Lightning Warrior Raidy: The Thread (no spoilers please)

While I do concede the fact that a remake doesn’t necessarily have to be completely the same… lets face facts that it IS an H-game and most people are in it for the H-scenes and in that aspect the touch ups and such are very well done.

Also If anything this title should really be treated more of as a “Best of Series” release/remake (i’ll point to the SEGA ages remake of Phantasy Star I as an example =P The only major change was the graphic overhauling and battle screen to show the characters on screen instead of the old slice/lightning hits FPS view, the game was left largely untouched). At the very least it was an excuse to update an great old title w/ some touch ups =3

Anyway in the end it is pretty much how you look AT the game when you played it… if you were after an H-game w/ some nice gameplay/RPG elements on the side or a quick dungeon romp w/ h-scenes the title works quite well. If you were looking at it from an RPG’er point of view with mechanics, customisation, etc. however I do understand the feeling of dissapointment.

I like the game. I never played the original.

I got a little irritated with navigating the dungeon on a couple of levels. So irritated, in fact, that I started mapping out the dungeon (something I didn’t want to do nor expected to do, since the game has maps in it). The rest of the game? Fine by me. A few blah characters, several cute characters, and a few truly stunningly yumifantistic pictures. The scenes weren’t the hottest for my tastes, but I figured that going into the game since I prefer having a male hero/avatar in my ero games. Overall, I’m glad I got the game, and happy that Peach Princess/G-Collections was able to translate it for me.

Y’know, I forgot one aspect of the game that I REALLY enjoyed. I really liked the main character being a female (Raidy in this instance). It had kind of an Otome feel to it… Besides, Raidy is f*****g hot! Anyhoo, forgot to put that in my “review” up a few posts so I thought I’d add it. Here’s hoping that PP/GC/DO/etc. will translate more yuri games…
cough cough Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo cough cough ← there’s a big hint there, btw, people…

Not with multiple characters. You have 1 heal and the other defend incase they get attacked before you heal them.

Other times when you’re in a boss fight where they either follow a pattern or have build up moves where they skip a turn, or more, to increase their attack power.

Finally, defend can be used with certain techniques in some games that get you to target a specific character. Ahh…that is so cheesy to use in Legend of Heroes it was sad…

Then for strategy rpgs like FFT or Disgaea, it matters because you might not be able to move far enough…but Disgaea has so many ways to cheese it wasn’t funny…

Well from a gamer’s aspect of the defend option, I can note numerous games where defend actually had a practical use.

In Golden Sun, the defend option was strong enough to block a lethal blow, even from enemies many levels higher than you, a way to ration Hp so that you can heal. Even an unleash can have its damage severely cut from a guard.

In battle network, the guard ability is used almost exclusively by pros but in their hands, a well timed guard can make people waste a precious attack while forcing them to dodge or retaliate if the guard turns out to be a reflect.

Although quite downplayed, the guard ability allows you to build up TP for special attacks while increasing defense.

In SSB series, the guard is a crucial ability to execute many strategies especially with the introduction of wave dashing in SSBM.

However, there are many series where guard is completely useless as well. In FFT and FFTA, the defend option still subjects you to being ganked and the def boost is not really paid attention to. And also, it does nothing against magic.

In FFCC, the defend options are too impractical to use.

In Digimon world 4, the defend option is so useless that there really is no point in using it as it lasts only for a second and it only blocks up front. You are actually better off attack anyway.

On another topic, did the test with allowing a download option within a week or two of the game’s release work? I’ve noticed that there is no DL option on the future titles yet. I appreciated being able to get the release close to day 0 for once instead of doing the song and dance of figuring out how to sneak the package past my wife. Unfortunately, UPS delivery to my home or workplace has never been an option. :oops:

Just punch her in the face if she opens your mail.
That’s what every man does when his wife is wrong.

But in a way the fact that you have to hide it is a problem… seriously.
I’m really sorry for you.

We’re pretty happy with how the early download availability worked and are planning similar rollouts for future G-Collections titles. According to the latest Peach Princess update Amorous Professor Cherry will be made available for purchase via download ten days after the package version goes on sale, so that’s what we’ll be aiming for.

I know you’re joking, but this is really not appropriate for these boards. Spousal abuse is a serious issue and it’s not something we condone here.

Different people have different circumstances. This seems to be a perfectly good reason to prefer download editions of the games over package versions; who among us hasn’t had to sneak questionable material past parents or other family members before? Hopefully we can be a bit less judgmental about these things on these boards, we’re all living in glass houses of some type or other.

I think Encyclopedia Dramatica has rubbed off on you…

Thanks for the reply; it’s good to know that DL will be an option.

As far as my home life is concerned, it simply becomes too difficult to tease her about all the lycanthropic vampire erotica she buys over the internet when she can look over and see me playing “Let’s Meow Meow”. As she herself says, I can dish it out, but I can’t take it. :lol:

Hmm… I know there’s probably not much demand for this, but reading Goinalon’s posts started me thinking…

Besides Console games, are there any 2 person eroges, like rpg type stuff prolly? I’m personally not a HUGE rpg fan as I like more Visual Novel type games, but I was just wondering…

Originally, I wasn’t going to get Raidy because it looked a little too SM-y for my tastes, but the girls were so darn cute…And I sort of needed a break from games like Crescendo and YMK; I had to get out of school, you know? Anyway, I’ve got it now, and it’s not too bad. But I haven’t done this kind of RP in while, so I’m a little out of practice. Fon Fon whipped my ass (literally) the first time thru, and my mapping skills are for shit. I can see this is going to keep me busy for some time to come (probably until Raidy II comes out). So far, Ratgirl is my favorite monster. But speaking of these roaming monsters, why can’t I loot their bodies for magic items or skin them and use their hides for armor; Tigergirl’s claws would be especially handy. Also if I find a magic item that grants wishes, can I wish for more wishes?

There are, but most of the time they don’t involve a computer.


bamboo, the reason you cannot loot your enemies dead bodies is because they don’t leave a dead body behind.

Raidy 1 is a simple RPG. Raidy 2 is a much more complex RPG, that includes buying equipment and upgrades. I expect you can “loot” your dead enemies (I expect they drop treasure — that’s the primary way RPGs let adventurers make money).

Enjoy Raidy 1!

I think the only thing that might make me get equipment like that for my 'pewter is if they fucking port Eternal Sonata to the PC…

Yes I’m sorry, I went too far. (I’m not the same since I saw the Encyclopedia Dramatica but I should restrain myself sometimes)

PS : But in a way (and I don’t want to troll, so don’t bother answering the stupid remark I will post) isn’t it ironic to feel disturbed by a joke on spousal abuse, on a topic about a game where dozens of women get raped and/or tortured ?
(please don’t answer, I’m just an idiot that couldn’t resist to the temptation of saying that :smiley: )

Well, i’ll stil answer.

We talking about 2D Virtual Character from a Game…Not real thing.
The person you said to punch is a real person in real life… Not a simple bunch of pixel.

That’s, for me at least, a big difference.

Also, i know how you wanted to said it (your joke)… But the fact that in English you have many less way to express thin than in French… And that’s why some people took it the wrong way.

Well then, stay away from the chans! :wink:

Actually, it is not surprising that the forum and its tenders would be vigilant in saying “Not appropriate!”. They want to make it clear that these games are just games, flights of fiction, and are not meant in any way to be an endorsement of any particular lifestyle or model of action. Otherwise— well, look at the games. So many things that are just beyond the realm of acceptable or civil behavior in RL. Such is the difference between fantasy and reality. (It’s true of so much fiction.)

I suppose… but then mainstream people don’t get upset when you describe how you sniped someone on an online FPS (cowardly killing), or when you shoot down civilian aircraft in a jet fighter simulator (war crime), or perform criminal acts like extortion and robbery. Then there are entire forums of individuals who drown, electrocute, crush, and burn innocent people in The Sims (manslaughter). It’s always the sex games that get discriminated when “things go too far” and whatnot (rape and abuse). Double standards all around.

It wasn’t immediately clear that your comment was a joke. I for one did not get the reference; now yes, I assumed it was a reference to some kind of online meme I was unaware of; but that’s because I’ve been around long enough to know people say crap like that all the time online and it doesn’t mean squat. Other people, not so versed in the net, might have thought this post was for real, and advocating real-world violence is a) frowned upon, and b) probably not legal.