Large update about future releases from MangaGamer

Hes quoting exact parts from ef.
He be trollin?

Nah, I don’t think he’s trolling. minori did hint that they were doing business dealings in the Netherlands from one of their recent page updates, and that’s where Mangagamer is located (as a business). Plus, if minori and NNL are doing some form of a localisation deal, they’d need a way of actually selling the game. Neither NNL nor minori have a business in place to sell overseas, but Mangagamer do, so it makes sense they’d go through either Mangagamer or JAST.

EDIT: also I hope that’s not directly from the translation they’re going to use. the Chapter 5 stuff is pretty terrible! “The fact that your hands were soiled¬Öyou were not digging one up, were you?” come on, really?

That’s the official Mangagamer blog, I doubt one of their employees would post a troll post to the official blog.

If you looked carefully, for ea. entry there is three distinct quotes. For ex. in all 5 entries, there is one quote from ef. That soiled hands thing and necrophillia thing might be Cartagra (or some innocent gray work).

Okay I’m officially a MangaGamer fan too now :smiley:

Especially if they continue to make physical copies to sell. Especially if it’s at the price they are using…
(Higurashi normally 36.95 Euros or 50$ for DRM download copy … at Hendane was 30$ packaged… and no DRM)
(KiraKira All ages normally 29.95 Euros or 40$ for DRM download copy … at Hendane was 30$ packaged… and no DRM)
Yes! … [but I would rather have gotten the non-all ages version…]

No, they’re all from ef. The quote you’re talking about would be a translation from:


yeah mangagamer will release ef
no name losers will help with the project
hopefully uncensored … /#more-733

More info up at NNL’s website.

Bolded the important part. :smiley:

The CEO of Overdrive helped smooth things over? Wow, as if I didn’t think they were awesome enough already! :smiley:

Well, it’s his job as a leading MangaGamer investor/representative. Apparently, his brother has been trying to win over Visual Art’s as well, although that hasn’t gone anywhere yet.

Ah, I didn’t know OVERDRIVE was their investor. Thanks for clearing that up.

Do you think he may talk with Akabesoft2 next?


Why not? Now that minori has decided that even gaijin could play their games, I guess everything’s possible… ~_~

“Now that…”? Perhaps they always did consider that non-Japanese people could play their games. After all, their official stance always has been that they didn’t want people overseas to play them because that may put said people in trouble, not that they were opposed to the fact they play. In fact, they officially said they were willing to discuss it, if any fantranslation group were willing to talk and ask for permission instead of unilaterally rip their works off. That they were in fact “racist” and “xenophobic” has always been BUT the overseas “fans” interpreting their actions in order to justify them keep pirating minori.

“You never know until you try.” Fact is: fan-translators NEVER tried to contact and talk with ANY company whose game they chose to fan-translated and just assumed the company wouldn’t ever be willing to negociate, and that any move from said company to protect their intellectual properties would “obviously” because they were xenophobic and would hate “gaijins to play their games.”

This is why I won’t be playing their games. Some things don’t add up if that was their stance and, presumably, the content of the games haven’t changed.

IIRC, they had admitted not knowing about how the laws in countries other than Japan would handle the contents of their games. I’d assume MG and/or NNL pointed them to the legal documents about the matter? I mean, NNL said on their page that “Certain terminology and vocabulary will be changed to comply with western laws. All characters are 18 or over!” while MG is already porting games for western countries so it’s up to them to make minori’s games adhere to the laws of these countries.

What I think they’re referring too, is that if someone got in trouble for a title such as Ef, Minori would take a hit as the title was released by them. Now that Mangagamer has the license for the English release, if anything happens, its Mangagamer who takes the hit, not Minori. Since Minori’s version is made to be played in Japan.

Isn’t the “Everybody is over 18, we swear!” disclaimer and working around school terms already pretty much standard procedure in Japan? There shouldn’t be anything that needs changing.

I have to somewhat agree with Olf here. Minori has demonstrated that they’re interested in this market with what counts: their time and money. Their past actions to protect their IP are therefore justified–regardless of what their actual intentions at the time were. I still suspect they had no interest in this market when they sent out their C&Ds, but that’s now irrelevant. They’re localizing their games, so any malice I once had towards them has vanished. I believed Hell would freeze over before minori localized one of their games. It’s sure getting chilly here.

As for their continued blockade of foreigners from their site–it doesn’t matter now, unless you’re an importer. Think about it–why be upset that a company is blocking foreigners?

  1. It’s more difficult to import / browse info on their games.
  2. It shows contempt for foreign fans.

In this case, 1) should be nulled for the vast majority of people because they now have English titles announced, with the promise of more if they do well (hardcore importers still get the shaft though). I’m willing to accept an unconvincing argument like “we’re protecting you from yourself” for this small inconvenience.

  1. is null because they’re clearly NOT showing contempt for foreign fans–they’re localizing their titles!

Unless you’re an importer, there’s no reason at all to be upset at minori at this juncture. Their philosophy may be a little odd, but I’ll welcome new developers into the English market with open arms (particularly excellent developers like minori).