Large update about future releases from MangaGamer


Unfortunately the voices have to be removed, but after the backlash from this happening with previous MangaGamer titles this time the game is being dubbed in-house by MangaGamer staff.

The provisional casting list is as follows:
Haruka - Kouryuu
Mitsuki - EvoSpace
Akane - bamboo

:o you forgot
Manami - Yagami

Original ending sounds great~

Mangagamers Tactics game (Harem Party) has entered Beta Testing:!/MangaGamer/status … 4762003457

They should really stop doing this…They don’t really expect to make a PROFIT from this,do they?

I believe it was mentioned somewhere that JASTs sex-fests sell more then other games. I’m assuming MG is trying the same thing.

is harem party any good

I haven’t played it but it looks OK based on the website:

It looks to be primarily group sex.

To be more exact I think it was mentioned that nukige were more profitable. I’m assuming stuff like this Tactics game were ridiculously cheap to license? I really doubt they sell more, but I’m guessing they might be easier to stay in the black. Then again, does Mangagamer actually buy the license for their games? I don’t have a clue.

Actually, I believe it was mentioned that the nukige sells better. Specifically moves more units, not is more profitable. People willing to be regular posters on these boards are far more likely to be interested in the stories; many people are only interested in h-games for the h. And games like Kana or Crescendo or Shuffle have a lot less h than Amorous Prof. Cherry or Cosplay Alien.

I am not sure whether this was publically confirmed or not, but what I heard was that nukige consistently is a better seller; that they continue doing non-nukige because they don’t want to overspecialize, but nukige is where the money is.

Look at how many people complained about the non-h version of Eien no Aselier. Even on the board a bunch of people posted things like “OMG, aweso–wait, there’s no h? Booooriiiing!”

Wait, wasn’t that me? :lol:
I still would be genuinely surprised if nukige sold more units. Although I do remember that the Sagara Family was indeed their best-selling game for a while (I don’t know if it still is).

I��d honestly have to check :wink:

But it certainly wasn’t just you; other people expressed the same opinion.

Yet the same isn’t true for MangaGamer and nukige. While it’s certainly true that JAST has localised slightly better nukiges than MangaGamer, I suspect it’s more to do with marketing.

As for Eien no Aselia, my main disappointment is that they decided to go with the existing translation rather than using a new one.
I was looking into creating a patch for Special Edition using the Dakkodango patch as a base and I would have happily gone ahead with that (beyond the hacking side which I’ve already pretty much done I’d still have to translate a huge number of H scenes and other content) if JAST stuck to the original plan - since I wouldn’t be using any part of their work or even translating a competing product - and this way everyone would be happy. People who want the H scenes can grab the rereleased Special Edition but people who don’t mind that so much and want the best Eien no Aselia experience could get JAST’s, with a proper, high-quality translation etc. for under half the price. Anyway, I thought this would be a way I could help to drive up interest in Eien no Aselia and result in more sales for both XUSE and JAST - because I’ve never cared about a game being successful for JAST as much as I do with Eien no Aselia. It really should do well and if it doesn’t we should just forget the concept of trying to sell eroge to English speakers because if there’s no hope for Eien no Aselia there’s no hope for anything else.

However, since they are using the Dakkodango translation I’d be working on basically the same project as JAST, except with the extra content of Special Edition. This would directly compete with JAST’s project since the translation of JAST’s release wouldn’t be any better - even the physical packaging wouldn’t be able to beat that of Special Edition unless JAST invests heavily in feelies for this. The only difference is the price. Whether or not this would actually harm JAST or not is immaterial, because I’m not going to use the same translation JAST is using to release a free translation patch for a different product.

So yeah, I guess I just have to hope that JAST changes its mind re: Special Edition.

Certainly Shuffle! is (right now) their #1 best seller, and that is indeed not a nukige. But the #2 game - coming up on it fast - is Koi Hime. While not exactly a nukige, Koi Hime certainly has an enormous amount of h-scenes. And most of the nukige they HAVE released were from before their QA processes were improved, so they had terrible translations.

Unfortunately, they reason they’re using the fan translation is technical problems, and they can’t use the Special Edition because they’d have to censor it heavily. So I just don’t see that happening.

At around 1000 sales, Koihime Musou IS their best-selling game. … #more-2592

But keep in mind–Koihime Musou has gameplay. That’s a factor that sets it apart from all of Mangagamer’s other releases circa May 2011.

I was not aware it had overtaken Shuffle!. That’s good news at least in that regard. Especially since it also means Koihime is their fastest-selling game, since it just came out but Shuffle has been out for close to 2 years (Aug 2009).

Mangagamer updated their website:

They now have a link to Hard Copies and their Affiliate program is up and running.
They also added a link to ‘3D/Movie’.

Unfortunately, the only thing that comes up is Da Capo, which I’ve had a few months now since I pre-ordered it to encourage more hard copy releases.

I think they haven’t finished the hard copy’s website as you can find Da Capo 2 if you click through the links, its just not on the product list.