My Girlfriend is the President Official English Version

I can’t believe they’d be easy to maintain in a transition over to a locale-independent title (unless a proper switch to Unicode is done- which I figure is pretty unlikely, ALcot and all…)

We got lucky with this game – it’s a complete Unicode port, which means things like ? and ? and ? are fully supported. It will be great…

Fantastic. Was wondering on its status xD

Should be GM soon, sorry for the ongoing delays. Got to get the pretty uncensored graphics in place, which the company forgot to insert in the second to last build.

It’s alright, a 2012 release would actually be funny in an ironic way, wouldn’t you agree?

Well, it’s finally gone GM. Should be in around mid to late December based on the post. Looks like a quirky fun filled game. Can’t wait to play it.

Just preordered mine

I have the Japanese version I purchased from a while ago. Wonder if someone can come tell us when they are going to release the patch they told us about for customers that have purchased this version. I have been using the Japanese version a little, with a book on Kanji, hiragana, and katakana to try and puzzle my way through the game. Damn that is hard :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t use twitter, hate those types of things, but can anyone send a tweet if they have information about the patch for the Japanese version for customers who bought it from their site? Thanks.

They already mentioned it wont be a patch.
People who bought the game from J-list are gonna get a free download-copy


LOL, forgot all about that post. For some reason I kept thinking it was going to be a patch provided. Should have mentioned that in their site post to remind people. Wonder if we can get that download when the game ships normally, or is it going to come into effect when they release the download version for purchase.

We’d do this when we get the download version posted which will be about 7-10 days after we get the package version all shipped out. Note that anyone with a Japanese version of President purchased from us will need to open a ticket at requesting the free copy as we won’t send them out automatically.

I can only hope it arrives before I leave to go on a month long trip for the holidays (Dec. 21); would be a good way to pass the time on the plane. Though I might have to save and quit to play Aselia when I get to the ero scenes…

Irina Vladimirovna PUTINA…XDDD Oh man. I don’t know if it is a coincidence or someone tried to joke with the name of the character. But, in spanish, Putina could mean something like “little prostitute girl”.

About the game. I still don’t know what to think abouth it. The characters seems interesting, but the argument… well at least is comic. To bad that the alien that caused all of this isn’t one of the heroines. She looked like a great character to me.

Well there does exist a fandisc…

When one of the girls is named ‘Ohama’, and another is named ‘Putina’ I think it’s pretty obvious that ‘Putina’ is a takeoff on ‘Putin’.

I wouldn’t put it past Alcot to also have that other meaning in mind … but I’m kinda skeptical. It’s a lot of work for a joke much of the (Japanese) intended audience wouldn’t get.)

As for the non-winnable alien … yeah, that kinda bugs me too. But if she’s got a route in the fandisc or something that’ll be good.

Yehaa. I thoght it was just coincidence, but still i couldn’t help but laugh and wonder abouth it a little. After all, The autor of the manga bleach speak spanish too, so i couln’t discard the possibility that someone who work in the game was joking with the name in a way most of japanese people would not know. Still i also thought that it could come from rasputin but it was funnier if i was right.

It would be nice to play that rute even if it is in a fandisc.

Got the release notes pertaining to any changes made to the game before it is released. And it’s great news.

No content has been removed/edited/censored. That makes me a happy Strom. :smiley:

Can’t wait

i hope we get it this year

I believe I already have this preordered. xD