Large update about future releases from MangaGamer

Althought i like eroges with a good store. Nukiges are fine, I’m not too much interested but i still wait and i enjoy them. Thanks to “we love master!” and looking to the games i have bought I found that i like nukiges more than i thought in first place. I belive that most of the poeploe who buy nukiges have in mind that they prefere eroges with good story but only a few sex scenes. Still they usualy are more interested in Nukiges that they think and because those game are cheaper they are more willing to buy them so it sell better and it also make more proficits too because it cost less to the company. Sells and polls seem to give me reason. Althouht my insteres is in Harukoi Otome, deardrops, I’ll still buy nukiges like “Eroge” and Magical teacher.-

Personally, I would only buy nukige if the art is exceptionally good. I don’t really believe that I should buy nukige to support JAST or MG, and I don’t want to take part in encouraging them to translate more cheap nukige. It’s a drop in the ocean for sure, but I make it a personal point by only buying story-driven games with a few exceptions.

That being said, I bought Koihime Musou twice, so what do I know?

Eroge! is probably worth getting beyond the nukige factor, really, it’s a good title.

Not saying the story is necessarily exceptional but I enjoyed the heck out of it and I don’t like nukige at all. Not sure if people still care about EGS results but Eroge! has 80% and was Clockup’s highest rated game until Euphoria. That’s the same score as Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru*, although they’re obviously drastically different games =p

*I liked Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru but it has some pretty huge problems on diverting from the main route. Clearing it is painful to do and feels like a waste of time. Most of the individual routes are so bad I’d say the game is a waste of time if it didn’t have such a good main route. The sequel, Futari no Elder, is a pretty drastic improvement over the original but still suffers from many of the same flaws.

Mind, if Caramel Box is the way MangaGamer is headed now, I’m sad they skipped Meguri, Hitohira - but I can see how picking a title with an animated adaptation is the smarter thing to do.

Koihime has tons (and tons, and then some more :smiley: ) of H, but it’s not really a nukige. It’s got a strong nukige component - it’s much more of a nukige than (say) Crescendo or Demonbane - but there’s also a strong story component. The main reason there’s a ton of H is that there’s just a ton of content there in general. The difference between (say) Cosplay Alien or Hitozuma Wife’s Club is that most of the H in Koihime isn’t even accessible until say 25% of the way through a very long game (since you have to visit most of the girls quite a few times before you sleep with them).

Plus, it’s also a question of how the ero is approached rather than just the quantity of it. Koihime Musou may have a lot of H scenes but they’re pretty plain scenes in general. Compare that to, say, the typical scenes you get in Atelier Kaguya eroges which are quite long and very gratuitous.

(mind, it’s also not a matter of how long the H scenes are. By far the longest single H scene I’ve seen in any eroge, including eroges that are basically just one long H scene themselves, is in Garden and you’d be insane to call that a nukige =p)

The main thing, to me, is that Koihime exists to do more than tell a story about a bunch of people banging each other’s brains out. It’s a takeoff on a very famous story, and it even has its own story woven in there (not a very good one, but they have one). The characters in KS all have obvious fetish appeal, but they – err, well, okay, many of them ^^~~ – exist as more than their fan-service archetype.

Whereas games like Hitozuma Wives’ Club don’t even pass the Bechdel Test. Hell, there are a lot of nukige that wouldn’t pass a modified form of the test asking if there were two women ever had a conversation about something other than the protagonist, and you wouldn’t have to look very hard to find a game where no two women characters ever have a conversation about anything other than the protagonist’s [censored].

To me, it’s all about the ‘point’ of the game. If the only point of the game is to have huge amounts of h-scenes, then it’s a nukige. Cosplay Alien is a nukige because the writers did not care about anything other than how many h-scenes they could cram in, and it’s painfully obvious. KM definitely has a lot of h, and that’s one of its main selling points, but it’s not the ONLY selling point. That is the difference, at least to me.

eroge is highly rated on vndb
Bear ears and a bear face on her coveralls… Pedobear is getting sneakier in sneakier… :lol:

I’m actually quite interested in both of these new release announcements from MangaGamer. And the thing about Koihime is great too. Now if only they can get more people to buy Kara no Shoujo …

If you’re hoping that more people buying Kara no Shojo will ultimately lead to a fully-voiced version somewhere down the line, I’m sorry to say that that’s highly unlikely. MangaGamer has already announced that the casting agency holding the copyright on the voices is demanding an exorbitant licensing fee several times larger than the licensing fee for the game itself – one that MangaGamer would be better off using to license and release multiple fully-voiced titles instead. The agency stubbornly refuses to lower its asking price or accept alternatives like the 2,000-sale clause for Koihime Musou, so MangaGamer has little choice but to respond to their demands with a definitive “no”.

Source link: … o-changes/

Assuming that the above is what you meant, I’d suggest buying the game directly from MangaGamer and installing the fan-made voice patch instead of waiting for something that will never happen.

If, on the other hand, you were just trying to say that Kara no Shojo is faring worse than it should, I’d be inclined to agree. I’ve only played the trial version so far and can’t say either way if the game is underrated or not, but I did like what I saw and see myself playing through the full version in the not-too-distant future (I’d say “near future”, but I have a lot of hard copies I have yet to finish, including Edelweiss, Go Go Nippon, and both Da Capo titles… ^_^;).

As for Otoboku, I’m glad to see a title whose anime adaptation has had an official English-language release have its source material follow suit. The anime version of Eroge has been fansubbed, so I could say the same to an extent (though I should note that not all fansub groups are created equal, and this is especially true for H-anime fansubs). As per usual, I’ll avoid the anime version for now until I’ve gone through the original so I can give the two a fair assessment.

Oh, I’m well aware there won’t ever be any voice for KnS. But there’s a risk there won’t be any more Innocent Grey translations either. MG’s said so itself on its twitter. They’ve said it did much worse than they thought it should do, or expected it to do, and so that’s the reason there haven’t been more Innocent Grey games announced.

Any reason some hard copies disappeared from the J-List catalog?

Maybe there’s limited stock and they all got bought.

The last time games mysteriously disappeared from the catalog, it wa the Nocturnal Illusion / old Jast USA rerelease collections … and they disappeared because they went out of print.

I doubt they’re out of print, since I don’t think MangaGamer has removed anything from their website. But it’d be nice to get some kind of official word.

Not even KnS sequel (if it ever get released, that is)? Now that’s too cruel.

Check Innocent Grey’s site, there’s something that seems to indicate they’ll have something to announce in April…and it also seems to indicate there’s going to be a butterfly related theme to KnS2. Which means either Yukari’s going to feature more prominently in this game or KnS2 will be following the theme of butterflies almost always being bad news.

Edit: Never mind the April thing, it’s actually a daily countdown. How I mixed up the day and month kanji I don’t know; I hadn’t even started the traditional St. Patrick’s Day drinking yet :mrgreen:!/MangaGamer/status/197757071607865344
Dengeki Stryker is out of testing and getting final revisions done. Looks like it’ll be the AX release.

Anyone here going to be getting this title? Looks like a fun little pick up to just pass the time. Hope they get around to Chou Dengeki Stryker sometime after it is released.

I got it when it was originally released. It is pretty great, fun stuff, though obviously not in the same tier as Kira Kira.

Well, Dengeki Stryker is now on sale through MangaGamer. Also about the livestream that is going to happen with Bamboo: