Name That Eroge

There’s still Narg’s. ^^;;;;


They used to be one of the biggest.

If you ask me, they’re still one of the best! :wink:

This CG is a scene from REFRAIN BLUE, from ELF.

Forgot your image, Peter Gilis.

Ah, sorry :oops:.

Hm, from those hints I guess it would have to be ?? ???. Although, I can’t see anything in the character profiles about them being twins and they have different family names as well. (Didn’t recognise the artist either, as content-wise, it’s nothing like his Touchy works).

No hints required for this one.

Little Busters!”.

See, that’s why you need to post an image when you give an answer! Currently both lines are dead. Peter Gilis, olf, post your images.

Close enough. It’s actually from Little Busters EX, from the minigame on Saya’s path.

I’ll try and find something a bit less mainstream for next time. :?

Naw… I guess I picked a title too obscure: so Narg fails at this. :frowning:

[spoiler]It’s Bure (??) from Megami.

Artist ended up working on the Mayonaka titles for Touchy.[/spoiler]

Ah ok - I was just going via erogamescape and the Touchy artist’s homepage. I guess that means he was working under a different name for his Megami titles. (Sorry, not meaning to derail the thread.)

He did actually, which is exactly the reason why I picked him - cause I figured people were using erogamscape type sites to cheat. But it made the guessing that much harder I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, the hard line between “too easy” and “too hard” is why I proposed the 2-days deadline.

Since Ignosco was wrong, that means the ball is still in Narg’s camp! Narg, another game, please!

Let’s try this then… a title that featured twincest between an identical brother and sister, from a popular publisher.
Yes… I know that’s realistically impossible - they’d be fraternal - but that’s the magic of eroge. :o

Hint #1

The publisher is now one of the leaders (if not THE leader) of 3D ero titles.

Hint #2

Title of the ero, has the Japanese equivalent for “witch” in it.

That’s Futa Majo, by TEATIME. I don’t know about TEATIME being the leading publisher of 3D ero (that’s probably illusion - who have never released anything of the slightest interest to me), though. =P

As promised, here’s something slightly more challenging.

Uooopss… sorry! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is it:

HINT #1:

Her job is not a very respectful one.

HINT #2:

The tittle of the game has a color in it

Wow, I’m going to have to look in to this game when my level of Japanese comprehension is high enough. As for them being identical but fraternal, it is sort of in the realm of possibility. Aside from the obvious sex chromosomal difference, they could have the exact same genetic composition (i.e. if you had a reading of all the Gs, Ts, Cs, and As of all their chromosomes, it would be the exact same until you hit the Y chromosome of the brother). While mathematically this is practically guaranteed to never happen, it is not outside the realm of possibility. I’m not sure if anyone here remembers, but in an old show called Sliders, in one episode the main character meets, and starts to fall in love with, the parallel world version of himself as a woman. Closer to reality though, on the cloning front (sort of) there is the possibility in the future of people creating such a reality through artificial means (i.e. fertilizing an egg with sperm containing a Y, letting it divide once, extracting one of the cells, removing the Y from the removed cell and replacing it with an X, implanting the genetic material in to an egg that has had it’s genetic material removed, and then inducing it to start dividing). Of course there is the question of why you would want to do such a thing, but there always seems to be someone who will answer, “To see if it can be done.”
Sorry for the long off topic post, the majority of it is just the rantings of a science enthusiast. Perhaps I should start a topic that is for my science rants (and the science rants of others, if they exist).

While sometimes too sugary for my normal tastes, it has a pretty interesting story for the “true twincest” scenario. … 29057.html

Starts out with the standardized setting of twins falling for the main character and wanting to share him, but having a twin of his own makes an interesting twist. Since Naoya knows what its like to have a twin, he’s able to understand the bond that twins should never be separated (thus the reason twins love him), however in pursuing other twincest he ironically neglects his own. If anything, it wins points for being different. While twins are pretty common in eroge these days, an option for strict brother-sister twincest is rare.

If the title were a dark ero, Yuuka would have been the yandere. :wink:

LOL… took the topic off topic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s been two days. I didn’t expect that one to fall through, although I guess it was more of a challenge than my previous ones. It’s a (very ordinary) game by Milksoft called ‘Kanosora’.

Something slightly more EASY MODO:

This is the first and only title released by the producer in question

The game was released this year

Protagonist is the trap

I played the trial version of this one. It’s FURU FURU MOON, from Little Princess.

It’s set in a somewhat magic world where almost everyone has a familiar who is a cute little pet. The protagonist is stupid enough to go study in an all-girls school. That’s why he needed to dress like a girl.
Narg would like the twins lolis, thought. :stuck_out_tongue:

What about this image? No one knows from what eroge is it?

Two more hints:
HINT #3:

It’s set after one of the worse times in Japan.

HINT #4:

The main character is a kid searching someone in a pretty infamous place.

Well… it seems no one recognized this CG. :roll:

It’s a CG from AKASEN GAIRO ~Red District~, a game from C-Side.

This game happens during the years 1950s in Japan, some years after the war.

The protagonist is a kid searching for his missing mother. God knows why, he decided to search for her in a district filled with brothels. But when he was asking around, he felt sick and lost his senses.

When he wake up, he was in the bed with a cute girl. And she was doing her “job” in him. He tried to protest, but he were (or was) too weak to resist. :oops: After all done, he tried to take full responsabilty for what happened, but the girl (Shizue, the one in the CG above) simply laughed. She was a professional whore, after all. He decided to stay some time in that whore house.

I don’t know if that’s the place where i want to find my mommy, or i want my mommy to find me… :lol:

Now an easy one. From what hgame is this CG?

Easy, indeed. e.go!'s IZUMO.
My turn?

[attachment=0]game03.gif[/attachment]They used to be one of the majors.

I posted in the forums about the game.