Name That Eroge

LOL. I’m not as rusty as I thought. :wink:

Yep, it’s from Quartett!

I think you mentioned that you weren’t able to post images at present (but if not, go ahead and post something :)), so there’s only Peter Gilis’s one active at the moment.

nope still unable to post :cry: :cry: :frowning: so you or someone else can take it. All the same I do have one small request , if current trends persist even insulin wont awaken me from my diabetic coma. I need my bloodlust satiated please. :smiley:

I’m sorry; I really don’t play many of those (weak stomach etc. etc., whatever). I’ll give it a shot, I guess… but everyone’s going to get it instantly :frowning:

That’s from LAPIS BLUe’s BIFRONTE.

This one should be rather easy.

It’s Shimaima from Alicesoft.
My image? Oh well, let’s re-use these :wink: :


And you, my dear ?.. err, olf_le_fol:

I HAD seen that answer (and the rest of this thread), but there are no rules carved into stone here, you know :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Hey, what about this one? No one knows?

A little hint: They were SUPPOSED to be brother and sister, yet they just see each other during a certain season of the year. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL… I told myself I wouldn’t get involved with this thread - because I own more titles that I remember and will inevitably “recall” something that’s in my collection - but seeing as how Ignosco stole my thunder… :wink:

That game is Setsuei Yukimoyoi from Silver Bullet.

Here’s mine then…

Hint #1: Made by a goddess.

Hint #2: Artist ended up working for Touchy.

Chakku! Tsuiteru!!, by Lurid?

If so… (click to see it in the original resolution)

Yes, the artist is who you think it is.

CLOVER’s ???

Nope, not that artist. You aren’t too far off, though!

Different studio, same parent company.

Then, it’s Moldavite, but I don’t recall this picture. >_<

…I guess I should check but I’m at my office~

BZZT, still wrong! Moldavite is still CLOVER. Different studio (i.e. not CLOVER), same parent company (orbit).

Ive no idea but thanks for the yandere Lancer , Im already calmer after that delightful image. :mrgreen:

Well, she looks like Sei from ??? but my intuition tells me it cannot be so obvious, so… :?:

You’re right. It is her.

I have that title for the triplets.

Well, I have the game for CARNELIAN (and the gorgeous bedsheet that came as the preorder item) but there’s a long time from “owning a game” and “playing a game”. Usually about a decade. ^_-

Well, if I’m right (after three tries!), I’ll post my picture as soon as I go home.

I’m deliberately going for nonobscure titles to keep the game going. If you’d like something a little more challenging, though, I’ll see what I can do to accommodate you for next time!

I suppose picking something not incredibly mainstream is preferred, but also not something so unknown, only a handful of people could possibly know its origin. Avoiding anything doujin that didn’t become popular (like Tsukihime) would probably be best. If a title is somewhat “unpopular” or generally obscure, perhaps two or three hints about its origin should be given. Maybe like a hint on the brand name or perhaps a hint on what the artist later (or previously) produced. Titles from “big name” companies generally don’t need any hints, since someone is bound to recognize it or the character designer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I’m keeping totally away from the doujins for now, because that’s just playing unfair =p

EDIT: Also, hurry up and post your screenshot, olf!