Official Post about Shiny Days

Antoine you're thirsty af, just wait for the actual finished product fam.

Okay, stumbled upon this thread by chance...

Is there any possibillaty to cancel my order of Shiny Days Hard Copy???

Serously, I ordered this game in the first place BECAUSE of the Kokoro Route!!! OMFG! Damn it, I am hoping to have the Kokoro Key Chain in my package...

I am... angry? Don't even know, what to say...

And even worse, there was ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING HINT on KList, that this game is censored!!!

At the moment I am feeling, like I burned 59 Bucks to get shit shipped to my country...

I agree its a bit shady not to indicate the cut content on the product page, but as was mentioned in this thread previously, there will be an “unofficial official” patch that will restore the content you are looking for.At this point it’s up to you whether you believe JAST will put this patch up. If you don’t, you can hold off on your pre-order, but given that Starless was handled the same way and the patch was immediately available, I’d say there’s a reasonable basis to trust JAST.Take a look at Sanahtlig’s post on the subject for more background and his perspective on the matter:Sanahtlig's Corner: Why I endorse JAST’s censorship of Shiny Days

@ slumwithme

So, after the first shock... and some time to cool down, even if it is only a bit... one question: The H-Scene is definetaly not visible. But the 'event' is taking place nontheless??? You have sex with Kokoro, only off-screen??? Or how do I have to understand it???

Any chance, the Kokoro Fans can have her Keychain granted in the box???


kokoro route is there you just dont get to see the sweet love

but dont cancel it you will get to see sex a outside patch will be out there and that will add the missing scene back to the game

@ Carlos hernandez

Thanks for the answer. That is some good news for me...

At the moment, I am at a... don't know how to explain it in English: I am at a "Zwiespalt"! On the one hand, I know too well about piracy in the VN scene. I am doing my best, to spend my money, so more VN's will be translated. Started (Re-started) with VN's in 2012. Buying more and more of them. I even payed for Monster Girl Quest on DLsite. And have a hardcopy of Steins;Gate. After knowing School Days, Shiny Days were a natural thing to get.

But on the other hand: First, I hate censorship!!! Thats why I'm not having a steam account yet. And second, hope everyone understands my anger, because as I saw the preorder option for Shiny Days I followed the link to JList. There in the description, Kokoro is even mentioned. But nothing about her censorship!!! Thats where my real anger is coming from...


I know myself to well. If I had seen the thread before my preorder, I wouldn't have done it! Now... I am frustrated, but also want to have it... damn it!

@ ÷nee sama
Holy crap you need to calm down and read this :

Everyone here needs to stop over reacting like retarded kids with down syndrome being denied a candy bar.

sanahtlig wrote a FANTASTIC blog post about this entire thing months ago. †READ THE WHOLE THING, don't sit there in front of your computer thinking you are too high and mighty to 'read'. †JAST is doing everything they can. Peter and the rest of JAST are fucking god damn champions for going forward with this.

I was a little disgruntled about hearing cut content of Kokoro scene's as well, but seeing that the Internet will release a patch, pretty much all is right with the world. †Now stop freaking the fuck out and keep your pre-orders or go purchase Shiny Days.

@ milkmandan

This patch is still not confirmed, and in theory only. If they lazily repatch the sex scenes in, but don’t uncensor them (like the rest of the sex scenes) it will still be an incomplete product. A restoration patch is not enough: it needs to be up to par with the rest of the game. I am going to get the game ONLY under the condition that the patch is high quality (and actually happens of course). Until it is released though, I am not going to preorder Shiny Days, just in case they dupe us. After all, Jast never mentioned the censorship on the purchasing site, so they are clearly not trustworthy. Jast must earn our trust like anyone else, not automatically receive it. Sanahtlig’s blog was nothing but excuses. All of the Jast White Knights have been using excuses. I will only accept an actual, tangible, patch.

@Mike Volm I just don't get what you expect JAST to do. You don't know their circumstances for releasing the game. I'm sure they tried their hardest to try to release the game outside of Japan with as much little censorship as possible and this is the best results they can bring for us. Do you want them to not release the game outside of Japan just because they didn't include the loli scene? They also hinted that they might even have a restoration patch and that really shows that they care. I'm really grateful for them for bringing this game to us and I would be quite mad if they didn't because people just don't like censorship so, they don't bother with it. That would suck alot. You should be grateful. It sucks and it also sucks for JAST themselves that they have to bring us a incomplete product but what can you do about it but not release it at all without making a few changes.

@ milkmandan and John Nguyen

I've read so far the arguments about for and against censorship. I understand both sides as well. But what you both don't mention: On JAST product page isn't any hint about the censorship. And on JList they are even particuarly mention Kokoro, but there also is no hint that her route is censored! One could say, it's my fault for not looking into the forum or do deeper resaerch for the product. But, when I look into two different product pages and both don't have a hint about censorship and then get to know of this censor... That's where my anger is mainly coming from! From my personal view, it isn't right to praise a product and don't mention the detail of the censorship. Yes, it may be a minor detail, because of only the Kokoro scenes are censored... but for me it is a VERY IMPORTANT detail! I preordered a game under false circumstances! Thats why I am over thinking it...

@÷nee sama My comment was for Mike Volm. For your comment, I understand. You have the right to be mad as a customer who bought something mistakenly because of missing information. You shouldn't have to go on a company's website forums to research stuff in my opinion because if you look at steam. How many people actually do that when buying a product? They shouldn't because the information should already be there when they're purchasing the product. Companies that are helping selling products such as Rightstuf and J-List should be providing the important details.

@John Nguyen
Suddenly when I bring up a reasonable argument for not preordering the game, and waiting for this supposed patch to surface, the Jast apologist argument goes from: “There will be a patch guys! For realzies!” to “They couldn’t do anything about it! Just shut up, and be happy it was localized in the first place!”. Sounds like this patch thing isn’t as certain as the Jast drones made it out to be when they tried manipulating convincing others to buy the game, despite the risk of permanent censorship. Listen, there are solutions for this problem. They could have only sold it in American markets, and have other countries purchase it from third party sources. That one obviously has less of a financial incentive, so I get why they didn’t do it. But the easiest answer is: release it digitally on an American website, and leave it at that. Despite the fact that they just censored it instead, I am still willing to buy it if they release a QUALITY patch, that adds in the cut content, and gets rid of the mosaics like with the other localized sex scenes. Until I know this is the case though, I will not preorder it. I don’t care what excuse they had; I REFUSE to ever support a product that is censored. Censorship is a grave evil that defies everything I stand for, and I won’t give my money to something that participated in censorship. I am being fully reasonable, and am willing to compromise on a patch. I won’t give them a penny though, until I know for a fact that I am spending my money on a complete product. If the patch never surfaces, or if the patch is just the original, mosaic heavy, scenes, then I am not getting it.

@Mike Volm The staff for JAST are obviously professionals at their field and you're trying to teach these guys methods on how to sell their products and make it work out? What experience do you have in this kind of field? If you were in their shoes, I highly doubt you can make it work out better than them. Not giving a penny to them because of censorship isn't going to do shit just to tell you. Its not going to change censorship at all. Its only just going to be your own loss for missing out on a game because of small censoring. I honestly don't get why people would think that not supporting a gaming companies would help avoid censorship because its not going to do anything besides make the gaming companies not bother with releasing anything at all.

@ John Nguyen

While I don’t want to support a company that practices censorship, my choice has less to do with that, and more to do with me not wanting an incomplete game in the first place. The same would apply if an RPG had a major boss fight or character moment cut from it in a localization. Also, the whole “Was Jast justified?” debate ended a long time ago. I was discussing this so called patch, and explaining why it is better to wait for it to surface, then blindly preorder and take a risk. ÷nee sama was worried about no Kokoro, and clearly wanted to see her scenes. Those scenes were probably a big part of his purchase. Why would he even get the game if the content he wanted the most was cut? That would be like buying a version of an RPG where your favorite party member was cut. Please make this about the patch, not the censorship. I get that Jast is more professional than I am, and I don’t want to debate the localization anymore. I only wanted to talk about the legitimacy of this patch, and why no one should get the game until the patch is released, and has the same effort put into it as the other parts of the game with getting rid of the mosaics.

Waiting to order until the patch is released is perfectly justifiable. But keep in mind that Starless was censored under similar circumstances, and the restoration patch was both released before the game was available AND contained demosaiced art for the restored scenes. That precedent, combined with JAST's statements on the matter, make me confident that Shiny Days will get the same treatment.

I understand the anger of those who feel deceived, since the censorship is indeed not mentioned on the product pages. Undoubtedly many people will order this game, play it, and never realize that the game was censored--and that's a travesty. However, the 4th hit on Google for "Shiny Days" is currently "Why I endorse JAST's censorship of Shiny Days". The information is definitely available for those who care.

Some might say that selling a game without mentioning it was censored is unethical. If that's the case, every shop that's ever sold a censored game is unethical. Unfortunately, there's zero incentive for shops to disclose such information to what I'd call the "low information" crowd. The implicit attitude is: "If you don't care enough to look, you don't need to know." There's probably some truth to that. The news that censorship has occurred isn't useful without the accompanying information that an (un)official patch will restore the content.

In any case, I've endeavored to spread information of both the censorship and the restoration patch as far and wide as I could. Once the patch is released, it'll be publicized on LewdGamer and added to VNDB. That's really all that can be done short of posting the patch on JAST USA, which is not possible at this point in time.

That is the exact attitude to have. I hope that there is a legit and professional patch released, so you can do what you plan to do. This being said: Shiny Days is animated, and Starless was a normal VN. Getting rid of mosaics is definitely trickier with an animated medium. Not only that, but Jast could make the argument that getting the scenes themselves is good enough, despite the fact that it would be unfair for those to be the only sex scenes with mosaics. If the patch is released in a way that is not as complete as the rest of the game, I hope you bring awareness to that, and don’t gloss over any of it’s shortcomings. As for the ethics of lying about cut content, it is very different when involving a Hentai game, then a normal one. People don’t care about a less skimpy outfit, when they are buying a normal game for the plot/gameplay. Sex scenes are crucial in H games though, so not mentioning that some are cut is legitimately unethical.

"If the patch is released in a way that is not as complete as the rest of the game, I hope you bring awareness to that, and don't gloss over any of it's shortcomings."

My priority will be speed. The article will be published as soon as the patch is verified to restore the cut content, and that the restored content doesn't have mosaics. If I waited until I could personally play through and evaluate the restored scenes, the article would potentially be stalled for weeks. I'll be playing through the game normally just like everyone else.

If there are issues with the restored scenes, and I come across them before I hit the "publish" button, I'll mention them. But it's unlikely I'd catch them in time. Once published, the LewdGamer article likely won't be altered. If such issues came to my attention, I'd edit them into the upcoming mirror on


"The article will be published as soon as the patch is verified to restore the cut content, and that the restored content doesn’t have mosaics."

That is what matters the most. As long as decensored mosaics are considered necessary to post the article, then you certainly have my approval. Keeping the mosaics would be insulting. Even if the scenes are “restored”, if they have the mosaics they are still not equal to the rest of the game’s content.


Kokoro's route is included, the videos off lolis getting fucked are simply removed and the unofficial patch will add them back.

You can play through every route in the game start to finish, simply the sex scenes with kokoro and her classmate are skipped over.

@ ayy nigger

You are absoluetly correct, I've deleted my comment just to make sure it doesn't confuse anyone else.

I keep seeing people mention mosaics? Isn't the rest of the game uncensored and unmosaiced?

I would hope that some people at JAST are still reading this and maybe Peter. But I would hate for them to stop bringing titles like this all together because of the internet nerd drama that has ensued in light of this. I would much rather pay premium for them to continue to attempt to bring risquÈ titles like this over and have the cut content restored in an unofficial patch.

I understand how ass backwards a lot of laws are. Just look at the United States' pathetic drug laws on marijuana. If you guys really give a shit about what is happening, go protest, go out there and vote, write to your government representative, do something to instigate change, instead of blaming the people who are trying to bring us this content.

While I am sure JAST probably could've approached this a little better, what's done is done, and I hope steps are taken in the future to prevent such mishaps (eg. not have staff members in Canada work on the game, etc)