Official Post about Shiny Days

Holy shit the day is ending still no code i was planing on streaming this ;o;

Idk if I should feel more sorry for those who haven't gotten codes yet or myself who has had mine since 8 in the morning but can't play the game due to it crashing within a minute of its opening scene.

I hope we don't have to wait till monday for a statement on this, and still no uncensor patch either.

ayy nigger i thought you were able to bypass the crash. is everyone crashing? still no code here 7pst

i havent crashed, however when i set my game to full screen i got a black screen, everything functioned but there was no visual. i fixed my problem by running the game in comparability with windows 7, i had the same problem with school days. im using windows 10 btw

Unfortunately, there was a problem with your payment and we could not process your credit card. Please send us new credit card or new payment information through our ticket system at

you gotta be fucking me that was what i use for Starless i ordered both with the same damn card WHAT A FUCKING DAY

the funny thing is they still charge the card

nah monte, the only way to bypass the crash is to play windowed, which i am not doing because i play on a tv.

Maybe I could bypass the intro scene in windowed and continue on loading a save after the scene in fullscreen, might try that out but I think its ridiculous after all the delays theres a bug like this right in the very first minute of the game.

So I watched the intro scene windowed and then saved when the OP started.
Relaunched and loaded my save in fullscreen, OP played fine but the scene afterwards crashed almost immediately, the game is completely unplayable in fullscreen for me.

Really disappointed, I hope this doesn't take long to get patched because as is, the product is essentially broken.

Finaly I have my key <3

this is such unfair bullshit

@Carlos hernandez Send them a ticket.

so far no crashes with full-screen past chapter 2. win7 with ati gc if that makes a difference.

Anyone else here having trouble getting fullscreen mode to actually take up the fullscreen of their TV/monitor? Iā€™m running at 1080p resolution, and fullscreen mode has a HUGE black border around it. The game itself is still really small to look at.

This download process is the essence of awkwardness. After a 3-week wait I expected a sophisticated web installer (like MMOs come with) that downloads file parts and verifies them automatically--all from a single executable. Instead I had to download 18 files individually in batches of 6--sitting there and queuing up downloads as they finished. I couldn't even use a download manager like JDownloader. I've had an easier time with "unofficial" downloads! You might as well have set up a torrent with P2P disabled--that would've provided better functionality than what has been achieved here, and it would've taken maybe a day to set up.

Also, I'm disappointed that almost a full day has passed and there's no sign of a restoration patch. I have the game installed but at this rate I'm not sure if I want to start playing if it's likely the patch won't be out by the time I get to the locked content.

I was fully expecting the restoration patch to be as timely as the Starless patch was. I'm very disappointed. This undermines my ability to promote the game. At this point I wouldn't even be able to convince myself to order the game (if I weren't a JAST fan who trusted in them).

@sanahtlig Perhaps it'll come out when the physical copy is released? Who knows... If a restoration won't actually happen, thats gonna be really bad news..... but at the moment, all I can say is that I'm enjoying the game so far. I really missed the school days franchise so, it was really nice to see the old characters back again. :) . As you can see, I'm in a much better mood now that I get to finally play the game. Even though earlier, you would see me complaining about the delays.

@Alexander Dehghanian I have full screen problems too but the thing is Its just a complete black screen when I try to go fullscreen. Hopefully Jast usa will fix it by tormorrow.

Has anyone had any trouble just installing the game? Mine keeps wanting a disc 2, or the file setup (1).2. I tried using the file setup.2 as the file setup (1).2, but it keeps staying on the disc 2 prompt.

Your download screwed up. There shouldn't even be a file named setup(1).2.

Anyone tried this for windows 10? I get WMVCore.dll is missing from your computer.

Never mind fixed the problem, by just changing the file names (setup.2 to setup (1).2) installation went well after that.