Mangagamer (Previously "Hell may have frozen over?")

I know this is slightly off topic, but I just had to say it: I’m glad I got Bioshock through Steam. I didn’t have to deal with any of this you are mentioning.

Getting back on topic, I would have to say I agree with Narg on two things. First, I think I would be as upset as Narg about the typos and such in the games. I usually find bad grammar, spelling, and punctuation very jarring. (Though I admit I myself struggle with a few things such as wanting to spell consider as “concider”, pondering over effect and affect, trying to remember about “its” and “it’s”, and proper formation of paragraphs.) Second, I agree with Narg’s citation of Occam’s Razor regarding the game. While it is not outside the realm of possibility that Narg got a pre-release version of the translation, I find it unlikely this is the case.

Any way, it’s at best a leaked version and not an official one, since the link to it was “hacked” from the main site. Complains about such a thing have little validity.

My sex slave is a classmate isn’t fully uncensored.

I just got ending 3 ‘Nymph Ayane End’

The final CG was still censored.

Haven’t discovered any others.
Endings 2 and 8 were fully uncensored.

I also have ‘Tasty Shafts’ but haven’t played it fully yet.

Hm. Not something I like, but such things aren’t unheard of. A handful of PP titles have stuff like that. Usually its due to the loss of the original digital artwork or some such.

I doubt it was intentional censorship on their part… just something they had no choice but to accept. Still, they should put a disclaimer that some parts of that game is censored due to technical/developmental issues. If only to make a potential buyer aware.

I guess they were not open for business and the fact that people managed to buy from them was a mistake (mostly likely they where testing their ordering system when people toke note of their page… which might explain the 1euro price).

whoever is developing their site seem to be a newbie to let such a mistake take place, hiding links is not the same as locking a section of the site.

Any way, I just finished with the last eps of D.C.2, and I really do hope that they will bring the game over. And for those who did download their games… do they support a download manager? I have a slow and unstable connection, so a download only option for a single large file will make life difficult for me.

as for the activation part, I find the Steam style of linking the game to an account instead of the PC is the best on the net. But I guess a virtual machine can help with this one.

Any new player in the market is good news but with titles such as" suck my dick or die" :shock: and bad translation work present in every place i simply dont see a very bright future for them maybe they will improve but until now the signs are bad very bad .

Yes it can - downloads are just a normal HTTP link. The DL manager I used worked fine, and it’s nothing special.

There doesn’t seem to be a limit to the number of times you can download a purchase, although that might change in the future.

While I think they should have kept the original Japanese name (or at least use a closer translation), it’s an evil dark eroge (i.e. Virgin Roster and Tsuki). At least people know what kind of game their getting. :twisted: I know a lot of evil dark ero fans, and as of late PP has been neglecting us. I was hoping these guys would be a new source of happiness for us.

Well we can all only hope they get the message and try to translate their releases properly (and try and fix existing ones) I think their probably of the old mentality of thinking that eroge = standard porn… which i would only agree to an extent =P

I mean sure we get our kicks from the ero content but its pretty safe to say a LOT of us are a lot more fussy w/ the presentation due to the fact we expect more from previous experiences on manga and anime translations xD Anyway i would definitely prefer hard boxed copies if they could… or at the very least simplify the DRM scheme they have =3

What I would really like is to hear the opinions of the G-Col/Jast/Peter Payne Zaibatsu staff on this new player. It would be nice to hear their expert industry opinions on how this would all work.

You know, maybe mangagamer failing is exactly what we need because they could bail them out with a buyout like they did with G-Collections and then introduce proper quality to the awesome licenses they’ll have obtained.

Not to argue against you, but isn’t that like asking Coke to comment on Pepsi, when the later is releasing a new soft drink line? I think the reason why no one from PP has made a comment, is because it’s professional decorum to not say anything at all about a competitor who hasn’t even started yet… or even to say anything about them at all. At least not this early in the game (pun!).

Using my example before, Coke ordinarily says something along the lines of a “lets wait and see” type thing that’s neither negative or positive (or sometimes even slightly positive and friendly from a certain standpoint). Why? Because they don’t wanna make themselves look foolish if the Pepsi venture actually works… and then seem ignorant or “behind the curve” in the public image.

Basically you let the public/customers decide for themselves. :wink:

I always thought there was a close relationship in the English side of the h-game market because of the sheer niche and struggle of it all.

We should be thankful for every single game that is being translated into english - by PP or anyone else.
I for my part will support this cause by buying english games from all companies who offer them now and then,
so that they will continue their buisness model and we might see more of them in the future.
Maybe for lower prices and with better localizations.

Lets just give them a good start, they are new to this
and they need to learn how to do everything properly.

The english h-game market has so few companies that PP doesnt need to worry about rivalry.
On the opposite, I think that if people notice that money can be made with these kind of games,
there will be more publishers willing to fund translations of h-games with their money,
and to distribute them.

Didnt read all previous Posts from Page3 to 5 but are there more who thinks that the Introduction Site is a big lie?
I mean they say, that they are the first one who bring Bishoujo Games to us o.O and so many typos and grammar errors (my grammar is shit as hell too, but i didn’t translate stuff so… :stuck_out_tongue: )

That Site look like a amateur made it…

Think they die within 1-2 years when they didnt lower Prices extremly and fix the grammar stuff

Let’s see, sfrom this thread and taking a glance at the website, I was:

Another english B-game company! = :slight_smile:
Games are available now! (or very soon) = :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Circus releases! = :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Dark eroge! = :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

But after close examination:

Grammar and spelling mistakes = :frowning:
50 euros! = :frowning: :frowning:
Download editions only! = :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
Three installs drm nonsense!!! = :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I’m excited about the potential but the cons surpass the pros; my visa will take a “wait and see” approach, if there’s no option for a physical copy they won’t have my money.

The website has such a sloppy translation too, it does feel like an anime bootleg :? and those title translations don’t help either (which girl should I choose?, sandwiched by my wife and sister?) and not to nitpick but “Manga Gamer”? was “Hentai Games Co.” not available? :mrgreen:

But I’ll remain optimistic and hope they improve and become a real option for english b-gaming (I want Da Capo!) :smiley:

Well these guys are 100% legit. Circus vouched for 'em at the expo. They also defended why it’s download only. Now the main question remains - are these games really this typo havoc. Guess we have to wait until their official site opening. For the record, my original purchase is still downloadable and still the same. Four more days to go. :expressionless:

just my two cents in. i will forgive their typos since i cannot say that i never made a typo in my work. then this just brings up me playing ever ff game and they always have typos. my main grip with them is the font molding into each other but i didn’t really see that in the pics that narg put up. and since i read every page i really don’t remember if he commented on that.

now my question is do the dutch speak english as their first language because if not then i understand the typos. because they would first translate to their native language and the retranslate into english. and if english is not your first language you will make mistakes.

now with me playing the two demos all i really noticed was the spacing and font molding errors. which is all over the place. but i ran into a couple of pp title that did this as well. so im not to harsh about that. i do see a contact us link and i plan on asking about the font and mispelling and grammar issues and spacing.

maybe in the 10 days time this will be fixed because lets face it there is nothing going golden master, so nothing that is stopping them from redoing the files.

as for releases they have a big line up till about sept so any of the nexton will probably come after that.

now the cgi and uncesoring is magnificently done. out of 5 stars i would give them a two and two in a half for such a big starting line up.

ok i just emailed them this statement:
High I just downloaded two of your trial games and from what I have seen was a lot of font issuse.

The font in both of the trials had “molding” and double, and sometimes what looked to be triple spacing as well as incorrect spacings like “l ook” or “andthat.” And i was reading on an indepentant forum somebody bought one of your games on July 1 and the game was “which girl should i choose” had a bunch of spelling errors and grammar issues as well as the other problems I stated.

I am a potential buyer and I would like to know if these errors will be fixed up by the July 10th for the games that are schelduled to be released.

I don’t mean to be rude I just want as little errors as possible when spending a lot of money on one title.

I hope to hear (or read) a reply soon regarding this. There are quite a few games that are interesting to me in your line up and before I take the plung I would like to know if the games will be re-edited and fixed fonts at the july 10th date or in a form of a patch in the near future.

Thankyou for taking your time in reading this. I hope to hear from you soon.


i hope this lets them know of the problems and i would expect them to email me back with in the next couple of days. if they don’t then i think they are in this for a get rich fast scheme and not what pp does is to bring them over for us to enjoy.

@Nargrakhan:Interesting, so exactly what was the main reason why they opted for DL versions only? (aside from the obvious advantages of less manufacturing costs ie. no need to produce boxes, press manuals and cd’s etc.) Anyway like i mentioned on one of my posts i don’t mind DRM as long as its not invasive or prohibitve DRM schemes (for example the DLSite scheme just lets you dl an ActiveX patch/program and it links the computer w/ that patch to your specified DLSite account so u can dl as much and as many times as you want and on any computer as it automatically links/recognises the computer when you dl the game and install… none of this activation, install limit fuss)

Also a few of my own questions is why the fact that all these products cost way more than an arm and a leg for dl content only? While i find the Da Capo pricing excessively exorbitant… it seems most of the other games are around PP/G-Collections/JAST price range for boxed copies (the dl editions are usually 5 dollars less)

Well I played the two trials, and I’m very unimpressed with their editing work. I’m surprised that they’re actually legit considering this kind of quality, then again, I suppose I should give them ‘benefit of the doubt’. At least until after their official release dates to see if they’ve bothered to clean these titles up any. Even then, their activation system is very punishing to the user, which is going to put off well over half of their possible customer base(if not more), which needless to say is already very limited, and the price tags will put off another percentage of those customers on top of it.

That’s the primary reasoning. Basically, it’s expensive to manufacture and ship products, and no one wants to run the risk of stockpiling excess inventory.

As of now, Circus wants to experiment with the online space to gauge demand. Nevertheless, it sounds as if it’s still possible for them to work with other companies when it comes to packaged products and alternate download services (i.e. Manga International doesn’t have exclusive rights to distribution).

Yeah but if you only propose DL versions, you loose some point in advertising.
I have found my first eroge thanks to an online store. Without that I would never have found/bought PP’s games.