Official Post about Shiny Days

It sucks having a game and not being able to play it :frowning:

It really does Michael, hopefully JAST is working on a fix.
I find it a bit worrying that we've had no word from them yet on anything, only a lewd post on their twitter today.

well hopefully their site upgrade goes through this time so they can put all their time towards fixing their games bugs, however in their defense my shiny days has only crashed once, i havent played much though, without the content patch i keep second guessing my choices, and thats not enjoyable for a blind playthrough

@ayy nigger

Yeah I hope so too

I have read all of the posts in this thread for a while now just lurking after hearing about the disappointing censorship cut that was done. I read there's a few having fullscreen issues. I am one of them as well... I am using Windows Vista 32 bit SP2 Dual Core and while everything is fine playing in window mode due to my resolution being 1920x1080 it is unappealing playing in a very small window and want to relax playing this very game that I have been awaiting on since it was first announced.

I have several other JAST games that also has this obnoxious thing occurring going fullscreen as well including Kana Okaeri both original and remake but it wasn't enough for me to bitch about it. This game however I will not accept this BS. After thinking about having the same crap happening to me with School Days HQ here I am posting.

When going to fullscreen after a fresh reboot starting up the game and going to fullscreen via option menu it will ruin my Desktop layout after going to window mode. I gotta use fences to correct my stuff again and this happens every fricking time! When I am using my PC where my RAM is around 89% when I start the game up and go fullscreen it does the same sh*t as I mentioned but in addition it f'n changes my Aero theme for no damn reason and bam! Crashes my PC forcing me to reboot and losing my work as punishment for taking a break. This sh*t doesn't happen to other games like HuniePop where that game is more CPU intensive requiring 1GB RAM and this game is running on my PC less then 200MB. Why is this happening??? This crap happens with some Manga Gamer games too like Sweet Sweat but not to the extent JAST releases. Their Imouto Paradise fullscreen mode is the very best I have ever seen. OMG, can't you guys do that or something?

I read JAST has fixed the bugs that plagued the Japanese version. Can't you guys implement into the engine to allow us to either have the option to manually resize the game window or fix that BS fullscreen mode! I rather have both though and to all f'n JAST games. Excuse me for being angry but as mentioned this is a game I been waiting on. This is unacceptable. Waiting on the damn patch too...

I have a question i wanted to do like a video about this game in youtube showing the first part of the game are there any copyright issues? i want to be sure

Everyone having issues should check out Decay's troubleshooting guide on Fuwanovel. It basically condenses the issues and workarounds already discussed in this thread. It could provide a starting point for discussion since not everyone has read every post in this thread since the game released.

Shiny Days Troubleshooting Guide

I've also added some info to the Fuwanovel thread that Decay links.

For people who want a larger viewing area but are getting crashes or other issues with fullscreen mode, try using the windows zoom function. It's not optimal but maybe you'll find it acceptable? If you hold the windows key and press + on your keypad, the screen will zoom in. You can adjust the type of zoom and zoom level with winkey +/- or the tool that pops up.


Thanks for the link, unfortunately problem #4 is what I get and there is no solution from what it says. I did install .NET Framework 3.5 and it still is popping up for me :(

@Decay Lowering desktop resolution looks better in this case.

@Antoine Granger

Right, most monitors have in-built scaling/smoothing functions whereas windows zoom does not. But changing resolutions can be greatly inconvenient depending on your setup, and can mess with your desktop, window size settings, etc.

Unbelievable, absolutely no word from JAST today?
Not even a weak "w-we're working on it guys!"?
I hope they're working on this, after all these delays and to release a game that's broken like this is just unacceptable in my opinion.
I won't be pre-ordering a release from them again if this is the way they decide to treat their customers.

I don't want to read no weak excuses like "oh a wedding came up" or "we've had a rough day" or "japantime lol" or some bullshit like before, that's pathetic unprofessional shit you say to your teacher or friends, we are not friends, we're paying customers, I want to know they're doing everything they can to fix these issues asap.

It annoys me that the disc version is basically useless when lets say 20 - 30 years from now you decide to reinstall the game, the game won't even be usable unless either you've kept a back up of these patches or the internet has kept them backed up.

TL;DR very disappointed in JAST tbh fam.

I'll make a proper post later in the day, i've been working on tickets all yesterday and today, and now trying to help out get the game organized for the new website.

I just finished downloading shiny days from the server, installed in my d:\\shinydaysretail folder set it to no DPI scaling in compatibility and started it up.

Changed options to wide and full screen.. started the game.. i'm at the convo with Setsuna and Sekai in bed so far and no problems no crashes..

Running on my windows 10 x64 Dell R17 SE (upgraded from windows 8.1, all updates installed and CCCP installed)

Also have it running on virtualboxVM, windows 8.1 x64 clean install, all updates and k-lite) on a 27" Late 2012 iMac

Installed to C:\\shiny days\\ no compatibility options checked.

running fie so far as well. (got past the first choice, its a little laggy because vm + i'm doing a ton of other stuff at the same time. this one is 4:3 full screen.

also tried it on my Asus UX32VD last night, it's on multi monitor setup at home with my Bravia KDL-40EX720

(windows 7 x64, all updates with CCCP installed)

i had a video window open by accident and it messed everything up, so i closed all Youtube and vlc windows, started it up with no compatibility options checked. on primary display was fine in full screen, on secondary it has scaling problems,

reset to clone mode and it worked fine on my secondary display (so extended mode i couldn't get it to FS on the secondary, I'll have to play around with the video settings maybe?

Wanted to try with my dell M1330 on XP but not enough HDD space, I'll get that one and my asus 1000HE netbook once i find a spare HDD to check low spec and XP, but so far i havent had any crashes or fs problems like everyone else which is kinda strange.?

So i'm just gonna leave these guys to run till something messes up. just reached the ending as i'm typing this i'll wait another 2 minutes to get t the save prompt and 2nd ep in case something blows up...)

saved and nothing blew up... starting episode 2.....

still working on tickets for billing issues stuff.. i've been reading the forums but havent had time to put together a decent post, will do soon.. thank you to everyoen who has been helping out with troubleshooting and sorry for everyone who has been having problems with the game and ordering system... (the credit card authorization company kinda screwed us on launch day so it's been a ride... looks like we got all the orders processed by the 25th though (pago pago time XD minus a few that were credit declined/problematic)

lol @ the timing of these last two posts


So in short, your post just amounts to..



works on a variety of my machines with different specs and settings; these are the settings i have taken note to because they had been actively changed away from what the machines usually default to.

If you have a similar machine it'll probably work there too if you have the settings updates and codecs around the same as the ones i've posted.

BTW my CCCP and klite settings have not been changed, i installed and left it default. Also my antivirus was disabled on install and the install folders were given exceptions before install. (in the case of the VMbox, there was no anitvirus loaded)

Although I personally have not had any problems with these setups (i added the video settings to the tumblr post i made)

If your machine is has been tweaked/detweaked/updated (settings, drivers, codecs, windows) and has been having problems, post with some detailed information about what is going wrong and where, I'll be trying to replicate it with different settings, or asking the devs about it so that we can get a fix.

I still need to play through again and find Manami's ending, I have a few save files and globals to test as well. Thanks go out to the people actually posting useful information about what works and what doesn't work.

Yeah I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, I copied his settings (did not have CCCP installed so i uninstalled my codec pack, installed CCCP and restarted my PC) still have the exact same crash right when setsuna says "anyway" in the opening scene in fullscreen.

No idea what could be causing it, I dont have the game installed in program files and I'm still running as administrator anyway.

Will post full specs here, only real difference I see is he's using integrated graphics cards in his setups going by his tumblr post.


Alright. I got a response from an anonymous commentator that appears to be (un)affiliated with JAST. Restoration patch should be out in two days or so, once the physical version ships.


"Will post full specs here, only real difference I see is he's using integrated graphics cards in his setups going by his tumblr post."

Welp. You know what do do next. Disable your graphics adapter and try running the game with integrated graphics.

@sanahtlig i guess il wait for the patch before playing anymore that was something that was worrying me after all Starless patch was out before the game if i remember correctly