Next CROWD game Peach Princess should take?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
However, perhaps you should wait to judge the amount of characters until you know the other characters and their scenarios better? I mean, the four female main characters should have their own friends and other people that they know, that you might encounter through the gmae (but if you meet them or not might depened on how much you are trying to win one or more of the girls on in the game).

However, at least the galleries are a straight hint, that the main objective of the game is the relation to Chisae (she has two pages of events, while all others only the first page (and event this page rather empty)).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Good luck, and don't spend TOO much time with the girls!

Well, it's sure more fun than spending too much time with that "best friend". [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... and here I remember you telling me that you shouldn't play too many games at once ^_~?

Well, it helps to build up my priorities and if I got stuck somewhere, it's better to switch to another game in order to distract my mind from that "stuck situation". After I got some distance from this situation, I usually find the solution, after all...

However, yesterday I played a bit of "Blood Royal" and found my first candidate for the end of my priorities list...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Perhaps they have just taken a break, so to say, since it wouldn't be THAT fun if it appeared in every game Crowd made.

Oh, I think it could, if they think of some more different ways of doing such "shameless advertising. Making Takuya a dungeon-monster in Brave Soul was for example a splendid idea...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Tomorrow, I'll be holding a speech about Japanese out of the essay that I made.

I'm rooting for you! Good luck!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I'll see if I can begin to start memorise the Hiraganas and Katakana, that should be a beginning anyway

Exactly. After you got the kana-systems, you'd be able to decipher furigana. Also, in much games, the cuter loli-characters speeches usually are written only in kana in order to let them appear younger...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
And according to the information I found, the Yoyo-kanji is enough to learn if you doesn't want to go TOO deep into Japanese, since everything written after 1945 is written after those kanji...

That's completely right.
For playing the games, the Yoyo-kanji should be quite sufficient.

Originally posted by Unicorn: However, at least the galleries are a straight hint, that the main objective of the game is the relation to Chisae (she has two pages of events, while all others only the first page (and event this page rather empty)).

Hmm, I can kind of see that. After all, it's no secret that the game is mainly focused as Chisae... To be honest, I wish that that weren't the case; I'm kinda more fond of games where each of the girls gets an equal amount of attention... TCI is a good example of such a game, even if it's still kinda "unfair" that some of the girls have two endings while others have just one. And Ayumi did receive a little more attention than the others, too. I wonder how the case is with X-change 2 and Brave Soul, but I guess that it's the same there... The main heroine of the story (the male main character's "sidekick", so to speak) will always receive a little more attention than the others, I suppose.

Well, it's sure more fun than spending too much time with that "best friend". [img][/img]

I do see what you mean... ... HIDE ALL THE KITTENS!

Well, it helps to build up my priorities and if I got stuck somewhere, it's better to switch to another game in order to distract my mind from that "stuck situation". After I got some distance from this situation, I usually find the solution, after all...

However, yesterday I played a bit of "Blood Royal" and found my first candidate for the end of my priorities list...

Aha. So you didn't like your first impression of Blood Royal?

It's true, through, that if you are struck in a game, it might help to play another game, for a while. It might even give you some new ideas on how to tackle the problem on which you are struck. also, it helps you to build up an impressive collection [img][/img].

Oh, I think it could, if they think of some more different ways of doing such "shameless advertising. Making Takuya a dungeon-monster in Brave Soul was for example a splendid idea...

Yeah, that was a fun idea! I'm very eager to find that "monster" in Brave Soul [img][/img]! Hmm, perhaps they should make more tihngs like that, like meeting characters from other games (for example, if Crowd did a "molester game", one of the girls you just shortly would encounter might be Takuya [img][/img]. Don't think Crowd would make such a game, through. It doesn't fit their style). Or they could do as some manga artist do: They could let themselves appear in SD format in the game [img][/img].

I'm rooting for you! Good luck!

Thanks! Actually, I were supposed to do the speech today, but we had some problems with the equpiment here in the school, so I'm going to do it tomorrow instead, at the end of the school day.

Exactly. After you got the kana-systems, you'd be able to decipher furigana. Also, in much games, the cuter loli-characters speeches usually are written only in kana in order to let them appear younger...

Really? That's good to know [img][/img].

That's completely right.
For playing the games, the Yoyo-kanji should be quite sufficient.

Hmm, okay. Then my first step should be to learn the Hiragana and Katakana. After that, I'll see if I can move on to the Yoyo-kanji. but before I do that, I'll have to buy a directionary or two, and someting more too.. However, I think that even if I come to understand somewhat of what is being said in a game, I also need some more education... *sigh* Wish it weren't so hard to find a course in Japanese here.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I'm kinda more fond of games where each of the girls gets an equal amount of attention... TCI is a good example of such a game, even if it's still kinda "unfair" that some of the girls have two endings while others have just one. And Ayumi did receive a little more attention than the others, too.

I think, the word for this kind of unfainess is: "It was meant to be by the author of the story". All other possibilities might be regarded as side-exits of the story.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I do see what you mean... ... HIDE ALL THE KITTENS!


Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Aha. So you didn't like your first impression of Blood Royal?

Well, I played it not through to the end. The part, I have seen, could be described as "The Maids Story, reduced to night lessons with better graphics, voices and some more different disciplines"

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Don't think Crowd would make such a game, through. It doesn't fit their style

I am not that sure. Compared to earlier games, OMnY was also a surprise...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Really? That's good to know.

Not that good. Your own character, that usually has no voice-acting at all, is always an adult and his speeches and thoughts are full of Kanji...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Then my first step should be to learn the Hiragana and Katakana. After that, I'll see if I can move on to the Yoyo-kanji.

I think, that's the natural sequence, even japanese kids have to follow. (That's why the speeches of the loli-characters look younger by using kana where kanji would be possible and in adult writing usual.)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
However, I think that even if I come to understand somewhat of what is being said in a game, I also need some more education...

I agree. Ignoring the grammar (that is really not as difficult as in western languages and has by far less exceptions, for example: only two irregular verbs) would make things difficult.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Wish it weren't so hard to find a course in Japanese here.

Our goddess learns japanese using an internet-online-school. Maybe, you should become classmates... [img][/img]

I already can see it: "Silence in the ranks! No playing with lemons during class!" [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-23-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Good luck, and don't spend TOO much time with the girls!

Well, it's sure more fun than spending too much time with that "best friend".

Hey, not in public.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, it's sure more fun than spending too much time with that "best friend".

I do see what you mean... ... HIDE ALL THE KITTENS!

[God] *looks around menacingly*



Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Hey, not in public.

I get the impression, you think of an other "best friend", than I do. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-24-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I think, the word for this kind of unfainess is: "It was meant to be by the author of the story". All other possibilities might be regarded as side-exits of the story.

Yeah. Every multipath story have that kind of ending, the ending that the author decided that it should have ... ... Perhaps I should start to hate the author of CP then, for I don't like the true ending, and I simply HATE the fact that Reiko had to die in the true ending [img][/img]. Hmm. I wonder if people usually like those "True Endings" better than the "Side-exits" of the story...?

Well, I played it not through to the end. The part, I have seen, could be described as "The Maids Story, reduced to night lessons with better graphics, voices and some more different disciplines"

Really? Sounds like it's not as good as I've heard that it is, then... From what I remember of the synopsis I got of Blood Royal, in the game you're a fearsome pirate, and you get two princesses from two kingdoms who doesn't want to get attacked by you... correct?

I am not that sure. Compared to earlier games, OMnY was also a surprise...

Yeah, I agree about that. Then, again, it sure isn't the first time that CROWD have made a brutish game and probably not the last time.

Not that good. Your own character, that usually has no voice-acting at all, is always an adult and his speeches and thoughts are full of Kanji...

So the main character is always an "adult", no matter what? It doesn't really come as a surpise to me, since no matter what age the main character is, the player him/herself is always an adult (the age limit is 18 in Japan too, right?).

I think, that's the natural sequence, even japanese kids have to follow. (That's why the speeches of the loli-characters look younger by using kana where kanji would be possible and in adult writing usual.)

Well, then it'd only be natural to go with the natural flow, right? [img][/img]. Hmm, I wonder about one thing... Japanese companies have been known for ignoring requests from english fans of their games to create an "english-language" patch or something like that, and thinking about what Lamuness said in that BIG thread, its no surpise that they do it, but... Do you think they might react differently to a request for a hiragana/kana patch or something like that? After all, I get the impression that it wouldn't be as time-consuming and expensive (not to mention impossible) as making an english-language patch... Besides, if they did that, it'd REALLY help to memorize the Hiragana/katakana, if you did it with the help of a bishoujo game [img][/img].

I agree. Ignoring the grammar (that is really not as difficult as in western languages and has by far less exceptions, for example: only two irregular verbs) would make things difficult.

Yeah, most people have told me the same: The grammar of the japanese language is easier than most western languages, but the problem is that it's a language that is rich on words, like, for example, there is six ways to say "I" in Japanese... and then it's the Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji that makes things really difficult.

Our goddess learns japanese using an internet-online-school. Maybe, you should become classmates... [img][/img]

I already can see it: "Silence in the ranks! No playing with lemons during class!" [img][/img]

Perhaps I should do that, "walking the sacred way of Our Goddess" [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Perhaps I should start to hate the author of CP then, for I don't like the true ending, and I simply HATE the fact that Reiko had to die in the true ending.

Iknow what you mean, but if you try to look on the situation from the view of Elise, Reiko had to die, because she would hev been too much of a competition in order to construct a real happy end for Elise.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
From what I remember of the synopsis I got of Blood Royal, in the game you're a fearsome pirate, and you get two princesses from two kingdoms who doesn't want to get attacked by you... correct?

You see, I got my impression from an incomplete try. I stopped after 2 weeks simulated time in the game. However, I can confirm that there are those 2 princesses that I got for some reason, I dfid not quite nderstand (so, I missed the pirate background). But if that's true, I understand why I wasn't motivated by that game: I am still not Guybrush Threepwood!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
(the age limit is 18 in Japan too, right?)

I think so, but am not quite sure myself.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Do you think they might react differently to a request for a hiragana/kana patch or something like that?

Doesn't that sound a bit like my wish for furigana in games?
However: if the patch would simply replace all Kanji by Kana, you'd never learn the Kanji from the game, because the Kanjis ar ereplaced and you'd never see the connection between the meaning and the Kanji.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, if they did that, it'd REALLY help to memorize the Hiragana/katakana, if you did it with the help of a bishoujo game

Memorizing the kana from a game?
Oh, I think they are not that difficult. They have a quite logical system if you see them on the usual grid vowel/consonant grid.
(This grid should be included in that mini-html-course.)
(But maybe, it is just me. I alwas had fun with different kinds of writing. In my childhood, I drove my mother almost mad by filling crosswords with german runes...)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I know what you mean, but if you try to look on the situation from the view of Elise, Reiko had to die, because she would hev been too much of a competition in order to construct a real happy end for Elise.

I know that, it's clearly shown in the Julietta-Elise-Reiko ending (farewell, calm days!") [img][/img]. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm VERY pissed about Reiko's death.

You see, I got my impression from an incomplete try. I stopped after 2 weeks simulated time in the game. However, I can confirm that there are those 2 princesses that I got for some reason, I dfid not quite nderstand (so, I missed the pirate background). But if that's true, I understand why I wasn't motivated by that game: I am still not Guybrush Threepwood!

Is that so? Then mhy not tell yourself every time you look at your face in a mirror: "I am Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate!" [img][/img].
Well, I do hope that you can go deepe into Blood Royal someday, even if I suspect that you will be VERY busy playing Obbligato, Dokusen, OMnY and those others before you give yourself any time to play Blood Royal [img][/img].

Doesn't that sound a bit like my wish for furigana in games?
However: if the patch would simply replace all Kanji by Kana, you'd never learn the Kanji from the game, because the Kanjis ar ereplaced and you'd never see the connection between the meaning and the Kanji.

I know that, but in this case, I weren't thinking about learning Kanji by playing the game with the patch, I were thinking about _understanding_ it; it would be easier if the game were in furigana/kana. You could still learn Japanese that way, but it wouldn't help you learn any Kanji, that's true.

Memorizing the kana from a game?
Oh, I think they are not that difficult. They have a quite logical system if you see them on the usual grid vowel/consonant grid.
(This grid should be included in that mini-html-course.) (But maybe, it is just me. I alwas had fun with different kinds of writing. In my childhood, I drove my mother almost mad by filling crosswords with german runes...)

[img][/img]. It's true that from what I've seen, they're not as difficult as Kanji, but they will still take soem time to learn [img][/img]. Besides, what HTML course?

Oh, and BTW, since you were curious about if things did go well for me or not today, since it was today I was having my speech based on my essay about the japanese essay I made, you can read how well I did in the same thread where I first asked for help. But still: Thank you very much! [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But that doesn't change the fact that I'm VERY pissed about Reiko's death.

I can understand that. I like the "happy-family-ending" with Reiko (and without all the others) also very much (perhaps better than th eoriginal, because Reiko is my fav chara, but on th other hand, regarding the central question of the sf-story: "What is the difference between Elise and a human" the real ending might be preferable)
You see: Elise could never really compete with Reiko, so what would have been a convincing explanation, why the main character should choose Elise instead of Reiko, if Reiko is still alive (and Elise couldn't bring in the same reason as Julietta...)?
Because of Reiko was pissed of the double-dating main chara and dropped him? Come on! I already can hear the words: "Corporal Reiko ready to show, she's better than that android!"

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
"I am Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate!"

I am missing a parrot (or Murray from Part III) for that...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I do hope that you can go deepe into Blood Royal someday

Don't worry. I am not going to deal with it, the way, you suggested Nandemonai regarding "The Maid's Story".

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
It's true that from what I've seen, they're not as difficult as Kanji, but they will still take soem time to learn [img][/img].

You are right about that. I started my last course with already knowing them and almost forgot, I had to work on them before...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, what HTML course?

The one, I mailed you on September 26th, after I got your call for help on that other thread.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But still: Thank you very much! [img][/img].

I think, I wasn't that much of a help (especially, after you asked "which course").
After all, I was on my trip on that day, you posted your request for help and came back on Tuesday, the week after...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I get the impression, you think of an other "best friend", than I do. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-24-2002).]

Suuuure. You're not fooling anybody.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I can understand that. I like the "happy-family-ending" with Reiko (and without all the others) also very much (perhaps better than th eoriginal, because Reiko is my fav chara, but on th other hand, regarding the central question of the sf-story: "What is the difference between Elise and a human" the real ending might be preferable)
You see: Elise could never really compete with Reiko, so what would have been a convincing explanation, why the main character should choose Elise instead of Reiko, if Reiko is still alive (and Elise couldn't bring in the same reason as Julietta...)? Because of Reiko was pissed of the double-dating main chara and dropped him? Come on! I already can hear the words: "Corporal Reiko ready to show, she's better than that android!"

Yeah, I know that... Also, the story is about the main character overcoming his past trauma and fear/hate of androids, so the true ending seems most fitting for this, even if he apparently overcame that in a couple of the other endings too... Yeah, Reiko would say soemthing like that, I'm sure (She's VERY stubborn [img][/img]). Besides, you forgot that she always says not just "Corporal Reiko", but "Corporal Reiko Shinozuka" (in a way, it sounds more kawaii that way, right? [img][/img]).

I am missing a parrot (or Murray from Part III) for that...

Murray would be best, I think [img][/img]. Wonder if he's still hanging there, where he was left in Part III? I might have some use for a talking skull [img][/img].

Don't worry. I am not going to deal with it, the way, you suggested Nandemonai regarding "The Maid's Story".

You mean that you won't hide it in a closet? Tha'ts good to hear... But if you don't like it, you could always sell it to someone else, or sell it via E-bay or another place (like G-collections, perhaps).

You are right about that. I started my last course with already knowing them and almost forgot, I had to work on them before...

Well, I hope that made it easier for you [img][/img]. I'll train some on the hiragana during the fall break, and after that, I'll take a while each day to try and memorise them, until I fully remember each hiragana [img][/img]. It's a relif that the Kenshin manga contain soem furigana, so I'll train a little on reknogizing them there... Hmm, but, one thing, I remember yous aying in anothe thread that you right noe think that it is easier to read the direct meaning of a kanji instead of it's pronounciation... Is that true?

The one, I mailed you on September 26th, after I got your call for help on that other thread.

Ah,t hat.. Well, it WAS of some help, but for some reason, the pictures did not work, if I remember correctly how it was...

I think, I wasn't that much of a help (especially, after you asked "which course").
After all, I was on my trip on that day, you posted your request for help and came back on Tuesday, the week after...

Well, as I said, it WAS of some help [img][/img]. And you did give me that info of the yoyo-kanji, that was valuable information, if even a small bit [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, you forgot that she always says not just "Corporal Reiko", but "Corporal Reiko Shinozuka" (in a way, it sounds more kawaii that way, right?

Well, I left out her family name out of two reasons:
1.) I was yesterday scatterbrained and could not recall her family name (but could have looked on PeaPri's product page for getting it)
2.) If I recall correctly, she called herself only "Corporal Reiko" when she announced "ready to spend the night"

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I might have some use for a talking skull

You are going to rewrite "Hamlet" in swedish language and letting it take place somewhere in lappland, right? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
you could always sell it to someone else, or sell it via E-bay or another place

No chance. Anything, that I ever added to my collection is doomed to end up in my pyramid (back to that topic again...).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I hope that made it easier for you

It did a lot. I only had to learn, how to write them correctly (to start with what stroke from which side and so on)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I'll train some on the hiragana during the fall break, and after that, I'll take a while each day to try and memorise them, until I fully remember each hiragana

I suggest, you start learning them column by column (in my grid, each column has five kana, each of them connecting a vowel with the same consonant (except the first colum were the vowels themselves)). Further, the system has the basic thoughts of some consonants are "softer" variations of other consonants and thus, the kana only differ by the double-dots ore the small circle in the upper right corner ("k" + dots = "g", "t" + dots = "d", "s" + dots = "z", "h" + dots = "b" and "h" + circle = "p").

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, but, one thing, I remember yous aying in anothe thread that you right noe think that it is easier to read the direct meaning of a kanji instead of it's pronounciation... Is that true?

It is. I became convinced of this, when I started playing OMnY and I suddenly encountered two kanji, I already knew, used together forming a new word: the kanji for "eating" and "evening", that together had the meaning of "dinner".
However, such experiences only arise for those kanji, you really know (and learning all 1880 takes really some time, because of the amount of them as well as some of them look that similar, they could be confused).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, it WAS of some help, but for some reason, the pictures did not work,

Are you talking about the pictures of the kana? Strange. I'll have to check, if they were only visible using NJStar, but I thought, they were all gifs or jpegs...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, as I said, it WAS of some help

Good. It makes me happy to know, I have been of some help.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, I left out her family name out of two reasons:
1.) I was yesterday scatterbrained and could not recall her family name (but could have looked on PeaPri's product page for getting it)
2.) If I recall correctly, she called herself only "Corporal Reiko" when she announced "ready to spend the night"

Hmm, yes, I think she did that. I may have to check to be sure, through... But she might have said it becuase that the "spending night together" was a private matter between the two of them, not her offical duty (even if she DOES see it as her duty to do anything for Leiji [img][/img])

You are going to rewrite "Hamlet" in swedish language and letting it take place somewhere in lappland, right?

[img][/img]. Perhaps. Or a parody of Hamlet, perhaps... "So, indeed thou art a happy skull, Sir Murray?" [img][/img]. Can't imagine what setting a rewritted story of Hamlet would have there, though, since in Lappland, there's mostly only snow (or a big wastelands/tundra when there's no or little snow), reindeers and Sames there... There might be other uses for Murray, through.

No chance. Anything, that I ever added to my collection is doomed to end up in my pyramid (back to that topic again...).

Then perhaps you should start on working at getting rich now, or at least see to that your childen becomes rich, otherwise how are you gonna get that pyramid? (It'll be even more expensive if you want to include traps, too...).

It did a lot. I only had to learn, how to write them correctly (to start with what stroke from which side and so on)

Hmm, so learn them by writting them is the best way to remember them? And you do the same with Kanji?

I suggest, you start learning them column by column (in my grid, each column has five kana, each of them connecting a vowel with the same consonant (except the first colum were the vowels themselves)). Further, the system has the basic thoughts of some consonants are "softer" variations of other consonants and thus, the kana only differ by the double-dots ore the small circle in the upper right corner ("k" + dots = "g", "t" + dots = "d", "s" + dots = "z", "h" + dots = "b" and "h" + circle = "p").)

Thanks, I'll keep that advice in mind when I start [img][/img].

It is. I became convinced of this, when I started playing OMnY and I suddenly encountered two kanji, I already knew, used together forming a new word: the kanji for "eating" and "evening", that together had the meaning of "dinner".
However, such experiences only arise for those kanji, you really know (and learning all 1880 takes really some time, because of the amount of them as well as some of them look that similar, they could be confused).

Yeah, 1880 kanji does take awhile to learn, I suppose... The Japanese do work on them over six years, but of course, they work on various amounts of Kanji every year... (Of course, that may not mean that they remember everything, but I read somewhere that all students by the end of those 6 years must know at least 1006 of those Kanji)... And that some look similar, that I alreday know [img][/img]. An example of this is actually shown in one of the episodes of Kodomo no Omocha.

Are you talking about the pictures of the kana? Strange. I'll have to check, if they were only visible using NJStar, but I thought, they were all gifs or jpegs...

Yep, that's it... the pictures didn't work, so it'd be good if you could find out the cause of them not working. I think that if the pictures worked, it'd make things easier for me when I start to learn them [img][/img]. Then, again, it's possible to find what you sent me at the net too, right?

Good. It makes me happy to know, I have been of some help.


Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But she might have said it becuase that the "spending night together" was a private matter between the two of them, not her offical duty

You see, that was my point: Proving herself against Elise would be a private matter as well... That's why I at last didn't bother to search for her second name.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
since in Lappland, there's mostly only snow (or a big wastelands/tundra when there's no or little snow), reindeers and Sames there...

... and somewhere in the mountains, covered with snow and completely hidden from the outside-world there could be a castle ...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
or at least see to that your childen becomes rich

Children? [img][/img] *blush* [img][/img]
Reminds a bit of "Vie" where in the beginning a little girl, about six years old, runs straight to your main chara and confuses him that much by calling out "Papa!" to him, that he doesn't even recognizes, that he is standing in the middle of the street and is about to get run over by a bus...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, so learn them by writting them is the best way to remember them? And you do the same with Kanji?

Sorry, my mistake. I put this ambiguous.
I already knew how they look like, before I learned how to write them, so I had only to concentrate in my course on the sequence, the lines are drawn in in order to write the kana properly.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Thanks, I'll keep that advice in mind when I start.

To encourage you regarding kanji: There are about 200 special kanji among the 1880, called radicals. All other Kanji are composed of these radicals. However, sometimes they are composed with a strange sense of humor.

For example: The Kanji for "ocean" consists of two radicals, meaning "water" and "sheep". So, for memorizing the meaning of this kanji, I had to take the sentence: "The sheep drowned in too much water". (This is no joke!)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Then, again, it's possible to find what you sent me at the net too, right?

Yes it is. On one of the first pages of the course, there is a link to the original URL of that course in the web. However, I have never tried, if this link works...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
You see, that was my point: Proving herself against Elise would be a private matter as well... That's why I at last didn't bother to search for her second name.

I see [img][/img]. Well, then that's it... Even if Reiko doesn't live in the "true ending", I'm glad that there is an ending where she an Leiji gets a happy, nice future anyway, that I can consider the true ending in my heart, so to speak [img][/img].

... and somewhere in the mountains, covered with snow and completely hidden from the outside-world there could be a castle ...

.. That sounds more like a fantasy story, a faery-tale, or perhaps the introduction/beginning of a shoujo anime/manga, than a rewritten version of "Hamlet". Then, again, my favourite story by Shakespeare so far is "The Templest", and that's more like a fantasy story than anything else.

Children? [img][/img]*blush* [img][/img]
Reminds a bit of "Vie" where in the beginning a little girl, about six years old, runs straight to your main chara and confuses him that much by calling out "Papa!" to him, that he doesn't even recognizes, that he is standing in the middle of the street and is about to get run over by a bus...

Don't worry, you'll eventually get children sooner or later anyway. Seems like most people do anyway. Wow, did such a thing really happen? wonder why the little girl said that... besides, does "papa" mean "Dad" in Japan? If so, it's funny, becuase that the swedish word for "dad" is almost the same... speaking about childen, BTW, I came to think of this: In how many adult bishoujo games have you encountered an ending where the main character gets a couple of childen together? I feel that that's a somewhat rare kind of ending to encounter, often it's more like that when the game is over, the main character, and the character he got together with, starts a relationship and live "happy ever after" (mostly just in the case of good/happy endings, that's it), but there are (or so I feel) few endings were you get a child or two... CP and TCI had a couple of such endings, but I still feel that it's a rare ending to encounter...

Sorry, my mistake. I put this ambiguous. I already knew how they look like, before I learned how to write them, so I had only to concentrate in my course on the sequence, the lines are drawn in in order to write the kana properly.

I see... Then perhaps I should take my time to learn how they are written properly then; In that case I'd not need to waste any time later at learning how to writte the hiragana/katakana correctly... do you do the same for Kanji, then?

To encourage you regarding kanji: There are about 200 special kanji among the 1880, called radicals. All other Kanji are composed of these radicals. However, sometimes they are composed with a strange sense of humor.

For example: The Kanji for "ocean" consists of two radicals, meaning "water" and "sheep". So, for memorizing the meaning of this kanji, I had to take the sentence: "The sheep drowned in too much water". (This is no joke!)

^^;;; It really could be translated that way, and was the true meaning of the text!? How strange!

Yes it is. On one of the first pages of the course, there is a link to the original URL of that course in the web. However, I have never tried, if this link works...

I'll try it out then, I guess... and we'll see if it works or not.

Oh, and have you seen Rouges two new games at Will's homepage?


By the way, I went to Cherrysoft's homepage and took a look at Blood Royal... I suppose that if you judge the game by the user interface and/or the CG's only, it looks like a nice game... But I think we all know that things shouldn't be judged by appearences only, right? [img][/img]. Still, when you at least have "climbed down" the priority ladder to Blood Royal, we'd like to hear more about it [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 10-25-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I see . Well, then that's it...

Not quite. I was wrong: She called herself with the full name (text and japanese voice-acting) when she decalred "ready to spend the night". But I think, it would have been more appropriate this way...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Don't worry, you'll eventually get children sooner or later anyway. Seems like most people do anyway.

Let's say, it's very improbable in my case anyway...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
wonder why the little girl said that... besides, does "papa" mean "Dad" in Japan? If so, it's funny, becuase that the swedish word for "dad" is almost the same...

I am not sure, if the phonetic sequence "papa" isn't imported from a european language. The original jepanese words for father are usually "chichi" (if you talk about someone elses) or "otosan" (if you talk about your own). However, "papa" should be a bit more simple to pronounce and thus fit well into children language (and perhaps, the japanese adopted this word because of this reason). I was surprised myself, when I recognized this word the first time in this game.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
In how many adult bishoujo games have you encountered an ending where the main character gets a couple of childen together? *snip* CP and TCI had a couple of such endings, but I still feel that it's a rare ending to encounter...

Perhaps, we should count in the best Kyoka-ending from Snow Drop as well?
But sure: Most games are about the beginning of a deep relationship and only few cover the consequences, if the relationship really works out. However, this is a pity, because when you become caring of the characters, it also gives you a warm feeling, if you see them in a happy family (even if Makoto-sans daughter seems to take quite a bit after her mother, so I am not sure, how Takayuki will suffer some years later...)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
do you do the same for Kanji, then

Kanji work a bit more differently, regarding the proper means of writing them. If you now, how they look like, there are 9 rules that determine the sequence of the strokes.
Right now, I have not started to write Kanji, only to memorize them.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
It really could be translated that way, and was the true meaning of the text!?

It was the memorizing phrase, the course gave me for this Kanji, no translation. I don't know, if this is the same phrase, that is taught at japanese schools though. But at least, it serves its purpose well to explain, why the sheep-radical is part of the ocean-kanji (the water-radical wasn't that surprising)...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Oh, and have you seen Rouges two new games at Will's homepage?

I just visisted there. The first one looked quite brutish (I think, this game looks more like a ruf-game for me).
The second one, I am not quite sure what to think about it (no links leading to pictures and my browser here does not display japanese characters).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I suppose that if you judge the game by the user interface and/or the CG's only, it looks like a nice game...

The things in Blodd Royal, I really have nothing to complain about are the CGs and the user-interface. They even found a way to avoid repetitive h-scenes by displaying funny super-deformed animations instead of going through the same text all the time (a systematic defect of training-SIMs, you might have noticed in "The Maids story").

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Still, when you at least have "climbed down" the priority ladder to Blood Royal, we'd like to hear more about it...

Last friday, I decided to play the started game through to the end. There were some more story-related interactions with other characters, so I am sure I have not gotten the whole picture yet.

Still, I think, the CROWD games are more fun (Obbligato constantly rises in my opinion and is beginning to beat even TCI), so a review of Blood Royal is far away. I think my next japanese-game-review should either cover "Owarinaki Maidotachi no Yoru" or "Obbligato".

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Not quite. I was wrong: She called herself with the full name (text and japanese voice-acting) when she decalred "ready to spend the night". But I think, it would have been more appropriate this way...

Yeah, but if you think of the fact that she takes her assigned duty (assisting the Special Investigator) VERY seriously, it's not so strange that she also thinks of it as her duty to "please him in any way she can",a nd therefore thinks of herself as "corporal" in this case [img][/img]

Perhaps, we should count in the best Kyoka-ending from Snow Drop as well?

Haven't gotten that ending yet.. ^^;. Haven't played SD for a while anyway, but even if I did, it's so tricky that I'd probably miss that ending...

But sure: Most games are about the beginning of a deep relationship and only few cover the consequences, if the relationship really works out. However, this is a pity, because when you become caring of the characters, it also gives you a warm feeling, if you see them in a happy family (even if Makoto-sans daughter seems to take quite a bit after her mother, so I am not sure, how Takayuki will suffer some years later...)

Yep, it's kinda irritating when they just tell you soemthing like "They went into a successful relationship!", intead of telling you if they got children, or soemthing like that... That really gives you that "warm, fuzzy feeling" e all know so well ^__^. Oh, and about Takayuki, I think he'll suffer THAT badly [img][/img]. After all, if he coudld tame Makoto, he can tame the daughter, too [img][/img]. But I shudder to think of what an horror she may become when she is in her teens.. *shudder* A more rebellious teenager would be rare, I think ^^;

Kanji work a bit more differently, regarding the proper means of writing them. If you now, how they look like, there are 9 rules that determine the sequence of the strokes.
Right now, I have not started to write Kanji, only to memorize them.

Really? Hmm, but you can still do well in just reading them? I've started to train some on the Kana, BTW... Now, I can at least read "Yes" and "No" in Japanese, and the Darcrows demo is helping me a little [img][/img].

It was the memorizing phrase, the course gave me for this Kanji, no translation. I don't know, if this is the same phrase, that is taught at japanese schools though. But at least, it serves its purpose well to explain, why the sheep-radical is part of the ocean-kanji (the water-radical wasn't that surprising)...

I see.. *shudders* I'd better watch ut, thne ^^;;. sounds like those radical kanji makes the language much more difficult ^^;;.

I just visisted there. The first one looked quite brutish (I think, this game looks more like a ruf-game for me).
The second one, I am not quite sure what to think about it (no links leading to pictures and my browser here does not display japanese characters).

I agree, the first looks so much like a Ruf-game, that if the label didn't say otherwise, I could've sworn that it was a Ruf one... Then, again. Rouge makes a mixed sort of titles and themes, and this isn't the first brutish game they've released. Then again, it looks a lot darker than any of their other games... The second game looks lighter, through, and I suspect that it might be a mahjonng game.... (look at the cover very closely...)

The things in Blodd Royal, I really have nothing to complain about are the CGs and the user-interface. They even found a way to avoid repetitive h-scenes by displaying funny super-deformed animations instead of going through the same text all the time (a systematic defect of training-SIMs, you might have noticed in "The Maids story").

Yeah, I remember that... Basically, in Maid's story, the dialouge seldom changed, and you almsot always had the same CG's which could be boring after a while... If Blood Royal actually found a way to avoid that, they sure do deserve some praise [img][/img]. I've been playing the Darcrow demo a couple of times now, and I think the game has it's own ways to avoid that things gets too repetive, but since it's just a demo, and I understand almost zero of what is being said, I can't be sure...

Last friday, I decided to play the started game through to the end. There were some more story-related interactions with other characters, so I am sure I have not gotten the whole picture yet.

In that case it sounds to me like the game is far from worthless [img][/img]

Still, I think, the CROWD games are more fun (Obbligato constantly rises in my opinion and is beginning to beat even TCI), so a review of Blood Royal is far away. I think my next japanese-game-review should either cover "Owarinaki Maidotachi no Yoru" or "Obbligato".

Don't say that to Olf-san, then, he doesn't have the same opinion on Obbligato [img][/img]. But I think everyone looks forward to hearing your review of those two [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Haven't gotten that ending yet.. ^^;. Haven't played SD for a while anyway, but even if I did, it's so tricky that I'd probably miss that ending...

Well, it shouldn't be that difficult, if you know how to get the Shizuka-endings...
I can really recommend thebest Kyoka ending. If you have not gotten it yet, you missed one of the best parts of Snow Drop (I think, this was the ending that was by the author originally "supposed to be").

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Oh, and about Takayuki, I think he'll suffer THAT badly. After all, if he coudld tame Makoto, he can tame the daughter, too.

Urrr... Who tamed whom, I wonder... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But I shudder to think of what an horror she may become when she is in her teens..

That was my thought when I referred to "some years later".

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, but you can still do well in just reading them?

I think, it works as reading hieroglyphs. "Doing well" is a bit exaggerating, because there are still many of them, that I don't know yet.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
sounds like those radical kanji makes the language much more difficult ^^

On the contrary. You first have to memorize about 200 images and their meanings, then you take any other kanji and look which radicals are put together in which manner and get from that the memorizing phrase, leading tot the meaningh of that kanji. This goes quite better with the way, the human brain works than simply memorizing 1880 different symbols that all look strangely similar. The radicals give the other kanji a kind of logical structure (even if this logic sometimes sounds strange).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
The second game looks lighter, through, and I suspect that it might be a mahjonng game.... (look at the cover very closely...)

That would be good. One of the titles that were sold out before I could order them, was another Mahjonng from rouge (Hitozuma Mahjong). If this gets confirmed (this will happen after a distributor has categorized it as "Mahjong") I am going to get it.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Basically, in Maid's story, the dialouge seldom changed, and you almsot always had the same CG's which could be boring after a while...

Yes, and the same happens in the trining-parts of Dokusen (only with longer text and more variations in graphics between the 4 stages of development).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
In that case it sounds to me like the game is far from worthless.

I wouldn't go that far either. There are only some other games that are more preferable to me...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Don't say that to Olf-san, then, he doesn't have the same opinion on Obbligato [img][/img].

I think, it's the point of this BBS to discuss different opinions, so this should be fine. However, I don't recall olf-san saying anything about Obbligato until now. But I believe, at least the Chisae-direction of Obbligato has to be a bit repelling for a ren'ai-fan.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, it shouldn't be that difficult, if you know how to get the Shizuka-endings...
I can really recommend thebest Kyoka ending. If you have not gotten it yet, you missed one of the best parts of Snow Drop (I think, this was the ending that was by the author originally "supposed to be").

Thanks, I'll see what I can do to get that ending [img][/img]. Snow Drop is as I said rather trickish, through, and I don't know if I remember the path I took to get Shizuka... Aw, it'll get solved eventually, at least. I'll see if I remember to report back, then.

Urrr... Who tamed whom, I wonder...

That's hard to say [img][/img]. Actually, since Makoto-san said that she liked Takayuki the way he was, I don't think he turned much less lazy after they got into their relationship [img][/img]. Makoto, on the other hand, seemed less violent, more gentle after they got into their relationship. Of course, her Happy ending is another matter.. [img][/img]

I think, it works as reading hieroglyphs. "Doing well" is a bit exaggerating, because there are still many of them, that I don't know yet.

[img][/img]. I think I see, althrough hieroglyphs seems kinda different, in a sense ^^;. Then, again, I wonder if there's as many hieroglyphs as there is japanese Kanji/kana?

On the contrary. You first have to memorize about 200 images and their meanings, then you take any other kanji and look which radicals are put together in which manner and get from that the memorizing phrase, leading tot the meaningh of that kanji. This goes quite better with the way, the human brain works than simply memorizing 1880 different symbols that all look strangely similar. The radicals give the other kanji a kind of logical structure (even if this logic sometimes sounds strange).

Hmm, so these radical kanji kind of decides what meaning a sentence has?

That would be good. One of the titles that were sold out before I could order them, was another Mahjonng from rouge (Hitozuma Mahjong). If this gets confirmed (this will happen after a distributor has categorized it as "Mahjong") I am going to get it.

Good for you then, more mahjong to play [img][/img]

Yes, and the same happens in the trining-parts of Dokusen (only with longer text and more variations in graphics between the 4 stages of development).

I suspect that that is, and will always be, a weakness/flaw about SIMs, both slave-training SIMs and other sims too. That the same script and graphics will get shown ove rand over again may make a game (or certain parts of the game) kinda boring after a while. Then, again, I think most new games have the "fast-forward" function, so no need to getting through the training scenes the slow way if you don't want to.

I wouldn't go that far either. There are only some other games that are more preferable to me...

I see what you mean. But that's always the case: you will always value some games over other games. I don't think I've ever brought a game I throught was bad, but of course, some of these have been better than others in my opinion [img][/img]

I think, it's the point of this BBS to discuss different opinions, so this should be fine. However, I don't recall olf-san saying anything about Obbligato until now. But I believe, at least the Chisae-direction of Obbligato has to be a bit repelling for a ren'ai-fan.

Actually, as far as I remember, he said that the Chisae-part were the best part of the game, it was the other parts he didn't like. but I suppose that it is like you said anyway: A matter of opinion, since you yourself seems to have liked the other parts better. I'll judge that for myself when the game gets ported over, or when I've learned enough Japanese to be able to understand enough of the story in a game, anyway [img][/img].