Next CROWD game Peach Princess should take?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
How extreme the content was. How frequent. Whether the girls were merely unhappy with it or REALLY REALLY PISSED. Whether the main character is just oblivious, knows and doesn't care, or actively enjoys it. How the scenes tie into the story--are they totally incongruous, are they just fluff, or are they integral to the plotline. How good the rest of the story is.

And perhaps most importantly, whether the game's writers seemed to think it was funny.

I see... Well, Dokusne is a serious game, so I don't they'd try and amke the rape scenes "funny" in the same way as in X-change.

Besides, rape/bondage isn't the whole point of Dokusen, and remember that you can choose how to act towards the girls; either you can be kind and gentle with them or the opposite of that. And since Tsumugi is placing herself in your hands, at least her part of the scenario wouldn't count as rape, as long as you don't stay off tot he brutish path, that's it.

The concept of Dokusen still seems odd enough to me that I’m not sure I’d be willing to go for it until others had played it and had a chance to review it.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
[img][/img] Cruel? [img][/img]

I think, it would be more cruel, if I told you, what game is the one that keeps me going while I wait for.... (you know, what I mean, right?)

On the other hand, your cleaning-girl, Multi, is really too cute. Hmmm. I consider, telling you about this secret game, because after this I will see a whole row of them cleaning up...

OK, a hint: A cute pink-haired schoolgirl, named Inuyama Mutsugi is involved in this...

(Allright, that was really cruel. If you have not already understood, which game I talked about, you'd better not try to find out... [img][/img] or perhaps, fly me to the moon again ... [img][/img] )

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-09-2002).]

*watches this entire thread go flying over his head*

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
The concept of Dokusen still seems odd enough to me that I'm not sure I'd be willing to go for it until others had played it and had a chance to review it.

Well, fair enough [img][/img]. Just... Well, just don't judge the game too quickly if it indeed does get out at the english market someday [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, fair enough [img][/img]. Just... Well, just don't judge the game too quickly if it indeed does get out at the english market someday [img][/img].

Well, I mean, I already did when I formed an opinion based on the discussion about it earlier on the boards. Now, when the game comes out I'll of course revise my opinion based on new information if necessary.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
The concept of Dokusen still seems odd enough to me that I'm not sure I'd be willing to go for it until others had played it and had a chance to review it.

I hear you.
But after I realized I have still just seen about 25% of the game, I think, I am in no position to write a review yet.

I hope, it will help you then to make up your mind (even though, I sometimes tend to wear pinkish glasses, if I have to judge a bishoujo-games [img][/img] )

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Well, I mean, I already did when I formed an opinion based on the discussion about it earlier on the boards. Now, when the game comes out I'll of course revise my opinion based on new information if necessary.

Well, you gotta be carful about statig your opinion so early. That goes for me too, of course, but I have a... ahem, another attitude than yours when it comes to brutish games [img][/img]. But you did state your opinion in this thread that you throught that OMnY seemed great, althrough it is a brutish game, which you don't tend to like, and it may, in some ways, be worse than Dokusen.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I hear you.
But after I realized I have still just seen about 25% of the game, I think, I am in no position to write a review yet.

I hope, it will help you then to make up your mind (even though, I sometimes tend to wear pinkish glasses, if I have to judge a bishoujo-games [img][/img] )

I'm waiting eagery for that review as well [img][/img]. Nothing wrong abouy viewing things through pinkish glasses, as long as you don't overdo it [img][/img]. Then, again, there are things you don't like about this game, right? So I don't think you'll overdo the good parts of the game. Just state the good/bad things in the game, but don't overdo the bad parts either, or you'll walk the same way as the IGN Tokimeki Chheck-in reviewer [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I'm waiting eagery for that review as well [img][/img].

I simply refuse to write that review, as far as I only know the Ayukawa-view of the game. *shapeshifts to SAINT#5* "Need more input" *shapeshifts back*

After you told me, there are also a Inuyama-, Tsukino- and Himegami-view, I still try to find my way out of the one scenario, that is accessible at first.

Maybe, you'd also be interested into some of the other japanese games, I play and you might never have heard of, especially "Gakuen oujousama Kitan" and "Reversible himitsu nikki" (both of them are Dating-Sims, comparable to "True Love")?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Nothing wrong abouy viewing things through pinkish glasses, as long as you don't overdo it [img][/img].

Don't confuse my "OMnY-Impressions-post" with a review!
All my reviews have a certain structure, beginning with a part of almost pure facts and at the end my own opinion about the game, sometimes based on the facts and most of the time reflecting my own feelings about it. If you visit the goddesses website, you might learn about that.
However, I am not that confident about my reviews, because I heard some rantings about games, I wrote a more optimistic opinion about (and those rantings were not pointless at all, but focussed more on points, I chose to ignore in my reviews because they didn't bother me that much).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Just state the good/bad things in the game, but don't overdo the bad parts either, or you'll walk the same way as the IGN Tokimeki Chheck-in reviewer [img][/img].

Don't worry about that. In order to write such a review, I first have to start hating the whole genre, like he obviously did.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-04-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I simply refuse to write that review, as far as I only know the Ayukawa-view of the game.

After you told me, there are also a Inuyama-, Tsukino- and Himegami-view, I still try to find my way out of the one scenario, that is accessible at first.

Oh, I've not forgotten that you still haven't finished the whole game, so I know hat you can't do a review of it before you have found the other perspectives (and perhaps most of the endings as well). Perhpas I should hae said that I'm waiting for a review, but I'm not exceprign you to do one before the game is finished, that's what I meant.

Maybe, you'd also be interested into some of the other japanese games, I play and you might never have heard of, especially "Gakuen oujousama Kitan" and "Reversible himitsu nikki" (both of them are Dating-Sims, comparable to "True Love")?

Well, why not? I'm always interested in hearing new reviews... Perhaps we should start a "Japanese game review" topic for that purpose, or simply use old topics like this instead?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Perhaps we should start a "Japanese game review" topic for that purpose, or simply use old topics like this instead?

I am not sure, if japanese games are a bit too off-topic (remember: PeaPri has a mission to make translations of those games and offer them to us). The same reason counts for not sending them to the goddess, because her site is dedicated to the english translations.

If I am going to write these reviews, I think I stick to my original plan: Posting them at as customer reviews and leave here at the board a small message about them.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I am not sure, if japanese games are a bit too off-topic (remember: PeaPri has a mission to make translations of those games and offer them to us). The same reason counts for not sending them to the goddess, because her site is dedicated to the english translations.

If I am going to write these reviews, I think I stick to my original plan: Posting them at as customer reviews and leave here at the board a small message about them.

Sounds good enough to me. But what about Will and Crowd's games, then? You are playing some of those too, and lots of people here (both old members and newcomers) are curious about them, and there is always a chance that PP will release those games here, and those reviews would serve to give people an impression of the game/games that might get released by PP in the future. Could reviews of their games be seen as an exceptation here, I wonder...?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
You are playing some of those too, and lots of people here (both old members and newcomers) are curious about them, and there is always a chance that PP will release those games here, and those reviews would serve to give people an impression of the game/games that might get released by PP in the future. Could reviews of their games be seen as an exceptation here, I wonder...?

Let's see, what Lamuness has to say, as the one who talks with the PeaPri-staff and is in charge of this board.
However, since my reviews could be regarded as an encouragement to buy the untranslated games, I fear, they could be even worsening the situation and thus being unwanted (not everyone would buy the translation after already buying the double-high-priced japanese version, just to help the genre).

Unicorn-san, if it’s for a ren’ai game, you’re welcome to post your review in the ren’ai ML, which you can access through emails (as a standard ML) by sending an empty email">here</a>, or through a browser by going <a href="

Does that group accept reviews of adult games too??? (games such as Snow Drop, to be more specific).

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Unicorn-san, if it's for a ren'ai game, you're welcome to post your review in the ren'ai ML

Sorry, if I now sound terribly stupid, but could you please give me a good definition (some definite criteria) what a ren'ai game is? It would help noone, if I mail them reviews for games, they don't want to cover.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Let's see, what Lamuness has to say, as the one who talks with the PeaPri-staff and is in charge of this board.
However, since my reviews could be regarded as an encouragement to buy the untranslated games, I fear, they could be even worsening the situation and thus being unwanted (not everyone would buy the translation after already buying the double-high-priced japanese version, just to help the genre).

Yeah, you might be right about that. still, msot people here seems to be more comfortable with buying the english versions... But, how many people here (people that we know of) have brought Japanese versions of Crowd and Will's games? Not many, I'd say. I myself would if I had the necressiary knowledge, but I don't know Japanese, and it takes time to learn it. so for the time beinh, I stick to the english games, That might not last forever, through; someday I might just tire of the fact that the japaneser have the the best while we have not and start to learn japanese just for the purpose of being able to play the gmaes. After all, I originally wanted to learn english because that I wanted to be able to read the tons of english fantasy books I saw in the bookstores, and back then, I was sick of having to be happy with the meager amount of fantasy that was translated, so who says that I couln't do the same thing once again? [img][/img] (but it took me six years to reach this level of english that I'm on now, and I'm still learning).

Besides the whole thing, I think I remember that Kumiko encouraged people of buying the japanese versions of the game, but I don't know why she did it...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Does that group accept reviews of adult games too??? (games such as Snow Drop, to be more specific).
Seeing that all the games I reviewed there are adult games, and that all the games I will review in the future will be as well, I think I can answer 'yes'. ^_^

Hmm, then perhaps I should consider joining that group as well, to read all those nice reviews ^_^.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Sorry, if I now sound terribly stupid, but could you please give me a good definition (some definite criteria) what a ren'ai game is? It would help noone, if I mail them reviews for games, they don't want to cover.
No problem. Ren'ai games (and jun'ai games): games who focused on the love relationship between the main character and another in the game from a serious point of view. Tend have little etchi (if there is); and those etchi scenes would be "love-making" ones. Etymologically, "ren'ai" games should be "romantic love" games, from which the "jun'ai" ("pure love") games are a subpart. But honestly, I have trouble differentiating the two kinds...