New amaterasu poll up

Definitely a pity that the poll got hijacked like this. If it served to create interest in eroges in general, it’s probably a good thing, but I do have serious reservations about asking people to nominate and vote for titles the translator hasn’t played and may not be willing to work on. After all, Gore Screaming Show came 2nd in the previous poll, but when the translator played it afterwards, the game fell well below his acceptable score for translation possibilities.

At least Ixrec will probably translate everything eventually as long as he doesn’t dislike a title.

And even though KimiNozo was #8, I have seen the most disappointed posts by KGNE fans compared to any of the fans of other games. It just goes to show that if the hijack never existed, the results really would have been different… :frowning: I would guess that more than half the results were trolled votes, and that’s not including RuiTomo.

I can’t even access amaterasu’s site. Or gg fansubs. Wonder if angry fans on both sides have DDoS’d each other. :stuck_out_tongue:

The main contenders, from browsing their forums, seemed to be Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Baldr Sky, MuvLuv Alternative, France Shoujo, and 11eyes. Without seeing the poll results, I wouldn’t be surprised if Baldr Sky topped the rest simply because it has gameplay. When you have 10 unknown titles in front of you that all look good, gameplay is an easy way to set one apart from the pack.

So here’s the poll results, now that I can access them:

What does “proxies” denote? The number of people that voted from behind a proxy server?

I wouldn’t be so sure. While there’s clearly something wrong with RuiTomo and MuvLuv, the rest look fine, particularly France Shoujo. I really do think France Shoujo outgunned KGNE fairly in this poll, with its appeal being the artwork, high ero level, enigmatic premise, and reputedly stylish writing style. Emphasis on the artwork. :smiley:

Edit: NNL fansubs was giving away prizes for Eden votes as well.

Yes. If you vote from a proxy, it doesn’t count.

While I knew it wasn’t definite KimiNozo would win, 107 votes just seems odd. I would think there would be more than 107 votes for KimiNozo even if there wasn’t fans that already existed from the anime. KGNE is an icon in visual novels (like KEY and Fate/stay night), so it’s fairly odd that more votes for it weren’t submitted. It just goes to show how few people knew about the poll outside of places like 4chan. A lot of people on 4chan said they were voting for whichever game created the most chaos/gave free stuff away… :?

Haha, yeah. I made a comment about how it wasn’t fair that some groups were giving away free stuff, and an NNL member came and started flaming me saying I was a “neet” and acting all self-righteous. :lol: God, I hate that group.

Gotta love Anonymous. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like they finally decided to just up and do MuvLuv and Alternative. No real surprise there.

While I remember the statement ‘will decide between top candidate’, I still think that they should respect poll result more and translate RuiTomo. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of RuiTomo (and I’m happy that ML gets translated). I just feel they’re not making good example for future polls, if there will be any.

It also opens the floodgates for more poll interference. Sure, RuiTomo is great, but what if said anime fansubbing group told people to vote for AQUA BLUE through the preliminaries and finals?

For reference, if a future poll appears, I plan on doing exactly that.

OK, I’m confused about this. Does Muv-Luv Alternative have gameplay or not? One would think so, looking at the pictures from the game…

No. In fact, it doesn’t even have “gameplay” - there is not a single choice in all of Muv-Luv Alternative.

Aye, Baldr Sky was the gameplay choice.

Muv-Luv looks pretty good even if I’m not a huge sci-fi fan. (Still wish it would have been France Shoujo or Katahane)

Katahane wouldn’t be a good choice for a fan translation, as Mangagamer have already licensed and released Tarte’s Hinatabokko. Katahane is Tarte’s only good eroge, so I’d be very surprised if they don’t translate it at some stage.

I was hoping for this too but since Tarte doesn’t exist anymore, it’s not that likely that it will be picked up by Mangagamer.

That’s true, but I think Tarte’s homepage had been closed over a year (seemed to shut down sometime in May 2007) before Mangagamer released Hinatabokko (and they started putting their eroges up for dl sales from the end of 2008). I guess the Mangagamer staff be able to clarify whether their games are still able to be licensed, and possibly whether Rococo Works (the company that formed after Tarte went bankrupt, that’s employing the same artist and the main writer of Katahane) is open for licensing possibilities as well.

If they’d do it, Katahane would probably be my first mangagamer purchase… as I’ve yet to be convinced that anything else is amazing enough for my particular tastes to justify dealing with the hassle of buying from them.

Although I’ve never yet gotten around to playing the kira kira demo…

If you had to buy only one game from mangagamer it should be KiraKira.

Anf back to Katahane, someone is translating it… slowly.

Yeah its on tlwiki as stalled but they may not have updated in a while. on a side note Tlwiki shows that Remember 11 and Kara no Shoujo projects seem to be working pretty fast.

If I hadn’t played them already I’d probably get Kira Kira, followed by A.S+, followed by Higurashi. Any of the others, probably not. On the other hand, I don’t really like reading English translations as it is and if they spoil my enjoyment with awkward localisations, it would be a shame.