Lightning Warrior Raidy: The Thread (no spoilers please)

I get to the site okay, but there is a pop-up window that comes up for the “18 or 21” disclaimer. Do you even get to that point, or does the computer freeze up before you even get to that point?

(Perhaps your browser is set to ignore pop-ups and maybe that’s doing it? Not really sure, but that’s a starting point.)

Hey Shingo any chance you all can try getting some of the sweet swag that came with the Raidy II Collector’s Pack for the English release of Raidy II? I’d definitely pay a bit more for it, if we could get some of the items that were contained in it.

For those Curious about what was in it go here:


I actually got the collection pack and the freebies were sweet :smiley: I wouldn’t mind getting a 2nd english set either! (that hard bound artbook was definitely a keeper!^^) I’m with Doug’s suggestion on this one! =D At the very least packing the OST and Artbook would be nice =D

I’d love it if we could include some of the extras that came with the limited edition Japanese release of Raidy II as well. We’ll be consulting with ZyX to see what they have available; if nothing else we should be able to include anything that can be digitized (soundtrack, etc.). Whether we’ll be able to include physical bonuses as well depends on what we can wrangle with the Japanese developers. We’ll definitely be looking into it!

I must say that I feel the same way. After all, it seems strange that even while defending, if the enemy’s hit strikes, the damage is exactly the same as if you didn’t defend. =/ That’s why I didn’t use it past the few times I tried it out in the beginning.

I assume its to loose on purpose on a boss fight once you’ve hit the boss room even though you’ve figured out their weakspot. Mind you i find i tend to dodge a lot a more when ‘defending’

That makes sense. I never thought of that. I always made sure to find the boss before finding out their weakspot, fight and lose, and then go back and find out what it was.

It should have been called the Submission button… or better yet, Masochism. 8)

It’s a known fact that in RPG, the “defence” option is always useless.

haha I like the idea of calling it the submission button. Raidy is quick to submit upon losing anyway. :lol:

That’s true! :lol:

But that’s because they “stole” it from Dragon Quest/Ultima/Wizardry, where “Defense” actually has a purpose (usually 50% damage reduction). Your party of 4 would usually have two physical attackers and two spell casters. The “offensive” caster would buff and cast fireball spells until they ran out of MP, while the “defensive” caster would reserve MP for healing. Defense was vital for the healer, and somewhat important for the offensive caster. Also Defense came into play in the critical fights, since Boss enemies would strike before your attackers would… thus you had to “Defend” to survive their attack, before the healer could restore HP.

Ah… the good 'ole days of RPG’ing. 8)

I think what most ppl are really forgetting is this game is technically a remake of a really old game made back in the 90’s so if it the game system seems quite out dated… well it is =P Of course that doesn’t mean its a bad game in fact considering its an old system and still manages to hold up as a great game even tho its out dated pretty much shows how good it is =3

On a side note I wish ZYX would hurry up w/ its Raidy III site but it looks like their working on another project first xD

Those are some pretty good scenes, too… @_@

This game was actually quite BORING! And than making it nearly impossible unless you went to the map site or wanted to spend hours mapping all the teleports and drawing the area out was no fun. It had only CG and really had nothing going for this game at all… I am surprised it was even picked up. This was one game that was a severe disappointment. And for what purpose was the defense button? Really none… I just reloaded the last boss monster battle… lost the fight and you will see all the scenes since he gives you as a plaything to all the others.

Whats wrong with mapping? =P IIRC most ye olde First Person view RPG’s relied on mapping a LOT! xD And you don’t even get the benefit of an in game map =3 I swear most RPG’ers are so spoiled these days =P

On the off tangent… if anything the only thing i really didn’t like about Pretty Soldier Wars (and its sequal in japanese) was that they really ramped up the dodge rates of all the monsters compared to the original 3 PC98 games… was just so random to try and hit anything on later levels xD

Not everyone accepts that premise though. After all, people are complaining precisely because they don’t think it holds up as a great game.

Raidy probably holds most value to those who have fond memories of the original. However, this is inapplicable to English-speaking fans, who judge it (not unreasonably) as a new game. And let’s face it, the system needs numerous additions to even compete with shareware CRPGs from the 80s/early 90s.

I don’t think the renewal factor is a great excuse. After all, other companies have released top quality remakes (Tomb Raider Anniversary, Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song, etc.) that were redesigned from scratch while retaining the soul of the originals.

All in all, gamers must know what they’re getting into. Raidy is competently assembled (which may be good enough for those who don’t play RPGs), but you can hardly fault players for being unhappy with the design.

Well, I kind of enjoyed it, not having played the original one, whenever that was. I didn’t mind the simpleness of it as I’m not really a huge rpg fan anyway. I’m more into the stories and artwork than the “game” aspect of a fightan or shootan game. I thought the artwork in Raidy was incredible. Raidy II artwork is more of the same, also, whenever that decides to come out… The storyline is obviously not up to ef- A Fairy Tale of the Two or Kanon’s quality but it’s nice. I’ll prolly end up getting Raidy II if it’s not /too/ hard (being a newer game, they might have ramped up the difficulty level some). Anyhoo, I guess it’s kinda like Touhou… Cute little story with endearing characters. All in all, I enjoyed it. I’d give it a 3/5 rating.

Edit:Yeah, yeah, all you touhou-ites out there. Iknow it’s nothing “like” touhou, but I was just giving an example of something that’s somewhat familliar to me. In before shitstorm, I guess…

You are aware, that console games typically have a budget that GREATLY exceeds the finances of your typical eroge, right? The PS2 remake for Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song - which you mention there - was financed in the millions according to Square-Enix investor reports. The game was a “third class” title as far the company was concerned.

Just for historical reference: Did you know that Final Fantasy VII cost in the neighborhood of $25 to $30 million? The upcoming PS3 title is MANY TIMES greater than that.

Here’s another fun fact: I read that it nearly cost ten times as much to produce the To Heart 2 anime that was aired on Japanese TV, than it did to make the ACTUAL GAME it’s based on. For the record, it costs about $100,000 [see my reasoning below] to produce a single anime episode of “average” quality.

So using that “lose estimate” there, and just pulling numbers out my butt: 13 x $100K = 1.3 million dollars for the anime series. If it’s almost ten times more expensive, that means To Heart 2 cost between $100K to $200K to produce? I suppose I’m being REALLY generous with the high end there.

Its all about the money. It’s ALWAYS been about the money.

Narg’s Note: I know for a fact, that it cost 13 million yen (130K) to produce a single episode of the original Gunslinger Girl anime, which at the time was one of the most expensive series being aired. Episodes of Samurai 7 cost 32 million yen (320K) each, which is one of the most expensive “made for TV” anime OF ALL TIME, and quote as over twice as much as the average shows. So the guesstimate of $100K is about on key I think. You could probably bump it up to $150K though. Still doesn’t really make a huge difference in the price of To Heart 2 though…

I know. I was just trying to rationalize why some players might be disappointed, while pointing out that in terms of design, remakes don’t necessarily have to remain as dated or underdeveloped as the original.

Other gameplay oriented titles feature stronger mechanics, so there’s little reason why the developers couldn’t have overhauled the system to make it more challenging/interesting (i.e. greater variety of weaponry, status effects, enemy behavior, etc.). The presentation is certainly acceptable, so it’s unfortunate that they ignored such a crucial component of a RPG.

yeah, it’s actually quite a nice board. Of course /EVERYTHING’S/ nice compared to 2ch, 2chan, and 4chan, which is where I’m usually hanging out… Enjoy your stay, shadowmore :slight_smile: