Large update about future releases from MangaGamer

Once I can finally manage to afford buying myself games again, I may have to take a second look at possibly getting some. Right now though, it is completely out of the question.

Really? I doubt Minori had specific ages as they were under EOCS which has similar requirements.

I found it charming, but the prologue took me months to get through. As with most games, you have to have a character you like (I can generally tell this just from glancing at a character sketch). If not, you probably won’t like the game. The plot definitely isn’t “wow’ing” though. It’s merely what I call “slice of life done right”. And I don’t really like slice of life.

neither do i
most of jast’s stuff is slice of life
right now i have been liking mangagamer’s stuff better than jast’s stuff

To me, like Ashita no Yukinojou 2, Kazoku Keikaku is outwardly unextraordinary, but quietly amazing. I feel that those two games (although I think Ashita no Yukinojou 2 is actually the better eroge now) are pretty much the pure embodiment of what eroge is. There’s nothing especially special about the stories, but all the work went into the characters, the result being that you can’t really find eroge with better-developed characters anywhere.

Don’t really understand how people had such trouble getting into the game. I pretty much couldn’t stop playing it!

The main problem I have with getting through Kazoku Keikaku is the slice fo life so far isn’t that interesting. It doesn’t seem to provide much insight into the characters other than what I already know, and while I admit some of the characters are interesting, Aoba and Masumi (whose I’m route I’m trying to play) don’t seem to have much of a presence in the plot so far aside from comical scenes.
Another problem with the slice of life is there doesn’t seem to be very good chemistry between the characters involved so far in those scenes which makes most of the comical scenes come off as nothing more than padding between the few points where we learn something new about one of the characters.
I will admit that where I’m at now (around 10 hours (not a good sign where I’m completely aware of how much time is passing while playing) it looks like the story’s showing a few interesting signs so hopefully things will pick up from there.

The bad translation might be part of it.

it was one of the most drawn out games i have played
it just seemed pretty long and drawed out with long boring conversations that was my problem

Remember 11 has just been restocked on J-List.

score! smooches Ignosco

snatches yet another copy (3 copies left!)
Yay, couldn’t resist :smiley: Thanks for the heads up!
smoo … wait…

EDIT: I chose airmail… hope that was alright… (arrives in good shape)

Probably gonna use that OTAKU USA coupon to make my first MG purchases. Most likely gonna be Da Capo II and Suika A.S. (B/c before my old HDD died, I was like on the 2nd to last chapter of Suika, and back then, I didn’t really acquire their releases "legitly b.c I was underage). So now I’m planning on getting them legitamately. In addition to preordering Demonbane, I’m planning on getting Kira Kira and Higurashi Physical Copies when they come back into stock and Koihime Musou went it comes out.

da capo 2 drops christmas eve … /da-capo-2

It’s alright, I have a female half that you can smooch. my cat

Lost my post… :x
ANYWAYS to sum up what I wrote :

@ Ignosco - meow!

And @topic sorta -
MangaGamer. I’m loving what they’ve done this year. Basically they’ve mended my opinion of them, and with Da Capo 2’s imminent release, things are on a high note for me :smiley:
(Edelweiss’ re-translation should be getting close too… Oh, and the hardcopys of Higurashi and KiraKira were a nice touch! Now start getting other titles and you’ll be well on your way to being my #1!)

DC2 LOOKS good imo. While DC1 gave me a dry/ordinary impression… DC2 on the other hand… well see for yourself :

Also some useful info from one of the testers :

…Oh and today’s last day for the DC2 contest! Two people get copies…

Hope one of us wins :smiley:

Yes, and some people are even buying it legally, unlike certain pirates writing “i will wait for crack, torrent and walkthrough” on certain forums.

i might just buy it
but how would you know that if you don’t go to illegal download sites as well
but i still want a walkthrough before i buy it

Could always use the Japanese walkthroughs with google translate, though the only thing is you probably would want a character page so you’ll know which route you’re on considering how google can mangle character names.

I’m not saying I’ve never downloaded anything illegally. But I find it kinda pathetic that people who I often see in JAST and Mangagamer forums are praising pirates who post Mangagamer’s games there. Like that troll Yagami.

They just made an announcement for Zaishuu: … et-sinful/ … lty-thesin

Anyone else besides me going to get it? The premise sounds interesting and from what I remember with Narg’s review, it wasn’t a bad game.