Official Post about Shiny Days

I've reviewed Cross Days if you're curious. Cross Days scored much lower on EGS compared to School Days HQ and Shiny Days. JAST made the right choice in licensing Shiny Days first.

I’m no expert on the subject, but I am a rather logical person who believes in finding solutions instead of excuses.

When translating for example, if your country laws forbid you to have images, then why are you not translating without them? For reference as to what is happening, you can have a description made by someone else in another country. I do not follow at all the mindset presented here that “people would have to quit if they had to translate text related to an image that is illegal”. Cutting the content seem like a rather extreme choice of solution when there are alternatives that preserve the full product. Of course one could argue that “why translate something that will be cut in release?”.

That brings us to the patch solution. I’ve been pro this solution since about a decade back. You make the full game, then you cut out things “not everyone want”, but keep a restoration patch to return the game to the original. This makes it easy to sell to everyone, and push the responsibility to the customers regarding what content they have when playing. Ideally this would be like all-ages game, and then a patch that restores regular sex, and then one that restores violent sex, and perhaps one that restores loli sex as well. Then you just apply the patches that suit your taste and country laws. The additional work to make this is probably going to prevent it from happening, but it would have been perfect.

Anyway, what I still do not get is why every single company refuse to simply say: “We have a patch for everyone who can legally view this material”. The amount of good will and increased sales makes this a no-brainer for a company who want to succeed. But there must be something weird going on behind the scenes that make companies avoid doing it even though it means profits.

Another thing that usually confuse me, is why companies insist on being vague about what they censor. “We are doing minor changes.”, “We are removing some scenes”. If we as customers don’t know what you are doing, the only response you can get is rage. It is impossible to understand a decision that is not explained. For all we know, you just cut every single scene where a character can be seen without being fully clothed. Add to that that the censorship later usually is too much, and that companies attempt the “Well, too late to change now. You should have said something before you knew what was being done”. Please be perfectly clear and open. I don’t care if you need to add spoilers like “The scene where the two sisters are cut in half and sewn together”. But it may be a good idea to link those spoilers so people who somehow want to complain about censorship but not know what was censored can skip them.

Maybe one day we’ll actually be allowed to talk to eachother as a company and customer without needing to obscure it with code.

"Anyway, what I still do not get is why every single company refuse to simply say: "We have a patch for everyone who can legally view this material". "

Because JAST thinks there's relevant California law (where they're based) that could be used to litigate against them if they released and hosted an official patch. I quoted a JAST representative's statement on the matter in a comment of my article.

I'm no legal expert, but it looks safe to me.

That paragraph they were listing requires the court to consider first off the removed content as CP. Which brings us to, is loli illegal in California? Secondly they have to prove that JAST increased their profits thanks to the patch. (As far as I can tell, they can still get in legal trouble here with an unofficial patch). Lastly they have to prove that the combined work of original game + patch has ZERO value as a whole, meaning the unpatched game may not have any value except for fapping as well.

In conclusion, if censored shiny days is nothing but porn, and the patch is nothing but CP, then JAST is in trouble. If not, the work is legal.

The next Ace Attorney game needs to have a busted Otaku case in it to settle this dispute once and for all!

"(As far as I can tell, they can still get in legal trouble here with an unofficial patch)"

If a random person leaves a MEGA download link on 4chan one day, who's to say JAST was responsible?

It was never a question about being responsible with that law though. The core of that paragraph is that if you make financial gains thanks to organized criminality, you are in trouble. The irony here is that the law exists because they want to prevent people from doing stuff behind the scenes that is illegal, which is exactly what releasing an unofficial illegal patch would be.

Still, it would require the patch to be illegal to begin with. According to US law the patch would be legal since you have to evaluate the whole thing, which is complete Shiny days. So you have to prove that Shiny days is nothing but sex, sex, sex, sex. If it happens to have some story, drama and plot or gameplay, the patch would be by default legal.

Of course if we want to talk about things outside the law, like angry people claiming JAST is creating CP patches, you may want to go unofficial channels. Stupid people are the worst kind.

According to the JAST store page this game will release August 25th. Store page

Also according to the JAST store page, Raidy 3 launches July 20. I’m not sure how accurate these dates are, but if JAST can actually start hitting them that’s great news.

'The first 1000 customers purchasing the Limited Edition will get a random Shiny Days character keychain included with their order.'

So I see you are adding more bonuses to the game. Is everyone getting a different character or are they all the same character.. >_> I don't wanna buy multiplies in the hopes of getting a different girl each time! Please no Makato, the girls are cuter.. Heh girls only, no boy keychains allowed.

LOL. I still remember how the School Days HQ limited edition came with a little Makoto head keychain. The irony was not lost on that one. :wink: At least it wasn’t streaming blood!

Peter, when is the game supposed to release ship? Because you are saying June/July yet JAST USA says August…I would like to know that and exactly what content was removed and what it contained?Thank you :slight_smile:

I trust JAST USA's store, and I've updated my article accordingly. Also, if the Starless restoration patch can be taken as precedent, we should expect a Shiny Days restoration patch to coincide with release. Thus I'm not too worried about the details of exactly what was censored (although this information would be nice for the record...but spoilers...).

oh dang, thank you. I am just wondering on When to save to preorder the game because I love school days, so this is why I like to know that I absolutely correct release date.

Peter Payne said in a recent interview that he wanted to release Shiny Days before Anime Expo (July 1st), yet the stated release date on JAST USA's shop page is August 25th. Could you clarify whether we should expect Shiny Days before Anime Expo?

Wondering this as well because if I can just pick up the limited edition at AX I rather do that BUT its also important to know to get our slot in to even have a chance to get it…

Quick question for those who have played the game, how much H-scene screen-time do the characters of Katsura Manami and Saionji Youko get in this game?

HyugaX i would say the same as the other they have full routes

@ Carlos hernandez

Thanks for that bit of info good sir; you just sold me on getting this game!

Good to know the hot MILF charas also get to see some action!

I count 17 potentially H-able characters. I'm highly skeptical that all of them have "full" routes, but since I've held off playing the game I can't say for sure. While I wouldn't be surprised if most or all of them have H-scenes, I figure they're folded into "arcs". For example, one arc would focus on the Katsura family, another might cover a different "clique". If individual ends do exist for every character, some are probably late branches of their respective arcs.

I definitely get the impression that some characters get more screen-time than others. It's pretty clear that Setsuna is a main heroine, and I'm sure the new character Inori will also have a lot of content.