Nodame Cantabile and Noir, which was very decent for Noir and very good with Nodame)

in general don’t Japanese use stereotypes in general for foreigners
like blond Americans and Europeans in general
chinese eat dogs

No, the Chinese eat cats. Koreans are the ones that eat dogs. Trust me, I was deployed there twice. But considering these games are made for Japanese players it makes sense to use stereotypes. Every nation has their own interpretations on other nations and their people. If it’s generally accepted in Japan that Americans are all blond and optimistic then that’s probably the easiest way to depict them in a game. American developers may shy away from using stereotypes but it’s only because they’d get sued if they did.

Well, that didn’t stop Family Project

At least, thanks to gunslinger girl, we all know what you do with your loli… you monsters ! :lol:

new update from nitro+usa
the translation is almost done http://www.nitroplususa.com/demonbane-s … haracters/
it also says we might get to see uncensored cg’s soon

Doesn’t the post simply say “preliminary screenshots”?

i will be happy if they show more than just these already shown pics

Well, my guess is that they’re going to show off the work they did on the game, which is probably a few shots of dialogue, the menu, etc. However, there is a possibility they’ll show one or two “teaser” pictures.

So now that the first pass is almost done, we can probably expect the proofreading and miscellaneous testing to take at least another 2-3 months. So we might be looking at a May or June release, which sounds consistent with their statement that they’d like to have the game out before this year’s Anime Expo.

finally A new update on the demonbane page 2 new character pages leica and dr west

You know, AX '10 is only a matter of months away, and it’s been almost two months since the last time we’ve seen any updates with regards to Demonbane. I would like to hear more news on how progress on the localization is going. You know, how much of the script they’ve translated, whether they cut/censored anything out, when can we expect to see a release, etc.

I’ve got a question about your signature
what happens if it gets to 3?

Heck if I know–Maybe if I had a little bit of information in the form of localization notes or something, we’d be able to find out. But then again, I fail to see why my answer would matter to you if it wasn’t relevant or significant enough to harm the game for the vast majority.

As long as there isn’t a Twincest-gate, everyone’s gas tank will be sugar free. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of gates… Is it true that Steins;Gate is coming to PC? :smiley: