JAST USA signed liscensing deal with Nitro+

Wait a minute? Girls don’t fap :frowning:

No, they schlick :smiley:

Hi I haven’t read much of the posts but has jast usa said anything about chaos head? Also what will they do to the loli looking characters I wont buy any censored games and heard they have loli’s in them?

They will do nothing about them. They aren’t implied to be underage, and some aren’t human, so they’re safe.

Jast has only censored things twice so far, and it those cases they were either extreme( i.e. looked like 5 year olds) or implied to underage( i.e. Matsuri). There have been PLENTY of games they have released with loli characters, and they came out unedited.

exactly :slight_smile: although very few of these games are actually erotic by my standards!

“Very few”? Which ones made the grade?

Mizuki’s path on YMK is head and shoulders above the competition; beyond that it gets fuzzy trying to remember what’s halfway-acceptable and what’s just meh, I don’t keep good notes on the subject.

I remember Figures of Happiness being particularly bad, but mostly because it was so jarring in comparison to the rest of the story. I could only snicker helplessly and read tidbits out to others.

No, you can’t say that for sure because JAST USA didn’t explicitly guarantee that they won’t do anything to them, even if they happened to meet that criteria. Pete already expressed concern about a loli-like character in Sumaga (a Nitro+ title they might potentially acquire or might have already acquired), even though she’s neither human, explicitly underaged, nor an “extreme” loli, so they aren’t safe.

If events like the Handley case or the Rapelay fiasco can cause them to overreact and make last-minute changes to a vanilla title like KK, despite the content in their past releases, there’s no telling what they’ll do in the future because they’ve probably been negotiating with Nitro+ before these issues even became public. Detective392 has every reason to worry.

The Handley case started last year. They wouldn’t license something if they would have to change much, and they would probably have to change a LOT in this case if it was a problem.

They said it wouldn’t be an issue, AFTER they made the changes to KK, and Peter already said he was familiar with all the content of the 2 games they have, and he says there is no problem with it, so that means, more likely than not, it will be unedited. They DID guarantee that they wouldn’t edit it, your just taking parts of what they said and mixing them up. He said the ONLY game he was concerned about was Sumaga. The other games are fine. Demonbane characters are only slightly loli anyway, not like some other games they released.

He also hasn’t checked out Sumaga to verify what I said about Mira. He’s not just going to take one persons word for it until he actually LOOKS at the script, like he’s done with the current batch.

Are you a lawyer? If not, I don’t think you should give legal advice anyway…

…Oh, and it wasn’t just about rape in regards to the stuff in Japan, they were actually planning on extending CP laws to include drawings, and the EOCS added more loli restrictions. the bill failed, but that was after the game went gold, and we STILL haven’t gotten rid of a certain PROTECT act problem regarding obscenity. JAST doesn’t have the money to fight a lawsuit if they get in trouble.

Your really just coming off as paranoid. Read the Q&A posts again, they basically gurentee they will be unedited. He was just unsure about ONE game they don’t have, and you assume they’re talking about EVERY game they have. KK STILL has a full H scene with Matsuri, and she doesn’t look any older, she’s still on the loli side, so that edit had NOTHING to do with her appearance.

But they licensed the title in the same year as Dwight Whorley’s conviction, the Kodomo no Jikan controversy, and when they censored XC3–That’s plenty enough to take into consideration when they chose to license KK. Not to mention, Handley was convicted this year, and Pete already said that the changes to KK were last-minute in response to Handley and the Rapelay issue. And besides, what about XC3? I heard entire sex scenes and a good deal of dialogue was cut out–What’s the deal with that? What bogus legal excuse did they have for that other than the fact that a character “looked” young?

If they can censor a character on looks alone in one title, they can do it for any other title. That’s not a opinion, that’s a FACT.

You think I care whether Matsuri’s edit was related to her appearance or the dialog?

As far as the character from Sumaga is concerned, if the appearance of one character is enough to cause concern, what’s going to stop them from suddenly changing their minds again? I’ve seen the CG’s from the other two titles before, and the lolis don’t seem to appear that radically different from the one in Sumaga. You’re just coming off as careless.

They didn’t guarantee anything. They only stated their opinion based on current circumstances.

Who said he was fully familiar with the games’ content after they censored KK to begin with? He said it shouldn’t be an issue, not that it won’t be an issue, meaning he doesn’t seem to have a problem from what he sees so far, not that it will never be an issue. He’s expressing an OPINION, not a FACT. Why should anyone believe he’s anywhere near certain if he doesn’t make a guarantee, or shows that he’s suceptable to making last-minute changes?

“More likely than not it will be unedited.” Right…

Why doesn’t he just say “it won’t be edited” for once? I’ll tell you why–It’s because he’s NOT fully certain if things’ll stay that way. Let’s assume he’s fully gone through the text/CGs: Considering the fact that it can take them over a year to release anything (like KK, which took them 2 years), that’s more than enough time for an incident to pop up and change their minds. Hell, that’s more than enough time for them to change their minds, even without an incident. And nobody shouldn’t be worried about them changing a future title because…?

So that somehow makes them any less accountable for the fact that they ultimately were the ones who chose to bring this title in the first place? So that somehow changes the fact that I shouldn’t be worried about the precedent they might set by messing a product, despite the miniscule probability of being convicted and the already vanilla content of KK?

Let me get one thing straight: If I was a lawyer, I’d tell them to stay away from any title that contains any sort of loli-like content if obscenity laws are even a concern to them. That’s probably the best legal advice anyone can give. As long as there is loli-like content, and they make no guarantee to keep it uncensored, there’s no reason to assume that any of them are safe.

Don’t tell me or anyone else not to be concerned about future titles under the guise that KK was censored as a result of ‘certain circumstances’.

EVERYTHING happens as a result of ‘certain circumstances’.

First off, I am certain PP has been given legal advice in the past on its titles. However, legal issues aren’t the only thing a business has to worry about, especially on in a niche entertainment business. Successful businesses take calculated risks in our economy to make money. Businesses that don’t die. What you’re saying could very well permanently cripple any such business as being a niche market already you excluding a large percentage of potential customers making a niche within a niche. That’s unsustainable.

Of course it could be edited, but I’m saying it isn’t LIKELY at all, and your writing it as if it was inevitable. Do the lolis in the upcoming games look worse than the ones currently out? Peter knows that the ages are either irreverent or the characters are immortal.

Bringing XC3 into it is silly, that game came out 3 YEARS AGO, and they released loli stuff since then. I think they’ve had Demonbane for a while, and KNOW whats in it. Why else do you think they’re shooting for early 2010, when this game is 30% longer than KK, Which took 2 years? Not to mention they have outside help. Given this, unless something happens between now and then, I don’t see them editing anything.

I guess I shouldn’t have said what “it won’t be edited”, I should have said “it LIKELY won’t be edited.”, since I can’t predict the future. Handley got in trouble last year, it was the trail that was this year, yet they released Princess Waltz, with its ageless lolis, and Matsuri still has an H scene, looking no older than before, and she looks about as youthful as any of the Nitro+ heroines. Peter hasn’t seen Sumaga yet, so he can’t make any judgments on it yet, but it doesn’t look to be a problem. Loli’s sometimes look older during H-scenes vs normal scenes, Downhill Night looks like an example, as does Demonbane, based on the images I’ve seen. This seems to be because they where somewhat childish clothing, I guess.

And Kodomo no Jikan is NOT related at all, it was because of an image problem with the company involved. And have you read the manga lately? You’d be INSANE to release something like that in the US right now. Also, they licensed that early on, before it got edgier. There is quite a difference between ongoing manga and finished games.

If you can’t tell us the future and say that it won’t happen for sure, as opposed to that it won’t likely happen, then don’t tell anyone not to worry about it. JAST USA changed the content even though the actual chances of an obscenity conviction are slim to none, so there’s no reason why a fan shouldn’t be concerned about future titles getting edited even if the chances of getting a censored product is small. After all, it only takes them a slim chance of getting convicted for them to change it, so all it takes is a slim chance for us to get a censored product.

Well I can’t imagine them being able to sustain themselves for very long if their definition of taking “calculated” risks involve breaking promises and doing things to their product that can disenfranchise the already small niche audience they have, especially considering how localizing eroge isn’t that profitable for JAST to begin with. But then again, how should I know?

I Hope they won’t break there promises again, but this is a rare case, anyway.

I sorry to say this, but the people who view this as a necessary evil probably outnumber the ones who think ANY kind of censorship is unacceptable. If they can be trusted to only make small edits, then I doubt people like you can change much, as the ComicCon reaction showed, and the fact that your the only one who actually complains about it a while lot beyond 4ch people looking to spam, so I guess there is little hope for things to be perfect, unless there is a way for them to feel completely safe AND not limit there choices, which is unlikely to happen soon. This seems to be the best compromise they see right now.

Yeah, Mazuki’s hot. She just played Kouhei like a fiddle and tricked him several times, I really like that. The balcony in China was just awesome and weird.

They definetly had one of the most memorable eroge relationships.

ComicCon is not an anime/manga convention. No one there really had any idea what happened. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

These days, it’s not even a comic convention…just Hollywood buzz and media tie-in crap.

Well don’t be so entirely sure that I’m that small of a minority. This is only one forum with only a group of maybe twenty active users, after all. As stupid as the guys from 4chan and Sankaku Complex can be, they’re still part of the audience and I’ll bet some of them are regular customers who feel similar but aren’t interested in discussing with people here. You think JAST got their attention just because they’re all just trolls with nothing better to do than to?

As far as the ComicCon reaction is concerned–What’s ComicCon?

Besides, I wonder how long that “necessary evil” attitude can last if they start censoring more titles frequently or more excessively? If it starts a trend, it’s eventually bound to get on peoples’ nerves and make them less than willing to purchase from them due to increased paranoia. If it happens, you won’t have anyone to blame except yourselves for your initial apathy.

Link removed by moderation.

I’m a customer who’s bought a number of games from JAST, and I’m both a 4chan and Sankaku Complex reader. I know there’s a lot of people out there who’d give me a very negative image, but yes, there are proper paying consumers on those sites, as well as people who attempt to communicate in a civil and lucid manner.

If they start going downhill, I’ll join you in the complaints. However, I don’t think we can assume they will just from these two incidents. Given the current track record, they only have problems with extreme lolis or characters who are implied to be underage. They ARE listening to fans here, so I don’t think they’ll purposefully mess up again.

For the record, KK still has Matsuri’s sex scene, and she looks as loli as the Nitro+ characters. Even though she is implied to be legal at that point, she doesn’t look any older. based on this, I’d say that the Nitro+ ones are safe under their CURRENT system, as Matsuri doesn’t look much older than them. Looking at what they DIDN’T censor helps, too.

EVERYTHING you and I say is based on pure speculation. This censorship is a far cry from what happened in pre-PP days, with games like Nocturnal Illusion (Where ENTIRE SCENES were blacked out hastily because of loli-like characters, who even say their of legal age.) , so censorship has actually gotten tamer.

While I’m only “slightly cautious” about the future, you seem to be “totally paranoid”. They ARE listening to our complaints, based on what Vardest said. Right now, they seem to be avoiding censorship for the most part, but who can say in the future? I had worried about censorship for this game and others since they were first announced, yet most of the games I thought wold be censored came out fine.

A nervous overreaction like this HARDLY points directly to a major policy shift.