Mangagamer (Previously "Hell may have frozen over?")

I returned a Bioshock limited edition pack because of this nonsense. I have a very firm stance on sabotageware. The problem is, I don’t want this company to fail, assuming (for the moment) they’re legit, and if they fail because of copy protection then it will set the market back. Again. The way Megatech imploding did.

This, and the fact many of these games have release dates even after the July 3 date, makes me even more convinced that my theory (or some variant) is correct: that we were never meant to get access to these internal pages on their site, and thus we may be looking at work-in-progress. I know MY work-in-progress for my job is similarly horrifying.

Of course, we STILL don’t actually know anything.

To their credit, they did remove the installation limits after a few months.

Oh they billed me alright. There’s no question that their payment system works like a pro. :stuck_out_tongue: They charged me 19.95 euro for the game, like the site said. No extra tax or vat or anything else. No shady activity - its a clean cut credit card transaction. It’s also a European bank, didn’t say which country, but no red flags raised on my credit card company (usually I get a warning within 6 hours after a transaction). So I can comfortably say their order process is clean.

The game is complete: All endings. All voice acting. All CG’s. All uncensored. Aside from my earlier complaints: everything else is wonderful. The mosaic removal was outstanding and CG’s amazingly redrawn. The loli scenes were fully intact. Of these things I have nothing but praise: totally professional results. My only gripe is the text. Were that cleaned up, and the prices somehow reduced - or at least hard copies made available for shipping - Peach Princess might have a serious competitor (ally?) to watch out for.

Again: I’d be more than happy (and in fact would beg) to try them again… but ONLY if the wording quality was boosted. With people going to the shows, I guess their official answers and explanations will be known very soon. So Narg is putting away his pitchfork and torch for now… but I’m still sharpening the points and keeping the flames hot. They have twincest… so Narg can leave some room of mercy in that cesspit of his dark heart.

They don’t get credit for that. Well, I mean, they do, but PC games that have at any point in their lifecycle such selfdeath code included get killfiled. I don’t buy them, ever. I may make an exception in this case. But then, if this company really is going to charge $80 for a game that self destructs with no option to buy a physical copy, at all … I may not need to, since they will (probably) die soon enough.

Interesting, interesting, interesting…

Release dates on the starting lineup are now July 10th. Pushing the release dates back that far seems to indicate that they have realized the games aren’t ready for release in time for the two cons. Hopefully, what we saw was still a WIP and that the final product that comes out is going to be something a little more polished. We can hope, right?

Whoever their web guy is should probably be shot for exposing their products in such a manner, plus having an active store going when the products were pre-release. Whoops. I’m hoping that they will be more careful with both their games and their site in the future.

HA! You’re right. You can’t order from them anymore. Maybe they’ve followed the links to their site, and seen people bitching about the poor text? I really hope so.

My login to their site still works though… and the downloads for my purchase still work. Hmmm… that gives them 8 days to fix everything, if they’re really going to fix it. Promising - but I’ll wait and see before getting excited. I’ve already been disappointed once. Still, I’d be more than happy to be proven wrong and these guys show us some top quality works.

Wonder if that means I get a refund. :wink:

Yeah now I’m quite sure you weren’t suposed to be able to download their games.
I still wonder how you found this adress :

I imagine how you could find but not the page where the games are.
On the main page it’s said that the site opens the 3rd.

He found it by reading this story (from the first post): … ate-party/

From that page: “UPDATE: Furthermore, after random url poking, it seems that part of their site is live, but not linked from the main page.”

So it would appear they put the site up, but expected a super seekrit URL would keep people away. A judge recently got in trouble for this very same thing: he had sexually explicit things on a personal page which wasn’t linked to anywhere, and when it was found he was stunned. And in trouble.

Huh… that’s not me who provided those screenshots to encubed. For one thing, I would have included more of heavily frequent typos. Seems that someone else out there is a twincest nut too.


Ahem. :stuck_out_tongue:

According to my receipt, I was the 58th order of that day… so quite a number where shopping there.

I actually found the link thanks to Google.

So, does this mean that they weren’t actually ready to showcase their hentai game website? I wonder if that “July 3rd” date was meant to be when they were going to officially open the site…

Well the site itself looks good and finished. The ordering system is obviously working. I suppose they’re waiting for the expo for their big “show date” and whatnot. However if they only loaded “dummy copies” of their finalized games on the download server, that would be awesome by me. However I’m more of an Occam’s Razor kinda guy, and that seems a little too complex for its own good - given these games were all fully working versions (manage to contact two other people who purchased titles from them via 4chan, and they confirmed other titles were the same). Only a few more days though… so we’ll all know the truth soon enough.

Just my 2 cents…

So what do you call the feeling of being excited, deflated, bemused all in one go? =P Coz thats pretty much what i went through when i finally got a glimpse at this. I am severely tempted to grab Da Capo… but for the price of about 50 Pounds?! (which incidentally racks up to 80 AU dollars >.>) all for the effort of a dl only content, w/ the ever annoying “registration” DRM system and translation thats really not quite up to par w/ a commercial company… you will excuse me if i hold on to my 80 dollars =P

Thats not to say i’m not a fan of DL only content (I’m a semi regular at DLSite’s english and jap sites… and have bought copy protected stuff from them which where cheap and less fussy than this system) but when your forking out almost the exact price for boxed content games in japan w/ manuals and freebies you expect to at least get good translation work and not be tied down w/ that 3 installs only thingamjig >.> Besides after having my own issues w/ a DL copy i had from JAST/PP a while back (which they fixed quite well and quickly i might add kudos to the team for that! =D) I’m not to keen on DL copies w/ the same registration scheme that G-Collection/PP originally had =/

Well, I have some questions regarding the games that are in this new company’s line up; basically, excluding the Circus games, has anyone here played the original Japanese versions of any of the games that will be avaiable (hopefully fixed)? I basically want to know if these games are good?
Now I know most of these games are your typical sex fest types (in both light and dark), so I’m not really asking about good story as I’m not expecting it. I basically want to know if these games a re ‘good’ when it comes to their respective types.

I’m also curious about the game “Edelweiss” as it does look like a good game. Has anyone played the game before? I basically want to know if it’s good enough to be worth the price as it’s the most expensive of the lineup. Also is this game a renai type or is it a light hearted romance like Snow Sakura?

My next question is, for those familiar with the releases from the companies mangagamer has deals with, is there anything in particular from any of them that we gamers should be hoping for (basically anything good)? I know Overdrive has this Rock’n Roll themed game (I forget its name) and PSYCHO has this one game Narg reviewed on old site called Miko Nurse or something like that (which, if I remember right, Narg said it was just okay).

My last question is this, mangagamer says they made agreements with another company called Nexton, but the thing is I don’t see anything from this company in the lineup for future releases. Can anyone tell me what games we might expect from this company (sorry if I sound like a noob if this company is famous)?

That’s because they publish games under several sub-brands (Score, Liquid, and Psycho being covered so far).

I know Overdrive has this Rock’n Roll themed game (I forget its name)

Kira Kira?

I wonder if Gibson and Fender are going to say anything if the game gets sold here.

I wonder if we’ll see the pre-Key games that Nexton has rights to (ONE ~ Kagayaku Kisetsu E and MOON.)

“Confused” or “ambivalent” are good words for this kind of thing.

It seems that July 3rd was in fact the official opening date for the rest of the site. If you go to, you’ll notice that clicking on the Da Capo pic will take you to the page, although it seems to show an error message now.

Baldo likes to poke his nose into everything :oops: :stuck_out_tongue: , so he simply added a word to the main address:

Incidentally, the address seems closed, but I still can visit the site thanks to that Error 404 “hole” :stuck_out_tongue: .