Official Post about Shiny Days

"If DDR has stuff from the 90s, JAST should have backup or something..."

JAST has said the forums will be disappearing for good, taking all the threads along with them. I'm not particularly happy with this decision. Honestly I'd rather abandon these forums instead. :P

"Honestly I'd rather abandon these forums instead. :P"

Agreed. Because these forums are crap-tacular.

After having a few days to “calm down” and mull it over and watch this thread, im still firmly planted in the “not buying this or future JAST title” side as there’s just too much that I disagree with and all of my original concerns are still there, with some new ones brought up by later posts (e.g. story issues arising from the content being cut). At this point I’ll save everyone the time and trouble by saying my opinion and stance will not change until this game reaches consumers with the content intact from the start, without the patch. That’s not a decision I make lightly, as I’ve been a loyal JAST customer for years, Setsuna is one of favorite characters ever, and School Days is a favorite franchise. However, I would strongly consider rescinding that if our version of Shiny Days got anything to make up for the cut content. And i’m not talking about LE bonuses, i’m talking about actual game content. Some new scenes exclusive to the English release would definitely take some of the sting away and would make myself and others feel less cheated. At least then, we can say we got something new to at least kind of make up for it. I doubt eveyone woukd be pleased by this, but its a compromise I’d be willing to take. Probably not possible now, but that is something to keep in mind for future games.“Boycotting the game will do nothing but harm us and harm 0verflow (and Will, in the case of Starless) and move us in other directions as a company, say to safer titles that we never have to cut content from because fans hate it.”Honestly, I still think this is the right choice. Fan translations and other companies can and will pick up the slack, especially as the scene grows. So with that, Ill take my leave. Ill keep my ear open to news of a reversal on this. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

"However, I would strongly consider rescinding that if our version of Shiny Days got anything to make up for the cut content. And i'm not talking about LE bonuses, i'm talking about actual game content. Some new scenes exclusive to the English release would definitely take some of the sting away and would make myself and others feel less cheated. At least then, we can say we got something new to at least kind of make up for it. I doubt eveyone woukd be pleased by this, but its a compromise I'd be willing to take. "

You realize Overflow isn't making games anymore--likely because they couldn't turn enough volume to sustain the huge development costs of the Days series--right? You expect JAST to get into game development now? And you expect that would be funded by sales of a few thousand copies?

Let's put this in perspective. The Japanese mosaiced version of Shiny Days retails for $90 (download version). JAST is selling their demosiaced, download version (minus loli scenes) for $40. I think you've been generously compensated for the cut content.

These forums need a edit button. It makes updating a ongoing thread impossible.

A wikia page would be the best way to go to cover licensed games over censorship and translation quality.

I've gotta try compile the resources and a create a wiki page covering Sei Shoujo before the releases of Starless. It would be easier then running a thread here.

I think that's just a tatic to pacify us and make us gloss over their bullshit. Plus overflow made island day recently so they're still making games.

Strip Battle Days!

On the subject of 3DS games.

Then you have all the manga censoring from Viz and others.

"A wikia page would be the best way to go to cover licensed games over censorship and translation quality.

I've gotta try compile the resources and a create a wiki page covering Sei Shoujo before the releases of Starless. It would be easier then running a thread here."

Sounds good.

"I think that's just a tatic to pacify us and make us gloss over their bullshit. Plus overflow made island day recently so they're still making games."

Overflow doesn't even list Island Days on its site. Island Days looks like it was developed by Klon. They probably just licensed the franchise from Overflow.

"Strip Battle Days!"

That's not a new game, it was a bonus item included with the first-press limited edition of Shiny Days. While it would be cool if JAST released that, they likely won't because it appears to be a rock-paper-scissors nukige with a heavy dose of loli content--i.e., even less defensible than Shiny Days.

I kind of doubt it even needs translation, given that it looks to be a simple collection of H-scenes accessed by beating the simple minigame. I'll likely play it after I've finished Shiny Days, so I'll let you know on a scale of "plotless fluff" to "moans need translation?" how much you're missing if you play it without knowing Japanese.

I didn't think you were a fan of Sei Shoujo :)

I kind of doubt it even needs translation, given that it looks to be a simple collection of H-scenes accessed by beating the simple minigame. I'll likely play it after I've finished Shiny Days, so I'll let you know on a scale of "plotless fluff" to "moans need translation?" how much you're missing if you play it without knowing Japanese.

I don't care for it, too plain in the sex content and art for me to enjoy and probably too plain in the story context to be inspiring.

"I didn't think you were a fan of Sei Shoujo :)"

I'm not. My interest in Starless is purely related to the censorship and freedom of expression issues surrounding the release.

I know I was kidding with ya.

I'm surprised grgspunk hasn't made a wikia on it, considering how venomously they despise censorship and seems to know a lot about the history of the subject.

Everyone should dislike censorship, the argument should come down to whether or not we just suck it up and deal with or not. Though no matter the public opinion it doesn't seem like game companies really care.

It happens a lot, more then most people notice.

I thought this video was interesting.

Just Preodered both Starless and Shiny Days with the Hopes of the Unofficial Patches for both games

Oh boy, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist responding to my post. You are trying very hard to defend this (which in itself seems a little odd) and using VERY flawed arguments to do so.

  • You realize Overflow isn't making games anymore--likely because they couldn't turn enough volume to sustain the huge development costs of the Days series--right?†

This is the first I've heard of 0verflow being defunct. Probably because it's not true. They co-developed 2014's Island Days with STACK.

  • You expect JAST to get into game development now? And you expect that would be funded by sales of a few thousand copies?

When did I EVER imply that JAST should be the one making this content? Oh right. I didn't. I imagine if JAST had such a strong relationship with these companies, it wouldn't be too out of line to request them to do something exclusive for the English release. Cost wouldn't be very feasible for something like this considering the full animation and stuff, but surely it wouldn't be too expensive to for the parent company draw some new CGs and tuck them away in the extras before giving the files over to JAST.

  • The Japanese mosaiced version of Shiny Days retails for $90 (download version). JAST is selling their demosiaced, download version (minus loli scenes) for $40. I think you've been generously compensated for the cut content.

Yen is pretty low vs the Dollar right now, so it actually comes up to be about $80. Still a big difference, but let's not start throwing out total bullshit. Even with that in mind, you're saying this as if Shiny Days isn't a 3 year old remake of a 9 year old game. That definitely plays a pretty big role in its price and you'd be naive to think otherwise, especially when Saya and JAST's newest release, Hanachirasu, are at bargain bin prices due to being positively ancient. Peter isn't stupid. He knows people aren't going to pay $50-$60 for games that old, no matter how big they are.

So with that positively wonderful exchange, let me go ahead and take my elave from the JAST forums altogether. People like you make it a less enjoyable place.

"This is the first I've heard of 0verflow being defunct. Probably because it's not true."

Did I say Overflow was defunct? I believe I said they're no longer making games. Island Days was developed and published by Klon using Overflow IP. Overflow barely mentions the game on their site.

"Yen is pretty low vs the Dollar right now, so it actually comes up to be about $80. Still a big difference, but let's not start throwing out total bullshit."

[You're absolutely right that the Japanese version is much more expensive, but your 10% estimation error in exchange rates invalidates your argument!]

"[you're] using VERY flawed arguments"

So... how exactly does demanding extra content (from an inactive developer) on top of a 50% discount constitute a fair compromise again?

A JAST staff member (likely Nicholas Graham) added the following clarification regarding JAST's decision to censor the official release Shiny Days, yet leave Song of Saya and Littlewitch Romanesque unedited:

"... Canadian [JAST] staff are scare[d] since the incident of the Canadian eroge staff member [getting detained and charged for importing an obscene eroge]. Their involvement in the distribution of similar material could result in problems for them, and it'd be immoral for us to put our staff at risk for customer or company gain.

On the US State side, our company is at risk under California Penal Code 186.2.3 as defined by 311.2, with the crux of a hypothetical court case being the literary and artistic value of the game based on not our standards but "contemporary community standards." LWR and Song of Saya have themes, gameplay and stories that are easier to defend than those within Shiny Days when taken as a whole. Those are the facts of the situation..."

I don't believe that for a second, maybe for saya no uta but there's no way you can defend little witch.
The two main heroines are clearly children, they aren't 5000 year old witches in disguise or some shit like that. If you're going to go with the "Well they're are non children love interest"that also works for shiny days. Them being in a fantasy situation doesn't change the fact that they're children. There's no way you could defend yourself against a court especially if you're in a country with a 2d cp law.

Hell at that point saya no uta wouldn't fly either. The whole she's not really human angle won't work against strict laws. It only works in grey areas.

And if being in Canadian hinders your work so much you should have either never tried to bring something that would get you into legal trouble in the first place or conduct business exclusively in the US.

"with the crux of a hypothetical court case being the literary and artistic value of the game"

JAST is arguing that Littlewitch Romanesque and Song of Saya are more defensible in US courts as having artistic or literary merit, as per the standards of the Miller Test. In that case, the "loli-ness" of the content in the three games is irrelevant; assume all three games are "too loli" and thus fail the first two conditions of the Miller Test. It's an interesting argument. I haven't played Shiny Days, but I feel like School Days is on equal footing with Littlewitch Romanesque in terms of literary or artistic merit. Song of Saya is of course in a league of its own in that regard.

Is it true that 0verflow withdrew from VN development? If so, then I might get this (its literally 0verflow last game), well from the info on wikipedia Shiny Days is a remake of Summer Days which is the second game in the Days series, the third and last game in the series was Cross Days released 4 years after Summer Days.