While I do concede the fact that a remake doesn’t necessarily have to be completely the same… lets face facts that it IS an H-game and most people are in it for the H-scenes and in that aspect the touch ups and such are very well done.
Also If anything this title should really be treated more of as a “Best of Series” release/remake (i’ll point to the SEGA ages remake of Phantasy Star I as an example =P The only major change was the graphic overhauling and battle screen to show the characters on screen instead of the old slice/lightning hits FPS view, the game was left largely untouched). At the very least it was an excuse to update an great old title w/ some touch ups =3
Anyway in the end it is pretty much how you look AT the game when you played it… if you were after an H-game w/ some nice gameplay/RPG elements on the side or a quick dungeon romp w/ h-scenes the title works quite well. If you were looking at it from an RPG’er point of view with mechanics, customisation, etc. however I do understand the feeling of dissapointment.