My Girlfriend is the President Official English Version

you mean, ex-Black Cyc fan =P

Hey I still love the Black Cyc of old 8)

Edit: BTW, anyone know who plays Qoo anyway? Her voice sounds familiar…

How could you not immediately recognise Aoba Ringo? =P One of the most distinctive voices in eroge…

Smashing the fourth wall into tiny little pieces is only funny in moderation. I can’t even say that I learned that from this game, I knew all along…

I got my copy… Very nice! The exterior of the DVD case is perfect. No weird bumps because of cheap/thin casing. Looks awesome.
No extra stuff inside the case though, it looks a little cheap inside, but the disc was seems very secure.

The disc’s image is a bit washed out for some reason… But, the bottom of the disc looks professional grade, and I like the small printing “My Girlfriend is the President” in the inside ring…

Not bad, not bad!
Also some fun stuff came with it (ordered it from JastUSA) :
Tissues in a plastic wrapped thing sitting on top of the dvd case. ><
A poster of School Days/catalogue for JASTUSA 2012.
And… anime eye glasses lol Funny, funny…

Anyways, I was pretty happy with the physical Demonbane release, and now I’m happy with this one as well.
Keep it up! (Now to install, and play…)

This is real man’s vn. Explosions.

Completed lilly’s route on katawa shoujo so doing this now. Been enjoying this so far, I might actually do more than one route on this vn. cuz i cannot decide between two girls so going for both XD

Ok. It took a whole month even having my country next to usa, but at least i got my copy of this game without having to take more mesures. IT look well, but, then again. I would like a rute for the alien Qoo. she is really funny.

Better hope this sells well enough for us to get the fandisc then. Or you could take Qoo’s advice (last part anyway) if you picked the second option of the first set of choices :lol:

In fact, i hope we’ll get more Alcot’s title… I like the charac design, i like the joke and the moe from it… i want more Alcot title :oops:


Managed to finished it in one night, result?

I almost got killed by My Girlfriend is the President, can’t stop laughing from start to end, excluding some of the touching and sex scene of course…

To other players who haven’t/just start playing, play slowly to avoid accident(laughing so hard till you fall) and injuries(like hitting your head when you fall to the floor) while playing…

You have been warned…

Finally got around to playing this one, and I’m really enjoying the comedy. Qoo’s first set of choices had me cracking up as I willingly answered “I borrowed the disc from a friend” and cracked up as Jun got tazed for a second time and had a Bad End screen pop up for a second. Good stuff man. If only countries were actually run by schoolgirls with aliens backing them.

Hopefully the fandisc will get translated, either by Jast or by the same unofficial patch team as before.

“Shut up, you loli alien!” :wink:

Amen. The main cast is great. I originally hated Yukino, but eventually warmed up to her. Irina and Ran were great from the get-go, Ell is sweet (if totally lacking in common sense), and Qoo, Kuon, Psion-GP & Morita are all hilarious. Too bad the villains suck. Remi is downright detestable, and Josef Souma Melenge is all kinds of irritating (and, yes, I know his name is a reference to Josef Rudolf Mengele, but that’s not his name in the Japanese). Hopefully, those two don’t get much screen time in the fandisc. Given precedent, though, both Qoo and Remi probably have their own H-scenes (I’m not opposed to the former, but I could do without the latter).

Hi, i’m new to eroge and been playing my girlfriend is the president & i loving it!

The comedy was hilarious but still managed to keep a good romantic story going at the same time.

I did Irina, Ell’s & am currently on Yukino’s route

But I’ve been looking in the shop section here and haven’t really found any eroge similar to this one (Zany with great story) I was hoping someone could give me a few suggestions of any eroge similar to this game i’d be very grateful


‘Heart de Roomate’ might be up your alley, its not as good as president but the only other real comedy/story title they offer.

If you want something with story and not necessarily comedy-based then I can make a few more suggestions:
Kana - Little Sister
A Drug That Makes You Dream
They’re all generally considered a ‘must-play’. The first 3 are for sale on JASTs website but Ever17 has been out of print for a while and so will be harder to track down.

Demonbane’s got its share of funny moments to go with a really good story.

If you want something crazier, then I suppose the Edelweiss games and the recently released Dengeki Stryker would be up your alley. Koihime Musou’s also pretty funny too. Here’s my reviews for them if you’re curious: … -Demonbane … -Edelweiss … n-Fantasia … sou-Part-1 … sou-Part-2

Thanks for the advice

I think i’m going to go for Edelweiss, Heart de Roomate & A drug that makes you dream.

I finished Yukino’s route btw; definitely the most funny so far & with ran the only one left I can only hope these new eroge will arrive soon

I’d reccomend buying the physical copy of Edelweiss since you get both the main game and fandisc and don’t have to worry about DRM.

Decided to give School Days a break and play something lighter. This seemed to fit the bill.

And… ehhh, it’s okay. The script can be funny and the girls are exceedingly cute (with the exception of the onee-chan character, who’s more sexy than cute - which is fine by me) but the story isn’t very interesting. I’ve just reached the point where Irina and Ell have enrolled at the school and the game has begun to veer perilously close to unimaginative harem drudgery.

This is the kind of game that could’ve used more nookie, I think, because there’s not enough substance to its story or characters to keep me interested in those aspects, and the comedy isn’t consistently amusing either. My prime motivation for continuing is the promise of finally seeing Irina’s nekkid body… that hand-on-hip-while-pointing thing she does is just too much.

Now that this game has won 4 more years of relevance, JAST should take the opportunity to localise the fandisc.