JAST USA signed liscensing deal with Nitro+

I douubt they would have said “Early 2010” if it wasn’t at least the slightest bit realistic…

Certainly more so than Mangagamers game-a-month schedule.

i hope they game drops by then
and i haVE a few quesions about demonbane
first how long is it
second is the game full voice including the protagonist
third how many endings does the game have
forth how many heroines are there

I know its old news, but I still think its great that PP managed to get a deal with Nitro+.

Despite all the talk going on about censorship, there’s at least some good news out there.

Here’s hoping that some of Nitro+'s best games get translated.

Yea and I would have been able to get a free press-badge for ComicCon, but I would have had no transportation or place to stay.

You forgot to ask for a walkthrough… :wink:

1.3x the length of Family Project, no, 7, 3

Quite right. The heroines don’t play a main role in most of the combat scenes, Al is not thirty different kinds of badass awesome rolled into one and they’re principally there for you to ogle at.

… okay, okay, that was uncalled for, and I apologise, but:

I’ve of recent seen an awful lot of people outright dismissing games based on, if you’ll forgive me, fairly weak reasoning, and I’ve just about had it up to here with it. Of course, I’m making the assumption here that your Demonbane information gathering so far has not been particularly comprehensive, and if I’m wrong, sorry again, but argh.

If you don’t want to play the game, fine, don’t play it. There’s plenty of legitimate reasons to not like Demonbane, you don’t need to make up new ones! =P

If you want to find out more information about these games, go ahead and ask, many of us here have played them. But you can see why I might get a teeny bit frustrated, right? I don’t even like Demonbane that much, but jsdfhjkdfhsdfjlhdfjkshs

Hey, I’m telling it like I see it so that people can correct me if I’m wrong, and/or understand my reasoning and therefore suggest games that I’d like better. :slight_smile:

I’ve only seen a tiny bit of the anime, but it’s obvious Al Azif has tons of power. That doesn’t change the fact that the character design looks odd to me. It didn’t feel like there was a reason for her to be a loli in skimpy frills other than just “lol, player fetish”. Maybe it’s explained at some point, I don’t know, maybe when you get to know her better it makes more sense. The nun has ridiculous breasts which look uncomfortable and over-exaggerated, and came across badly. The character designs look designed for leering. Doesn’t mean the characters themselves do nothing; I wouldn’t know anyway!

But as I’ve already admitted the real problem is that the anime totally rubbed me the wrong way.

Being a bishoujo game, is this terribly surprising? While I hear the story is pretty good, it isn’t Family Project. It has a more sex-focused, action-focused, fanservicey appeal to it.

Oh thank you. I couldn’t agree more.

Readies many weapons of mass destructions
Even jokingly, one shouldn’t talk bad about Azifu. :frowning:
OTOH, I guess defining Azifu isn’t such an easy task, since she’s pretty complex a character, between her sometimes childish behaviour and her mature, even cynical, outlook on things, her proud attitude toward Kurou yet her understanding of his nature as her “master”, her heavy chains to her past, duty and nature yet her relative free will. I leave you with one of my favourite quotes of hers~


You know, if I were to diss each and any game, anime or manga because I don’t like the character designs… It sounds a bit… “light” a reason to diss a game.

…no, contrary to common beliefs, I’m not especially fond of Azifu.

I for one would love to see Chaos;Head come over. That game is simply amazing.

I guess we can’t have Hello, World anymore since JAST now hates loli games… (or would all of the lolis with sex/nudity be considered nonhuman/“over 18”? :roll: )

Phantom Integration must be licensed.

If Sumaga is being considered, I wouldn’t rule out Hello, World! yet. Mika doesn’t really seem more loli than Mira.

Well, I wouldn’t rule out any possibilities just yet. But if it is announced, I wouldn’t even think about ordering it until after it’s been released and verified free of edits/cuts.

Is Mika actually non-human/over 18 in the story of Hello, World?

Since Phantom of inferno has already been licensed, it won’t happen… :expressionless:

Phantom: Integration probably won’t be.

They simply don’t want to release an unvoiced game.

Hello, World should be fine - the characters aren’t plotwise-loli.

Hello, World might also kill their translation staff >_>;

That’s sort of…the point of eroge…

Oddly enough, “Early 2010” is the exact verbatim release date Funimation is giving for the Strike Witches R1 DVD’s. 2010 is gonna be a pretty awesome year.

i hope that mean January

Remember, I’m a girl. :slight_smile: I’m not playing to fap! Anyway, plenty of games have characters who look believable within their universe.

But I won’t go anywhere near Cosplay Fetish Academy… even though I actually have a cosplay fetish. What they’re wearing isn’t cosplay to me, it’s just dumb and distracting.