Next CROWD game Peach Princess should take?

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
games who focused on the love relationship between the main character and another in the game from a serious point of view. Tend have little etchi (if there is); and those etchi scenes would be "love-making" ones.

I see. In that case, the only candidate of my most recent ordered games (that just arrived today in the morning) would be "Vie". Obbligato is not all that serious and about "Blood Royal", you'd know perhaps better than me, that it contains too much "not-true-love-etchi" (especially the tentacle-stuff).

However, it sounds to me like I could become attached to that genre. Do you have special suggestions, which titles are recommendable for me to order next time?
If the suggestions contain titles that are a bit older, but still available, I would not mind. However, regarding the type of gameplay, I would prefer dating SIMs to simple "choose-your-path"-adventures.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Etymologically, "ren'ai" games should be "romantic love" games, from which the "jun'ai" ("pure love") games are a subpart. But honestly, I have trouble differentiating the two kinds...

I am not sure myself, but maybe, jun'ai would contain absolutely no "etchi"? Or perhaps, only very soft erotic images at the level of lingerie-shots, but definitely no depictions of pubic areas?
... and perhaps a much higher percentage of images, showing faces beaming with pure affection for the partner?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
However, it sounds to me like I could become attached to that genre. Do you have special suggestions, which titles are recommendable for me to order next time? If the suggestions contain titles that are a bit older, but still available, I would not mind. However, regarding the type of gameplay, I would prefer dating SIMs to simple "choose-your-path"-adventures.
SIM over ADV/NVL? Personnally, I prefer ADV/NVL over SIM, because ADV/NVL are more story-driven and I like those games for their stories (and the girls, of course, but that was implied). As for suggestions, the ML maintains a database of recommendations, i.e. games noted by the ML members.

I am not sure myself, but maybe, jun'ai would contain absolutely no "etchi"? Or perhaps, only very soft erotic images at the level of lingerie-shots, but definitely no depictions of pubic areas?
Errrr... I doubt about it, since all the jun'ai games I know of are adult. For instance, AFAIK, Sweet Basil's "Mapple" is considered jun'ai...

... and perhaps a much higher percentage of images, showing faces beaming with pure affection for the partner?
Maybe. What should be the differences betwen "romantic love" and "pure love" in your opinion? ^_-
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
SIM over ADV/NVL? Personnally, I prefer ADV/NVL over SIM, because ADV/NVL are more story-driven and I like those games for their stories (and the girls, of course, but that was implied). As for suggestions, the ML maintains a database of recommendations, i.e. games noted by the ML members.

Well, in my opinion, a NVL has to lack by nature in some flexibility (=freedom of the player to choose, what to do). BTW: Would you think "Gin Iro" is a NVL or an ADV? I think, I have not that much experience with NVLs, at all...

ADVs on the other hand, have quite more freedom for the player to nose around in the story.

A SIM has still the highest possible level of freedom.

However, as much as the level of freedom raises, the difficulty to give a consistent story as the result of the players actions rises about exponentially. Thought to the very end, perhaps the optimal SIM would again be an ADV with a seperately written storyline for all possible different combinations of choices for the player.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Maybe. What should be the differences betwen "romantic love" and "pure love" in your opinion? ^_-

Well, I have to admit, you got me now almost cornered. I tried to make suggestions about games, I am not familiar with in order to contribute a discussion.
However instead of right now accepting complete defeat, I try another suggestion that is also just based on my imagination:

Maybe, "romantic love" contains also some aberrations as, for example a good friend of the girl, falling also in love with the male main character and thus creating a love-triangle, putting the main-chracters lovestory in danger. Then a "pure love"-story could be more of telling a story, where the relationship grows from simple acquaintances (or childhood friends?) into an happily married couple by resoving all problems that seem to block the way.

O.K., all of this is only based on suspicions, since I don't know representative examples for "ren'ai" and "jun'ai".

hmm…5am…couldn’t sleep…went to look at some stuff at and watching baldrforce demo (even though I am not a major mecha fan to be honest)…pretty damn nifty…might buy the game when I get my ass to Japan this december…fixing brave soul…trying out new engine…

I personally don’t mind posting reviews of japanese games because I don’t see anything wrong with it. As for unicorn’s argument on “an encouragement to buy the untranslated games”, I don’t see a problem with that either. I think SB pretty much said what I wanted to say: people will most likley settle for the english version instead if it ever comes out. Reviews help get people know about the genre, and buying them (japanese version) helps that also…which I think is mostly what Dave E/Kumiko’s intention is. However, his requirements for what is considered a “review” is rather picky and unrealistic. He believed that all my trash-old reviews back at densetsu are not considered reviews partially because I pointed out criticisms (as well as good points) in my reviews. I argued that reviews of any type (games, movies etc) are supposed to an evaluation of a product and therefore criticisms (good or bad) are unavoidable and should be in there in my opinion. When I asked him what a “review” should be like, he said something along the lines of “an objective description of the game talking about what the story is, charas, how the game is played, and STOP THAT’S IT”…that’s more like a “product description” than a “review” to me.

Ok, back to topic, I personally don’t see anything wrong with people buying japanese versions of games; hell I do that myself too. It helps to get people involved with the genre. I also don’t see a problem with reviews either as long as it’s well written. And as for Unicorn’s argument on reviews discouraging people from buying english versions, I doubt that will be the case. Like SB said, most people here would settle for the english version if at all possible. But of course, to make english versions possible, the market has to support it…so I don’t see a problem with getting people to know more about the genre and having them get involved by buying japanese versions as a “jump-start” thing for genre expansion

However, I personally do have a problem with fan-translations/unofficial translation patches though…

Let’s see if I can get Peter to set up a new forum for posting (Japanese game only) reviews…

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-07-2002).]

I take that as an “O.K., go ahead, as soon as the new forum is up”.

I also think, a review on a game should contain an objective part as well as a part, where the reviewer tells his feelings and not necessarily fact-based impressions of the game.
I try to separate both kinds of informations in my reviews by using my standard-structure, but sometimes I can’t keep up that separation consequently (that already happened for games, that have disappointed me much as well as games, that deeply impressed me).

Originally posted by Lamuness:
When I asked him what a "review" should be like, he said something along the lines of "an objective description of the game talking about what the story is, charas, how the game is played, and STOP THAT'S IT"....that's more like a "product description" than a "review" to me.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-07-2002).]

I agree with what Lamuness says. When I review a game, more or less I can't keep my personal feelings divorced from my objective evaluation, after all, I'm not out to sell a product, I'm trying to tell people, why I enjoyed the game. People can go gah gah over the animation of Viper, but I won't let other people's evaluation of the game adversely affect my ability to strip away the outer layers and give my personal slant on the game.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I agree with what Lamuness says. When I review a game, more or less I can't keep my personal feelings divorced from my objective evaluation, after all, I'm not out to sell a product, I'm trying to tell people, why I enjoyed the game. People can go gah gah over the animation of Viper, but I won't let other people's evaluation of the game adversely affect my ability to strip away the outer layers and give my personal slant on the game.

That's what a review is anyway. It's your personal take on the game and why you did or didn't like it. You also can't just say "It sucks!" or "It r0x0rs!" without giving the reasons why.

Originally posted by Doug:
You also can't just say "It sucks!" or "It r0x0rs!" without giving the reasons why.

In fact, I have read a lot of customer reviews at that exactly were like that.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Let's see if I can get Peter to set up a new forum for posting (Japanese game only) reviews...

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-07-2002).]

Thank you! [img][/img]. Such a forum would be nice to see [img][/img].

Originally posted by Unicorn:
In fact, I have read a lot of customer reviews at that exactly were like that.

Which is always a problem when you open up customer "reviews". Which always torques me for some reason. I mean, I don't mind people disagreeing with my opinion of a game, as long as you give at least some logical reasoning for your own viewpoint. (I used to say "any reasoning for your viewpoint" until I got into an argument with someone who didn't like a game because the main character always wore blue...)

Sorry, having an anger moment again. Hmm, a Japanese only game review forum could be interesting. At least then maybe I can start identifying some of those game in Bugbug... [img][/img]

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I agree with what Lamuness says. When I review a game, more or less I can't keep my personal feelings divorced from my objective evaluation, after all, I'm not out to sell a product, I'm trying to tell people, why I enjoyed the game. People can go gah gah over the animation of Viper, but I won't let other people's evaluation of the game adversely affect my ability to strip away the outer layers and give my personal slant on the game.

Nothing wrong about using your personal opinion, as long as you don't just use thme too much. In a review you always have to try and point out good/bad things about the gmae, but you can't say TOO much either, and you msut give good reasons for your feelings too [img][/img].

Originally posted by SHIT:
HELLO? Has anyone forget about Synchronous hearts? Or as babelfish puts it--> Etude: Concentic of three sisters. Obligato and Yaiba etc etc can wait. I mailed former administrator Dave about that once and according to him, although they wont make that deadline anymore, it would be somewhere in 2003 when the game would be finished. However, i believe peach princess when they say Etude: Concentic of three sisters will be the next game. THey havent mentioned any of the other so there...

Naw, no one has forgotten SH, but Peach Princess have to start working on a game at an early stage, since it takes about three years at best to finish the "remaking" of a game. So what I wanted to point out in this thread was that if they stared working on the game AFTER they released XC2, BS and SH, we wouldn't see a CROWD game for quite a while, so with this I were sugestign that PP should approach Crowd about the rights to some new games before SH is finished, or we'd not see any Crowd games for quite a while (3 years or so at best), and that's somwthing I'd rather not want to happen.

Just back to the topic:

Last weekend, I paid a bit more attention to Obbligato and I have to take back my early judgement that was inspired by the demo (for the record: that demo is the complete prolog-chapter of the game).

Anyway, I judged the book by it’s cover.
After I played the real thing, it turned out to be quite comparable to the Ayukawa-viewpoint in Dokusen, but a little more story-based.

So, after this, I’d prefer Obbligato to be ported before OMnY.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Just back to the topic:

Last weekend, I paid a bit more attention to Obbligato and I have to take back my early judgement that was inspired by the demo (for the record: that demo is the complete prolog-chapter of the game).

Anyway, I judged the book by it's cover.
After I played the real thing, it turned out to be quite comparable to the Ayukawa-viewpoint in Dokusen, but a little more story-based.

So, after this, I'd prefer Obbligato to be ported before OMnY.

Ah! Now you've resurrected my curiosity from it's grave! Could you tell us a little more about it? Pretty please? [img][/img] [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Ah! Now you've resurrected my curiosity from it's grave!

A miracle! A miracle! [img][/img] [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Could you tell us a little more about it? Pretty please? [img][/img] [img][/img]

If you'd be more specific with your questions, I'd gladly do that. However, I have just played once through the game and not yet gotten the complete picture.

However, I'd try to make my hints a bit more precise:

The game itself works mainly as a dating SIM, having a schedule of 1,5 months (June and first half of July, just before the summer holidays): Any day after school, you decide which of the four girls you walk home with. On that way, you talk a bit or go to the mall or,... Depends all on which girl you take and on which day. During this event, you usually (not everytimes) come to an decision-point where you have to choose a reply or another option, affecting your relation to this girl (and perhaps, to the other girls as well, not yet confirmed...)

If you walk home Chisae, you have the option to part with her at the door or enter with her her room. The second option starts for that evening a love/sex-Training SIM with not as much options as you have in Dokusen, but still quite a number of things to practise.

All together affects, if you are able to start a working relation with Chisae. (About possible endings with the other girls I am not quite sure. However, the graphics on the box hint at least about a threesome with Chisae and Nao...)

So, I am very sorry about those vague (and probably even inaccurate) informations. That's why I held back and only hinted in my previous post.

However, I had quite more fun with this game, than with OMnY, after I got used to this style of drawings (Thanks to Kana: The drawings there were much alike, if you'd draw the characters more into comic-style, you'd end up in Obbligato...).

Originally posted by Unicorn:
A miracle! A miracle! [img][/img] [img][/img]

No need to get down on your knees and sing prayers to Ladyphoenix yet [img][/img]. Actually I've been kinda interested in Obbligato anyway; the game seems ot have a rich cast of characters, and then the SIM part of the game, and so on... This game, it simply has too many interesting aspects to be ignored! [img][/img].

If you'd be more specific with your questions, I'd gladly do that. However, I have just played once through the game and not yet gotten the complete picture.

Ah. Sorry about that, but all I wanted was a picture "in general", just like what you just told [img][/img]. Kinda like a "mini-review", you might say.

However, I'd try to make my hints a bit more precise:

The game itself works mainly as a dating SIM, having a schedule of 1,5 months (June and first half of July, just before the summer holidays): Any day after school, you decide which of the four girls you walk home with. On that way, you talk a bit or go to the mall or,... Depends all on which girl you take and on which day. During this event, you usually (not everytimes) come to an decision-point where you have to choose a reply or another option, affecting your relation to this girl (and perhaps, to the other girls as well, not yet confirmed...)

The game suddenly sounds so much more like a dating sim than anything else that Crowd has released here in the west via PP so far, since it sounds like it gives you a little more... freedom, in a sense; you get to choose for yourself which girl to purse, and it doesn't sound like you have to be at a "certain time and place" to be able to try and get the girl interested in you, unlike TCI..

If you walk home Chisae, you have the option to part with her at the door or enter with her her room. The second option starts for that evening a love/sex-Training SIM with not as much options as you have in Dokusen, but still quite a number of things to practise. All together affects, if you are able to start a working relation with Chisae. (About possible endings with the other girls I am not quite sure. However, the graphics on the box hint at least about a threesome with Chisae and Nao...)

*tried to hide noosebleed* Whoa! the more I hear about the game, the better it sounds! Hmm, wonder if I should change my "next priority game from Crowd" list... sounds especially interesting since anything you do do havea certain effect on things and events...

So, I am very sorry about those vague (and probably even inaccurate) informations. That's why I held back and only hinted in my previous post.

Oh, don't worry about it [img][/img]. The information was certianly interesting, but i do hope that you'llb e able to tell more soon. Say, do you have a Fall break during next week? we do have one here in sweden, meaning that we're free from school for a week. If it's the same for you, then please play as much as you can! [img][/img].

However, I had quite more fun with this game, than with OMnY, after I got used to this style of drawings (Thanks to Kana: The drawings there were much alike, if you'd draw the characters more into comic-style, you'd end up in Obbligato...).

Well, I have the impression that the style used in Kana was more beautiful, more detailed, but it's true that it is kind of similar to the style in Obbligato...
The only thing I'd be complaining about about the artstyle on Obbligato is that the eyebrows looks WAY too thick!

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 10-22-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
the game seems ot have a rich cast of characters

Not really, compared to Tokimeki CheckIn!
(However, I am not sure if it would be possible to make a SIM with a rich cast as in TCI that should result into a consistent story. At least, this would be a big challenge... On the other hand, "True Love" went also a bit into this direction.)

Well, the rich cast in Obbligato contains the four girls, the main character and his best friend as central characters. Other characters are only part of the story (for example, the schoolnurse from the demo, I have not met again in the game)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
freedom, in a sense; you get to choose for yourself which girl to purse, and it doesn't sound like you have to be at a "certain time and place" to be able to try and get the girl interested in you, unlike TCI

This is also my impression. While these ADV-stories cover only a short period of time, making a mistake that completely blocks the path to one girl is usual, while a SIM covers quite a couple of days (Dokusen: 30, Obbligato 50), so making up for a previous mistake is within the possibilities, if the mistake was not fatal.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*tried to hide noosebleed* Whoa! the more I hear about the game, the better it sounds!

However, the hint to the threesome is just the picture on the cover of the box. Maybe, it has nothing to do with the real possibilities in the game...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Say, do you have a Fall break during next week? we do have one here in sweden, meaning that we're free from school for a week. If it's the same for you, then please play as much as you can!

No, something like this is not usual in germany (at least, not for people who are working. The schools had since last week until the end of this week indeed fall break). If I want to have free time, I have to go on vacation.

However, I have usually plenty of time for playing at weekends.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I have the impression that the style used in Kana was more beautiful, more detailed, but it's true that it is kind of similar to the style in Obbligato...

That's what I meant with "drawing more into comic style". My "potatoe-faces"-impression came first from the general shape of the faces (long faces with flat chins), that I got accustomed by Kana with.
Because Kana is a completely other kind of work (sad-serious story), they have used other coloring and shading, giving them a more natural (and beautiful) look, while Obbligato wants to make its characters look comical.

However, after I realized this similarity, I took back my potatoe-face-judgement and could make the buy-decision for Obbligato.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Not really, compared to Tokimeki CheckIn!
(However, I am not sure if it would be possible to make a SIM with a rich cast as in TCI that should result into a consistent story. At least, this would be a big challenge... On the other hand, "True Love" went also a bit into this direction.)

Well, the rich cast in Obbligato contains the four girls, the main character and his best friend as central characters. Other characters are only part of the story (for example, the schoolnurse from the demo, I have not met again in the game)

Hmm, you might be right about that... Well, Obbligato might have more characters than TCI, but perhaps only those you mentioned (the main character, the four girls, and the best friend of the main character) are characters that the story goes "deep into" and who appears regualry through the game.

This is also my impression. While these ADV-stories cover only a short period of time, making a mistake that completely blocks the path to one girl is usual, while a SIM covers quite a couple of days (Dokusen: 30, Obbligato 50), so making up for a previous mistake is within the possibilities, if the mistake was not fatal..

Right, in a sim, there is often lots of chances to "make up" for a mistake you did; if you made a girl angry at you, you might still be able to make up for that mistake next day. Or soemthing like that. But I wonder, how often does simunations contain a "fatal mistake"? I mean, in True Love, there were many events that could be fatal to you if you missed them (so in many ways, True Love felt almost more like an ADV than a SIM) and if you did, the girl's path were blocked to you (I never managed to get any of the girls without following those certain events anyway), but in Maid's Story the result at the end of the story depened more on the result of the "love-meter" than on events in the game.

However, the hint to the threesome is just the picture on the cover of the box. Maybe, it has nothing to do with the real possibilities in the game...

That's someting I leave for you to find out [img][/img]. The game would be even more interesting if it was possible to get into a relationship with more than one of the girls through (but not ALL of them at once, that'd be almost as bad as True Love).

No, something like this is not usual in germany (at least, not for people who are working. The schools had since last week until the end of this week indeed fall break). If I want to have free time, I have to go on vacation.

However, I have usually plenty of time for playing at weekends.

I see... Well, people who are working doens't have anythign like that here either, but all schools have this fall break. Ah! I'm going to relax the whole fall break! And play a game or two, perhaps [img][/img]. Play Obbligato at a calm pace! But from what you said, I judge that Obbligato is your current priority...?

That's what I meant with "drawing more into comic style". My "potatoe-faces"-impression came first from the general shape of the faces (long faces with flat chins), that I got accustomed by Kana with.
Because Kana is a completely other kind of work (sad-serious story), they have used other coloring and shading, giving them a more natural (and beautiful) look, while Obbligato wants to make its characters look comical.

However, after I realized this similarity, I took back my potatoe-face-judgement and could make the buy-decision for Obbligato.

Yeah, I can kind of see that; they didn't abandon their "main goal" of making fun games in Obbligato, it seems, since they used a "funny artstyle"... Then, again, have you found any shameless advertising yet?

Oh, and how well do you understand the game?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, Obbligato might have more characters than TCI

Obviously, I deserved this for being ironic.

To say that for once and all times clearly: I think, the cast of Obbligato is definitely smaller than the cast of TCI, because I don't want to count side-roles, that appear only once and then never again in the story. Those are simply faces, but not characters, while any role in TCI is really a character (except that kitten, Yuki played with, perhaps). So, we have more than 10 characters in TCI and 6 in Obbligato.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
but in Maid's Story the result at the end of the story depened more on the result of the "love-meter" than on events in the game.

When I wrote my review, I had the same opinion.
However, after I tried to get all possible endings, I got the impression, not the love-meter, but the amount of nights, you spend with them counts most, regarding the endings for the maids as well as the secretary (where Praising counts for each maid as well as a Night Training).
... and the Itsuki(=ex)-ending is a completely different matter ...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
That's someting I leave for you to find out.

Thanks for the trust. I'll do my best... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Ah! I'm going to relax the whole fall break! And play a game or two, perhaps.

Enjoy your break (Don't the other endings of Kana still wait for you?)! I remember, I did this as well, when I was back in school...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Play Obbligato at a calm pace! But from what you said, I judge that Obbligato is your current priority...?

Not quite yet.
Perhaps, I should first try to look also into "Vie" and "Blood Royal" as well.
But I have to admit, "Obbligato" tempts me also very much and then, there are also "Owarinaki Maidotachi no Yoru", "Dokusen" and "Gakuen Ojousama Kitan"...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Then, again, have you found any shameless advertising yet?

Sorry, none yet. Perhaps, they have at least abandoned this special feature.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Oh, and how well do you understand the game?

It's getting constantly better.
Being able to recognize about 300 of the more frequent used Kanji, I am able to understand about 1/3 of the whole text and to guess the meaning of the other surrounding parts more accurately.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Obviously, I deserved this for being ironic. To say that for once and all times clearly: I think, the cast of Obbligato is definitely smaller than the cast of TCI, because I don't want to count side-roles, that appear only once and then never again in the story. Those are simply faces, but not characters, while any role in TCI is really a character (except that kitten, Yuki played with, perhaps). So, we have more than 10 characters in TCI and 6 in Obbligato.

Well, you might be right about that. so 6 characters it is... However, perhaps you should wait to judge the amount of characters until you know the other characters and their scenarios better? I mean, the four female main characters should have their own friends and other people that they know, that you might encounter through the gmae (but if you meet them or not might depened on how much you are trying to win one or more of the girls on in the game). For example, the character profiles hints at that if you are trying to get close to Iori, you might meet her family.

When I wrote my review, I had the same opinion. However, after I tried to get all possible endings, I got the impression, not the love-meter, but the amount of nights, you spend with them counts most, regarding the endings for the maids as well as the secretary (where Praising counts for each maid as well as a Night Training).
... and the Itsuki(=ex)-ending is a completely different matter ...

That is perhaps true. If I do indeed buy the game, I'll investigate this matter and see what my impressions is at the end...

Thanks for the trust. I'll do my best... [img][/img]

You're welcome ^_^. Good luck, and don't spend TOO much time with the girls! [img][/img].

Enjoy your break (Don't the other endings of Kana still wait for you?)! I remember, I did this as well, when I was back in school...

Well, I'll spend my Fall Break in Stockholm, amd my computer stays in Orebro, just as my games, so I won't be able to paly them. Besides, I've detvoted most of my "computer playing time" to play "Disciples 2 - Dark Prophecy" (A very interestig game, just finished the "Undead Hordes" scenario and is now working on "The Legions of the Damned" scenario), so there has not been as much bishoujo for me as there normally is. I'll do my best to catch up, however [img][/img].

Not quite yet. Perhaps, I should first try to look also into "Vie" and "Blood Royal" as well. But I have to admit, "Obbligato" tempts me also very much and then, there are also "Owarinaki Maidotachi no Yoru", "Dokusen" and "Gakuen Ojousama Kitan"...

... and here I remember you telling me that you shouldn't play too many games at once ^_~? Just kiddeng, paly as much as you want, I'm very eager to hear about all of thme [img][/img]. But it's true that it's not such a good idea to play too many games at once.

Sorry, none yet. Perhaps, they have at least abandoned this special feature.

Perhaps. We shall see... Perhaps they have just taken a break, so to say, since it wouldn't be THAT fun if it appeared in every game Crowd made. so we shall see aboutt heir future games. Heard anything about that, BTW?

It's getting constantly better.
Being able to recognize about 300 of the more frequent used Kanji, I am able to understand about 1/3 of the whole text and to guess the meaning of the other surrounding parts more accurately.

Ah, must be nice to slowy being able to see a whole new world, so to speak. Tomorrow, I'll be holding a speech about Japanese out of the essay that I made. I'll report the results to you [img][/img]. But after studying the japanese language like this, it doens't feel that difficult anymore. I'll see if I can begin to start memorise the Hiraganas and Katakana, that should be a beginning anyway [img][/img]. And according to the information I found, the Yoyo-kanji is enough to learn if you doesn't want to go TOO deep into Japanese, since everything written after 1945 is written after those kanji...