Oh? I'm surprised you noticed me being active there.
After my rant in that thread, I directly got into IRC chat and asked Yorhel for the deletion of my account.
Seriously, why would I want you to lend me a hand in that regard?
I would have refused regardless, when being a lolicon and people being uninformed idiots simply stating things, yet some of them not even knowing the difference between ''Loli'' and ''Lolicon'', then why would I refrain from jumping in there, claiming something to be true and people blindly accepting it?
Everyone there did exactly the same thing, just acting all snobbish about it, even going as far as wording around my statements, mocking/ridiculing me.
How is that fair?
Self-righteous pricks, I have no business with people like that, and actully despise them.
This is partially of me being a misanthropist, but they had it coming.
Regarding the whole fast food analogy, Visual Novels are in the end a mix of game and book, or atleast feels like that to me.
This would fall under ''entertainment'' - what exactly entertains people is a thing on their own.
A title supposed to be ''the best of its class'' or ranging in the top 100 section of games isn't necessarily a game that appeals to someone who would rather play a trashy game because of that - the trash factor does entertain it, yet they don't find the ''good'' games that intriguing.
Both are assumed customers and add to the demografic of purchasers. I bought Boob Wars because I once played it, and as soon as I heard about it having a hardcopy release, I bought it.
The title is okay-ish; art has some flaws, the characters aren't that deep (as expected from this kind of game) and the whole scenario as well as background and plot of the game are cheesy as f***.
In the end, I enjoyed it, to a degree. It was so bad that it was good again.
Same with Go! Go! Nippon, albeit I sorta regret my purchase, because I just afterwards noticed it being incredibly bad - but not bad in the way of turning it funny again.
I also want to see bad titles being released.
Bad, bizarre, out of place... anything that isn't too hardcore or weird, yet is ''fun'', in a twisted way.
A neat game like Da Capo (from what I've heard about it, still need to play it), Shuffle, Imouto Paradise (btw, I wasn't intending to disregard of Imouto Paradise, I like it. It's just not anything too deep, that was my point.) and Littlewitch Romanesque is of course something I like as well, and am able to enjoy it and giving my a pleasant feel of satisfaction when buying such a good title and giving my money to a publisher well spent.
It's just that I don't always have the time or the desire to play something that is too big. I love these games for what they are and what concept they follow, but I also like something that unintentionally makes me burst out in laughter every once in a while (well, more like, making me smile vehemently).
These games aren't necessarily ''bad'' in that sense - from the quality in itself, it might be the case, yes, but in the end, a game is supposed to entertain the person that paid for it.
So, it does make its job in my case, so it isn't a bad game in my opinion.
That's why I always say ''in my opinion'' - because I can just speak for myself here, others might think keep thinking bad about a bad game regardless if it being... well, bad.
As long as I can entertain myself with a title I like, I'm satisfied, and what I personally want to see is what I recommend to publishers, when they are making polls and such.
My taste can't be that bad after all, seeing as Bishoujo Mangekyou and Marunomi actually do seem to be titles considered to be ''good'' by you as well, aside from opinions being just impressions of individuals, and by all means no indicator to the quality of something.
Well, what is here to say... I don't know as much as you about VN's, but I don't care the slightest bit either.
I'm glad you are not acting like a haughty idiot claiming to be a self-proclaimed expert like a bunch of other peoples that think of themselves as being the ultimate VN entity.
I'm allergic to morons. D:
(This can be considered a compliment by the way. :3)
Pretty much hits the nail on the spot.
I believe in equality.
I also hate it if women try to victimize themselves.
Things like the Anita Sarkeesian incident wouldn't exist then to begin with, if people wouldn't act like that, or get brain-washed into thinking that what some crazy feminists say would be the reality.
Well, who cares about the menu, if you already know where to go to?
If both sides visit the same restaurant, they don't do it for studying the menu, or to make improvements to what is being offered on it.
They do it to eat something and fill their stomach, so that's the only thing that matters.
And if it tastes well for them (which is the case, assuming they pick something that suits their taste), all the better.
I guess this is all that matters in the end. :)