Official Post about Shiny Days

Looks like you have a multi monitor setup, I havent been able to get it to run on the secondary monitor alone in extended mode (as mentioned above).

Are you able to run it on the primary or in clone mode?

and yes, in the case my comp has dual gfx it's been running the game off the intel integrated I can try to force it into discreet, but i'm on playthru 2 right now to see if i can get to ep 3 or 4 without a crash (taking the inori route because it has fewer choices to make so i dont need to baby it)

the game does rely a lot on codecs, we had a ton of problems with demosaicing scenes and getting the dual uniforms to show correctly (looks like i missed a few parts in Ep 1, i'll go thru them again after most people can play without crashing- shouldn't be a hard fix)

That's not how it works bub, pre builts that have dedicated graphics cards dont come with intergrated usually, at least, mine does not, as you can see.


ayy tim, no i dont use multiple monitors although it shows it like that, i use a laptop connected to a tv with the second display(laptops) unused.

just for further clarification.


The Shiny Days official English website actually looks pretty good! The video being stalled on a frame of Kokoro remains as ironic as ever.

@ayy nigger some games really dislike multiple displays with full screen, try disabling one and see what happens.

@Swift both displays are not running at the same time, however I will test running it natively off my laptops screen with the hdmi connection to my tv removed.

Still crashed at the same exact place so that wasn't it.

when the physical disk coming out ,i ordered from rightstuf

@ayy nigger looks like tim beat me to the punch on that one

@sanahtlig i like the subtle (maybe unintentional) hint in tims first post, hint ; retail

@ ayy : have you tried with your primary and the TV disconnected just to see if that full screen works. my R17 i have here has a GT650M

I'm trying the game with the settings to run it with discreet gfx on. New game with Shiny Costume seems to work so far.. Makoto said his name etc. opening video played and went thru, hit the skip to the first decision and it seemed fine so far.

I'll see if i can get over to one of the monitors we have to try it on a secondary screen here. my desk is a little too cluttered atm,

J-List will start shipping the game Wednesday. RightStuf usually takes several more weeks to get the game in stock once J-List starts shipping orders.

this says sept 30

I think we all need to calm down.

Decay wrote a great post on fuwanovel for troubleshooting. Honestly, aside from Problem 3, which seems inherent to 0verflows shoddy programming, if you have a problem running the game, like sanahtlig said, it is probably a software environment issue.

In regards to the restoration patch, i think it is unfair to expect it so soon? They already have issues with billing and credit card transactions (doing them manually). I would give them at least another week or two to get all the release stuff out of the way.


For freezes, can people take a screen cap? I can see if the freezes are during the video or between videos, might help our devs...

I had a lot of this when it was crashing on mine which was apparently a codec/sound problem in the end

Yeah tim I just did that, didn't change anything unfortunately, i'm considering a fresh install, and if it doesn't work by the time my disc comes ill do a fresh install off the disc.

@tim would you (as a company) consider releasing future releases digital first (1-2 weeks before you send the files to be printed onto disks) so you can get feedback from “us”, and have a less buggy physical edition?

Couldn't take a screenshot through my pc of the game in fullscreen so sorry for the phone snapshot.

It hangs right there with the music still playing in the background, if i try pressing escape or anything its unresponsive and I have to ctrl+alt+del to get my ass out of there haha.


For people wondering about the patch and save compatibility. I'd suggest someone with the Japanese version who has a save to try to import that save to the current version.

I believe it would be the script, and some of the movie files that would be getting patched, I'm not sure if that would affect the global dat (since we did include all the endings, but there were a few scenes taken out so the flagging might be weird?

Thanks @sanahtlig @decay and fuwanovel for getting that troubleshooting thread in, I will pull some info from there to add to the jastconnect pages and the dev log (and it will be credited of course)

Got through to 2nd episode playing on Nvidia GT650M on the R17, loaded the save to finish the inori route, no problems there yet. also ignored the save prompt this time and it seemed okay.

@ayy and you can get past that point in windowed mode with no problem right? Have you tried waiting around, is only the music playing or is there more dialogue (does the sound advance even if the screen doesnt.. would it be able to call the next video or even just crash itself?)

@swift talon @tim would you (as a company) consider releasing future releases digital first (1-2 weeks before you send the files to be printed onto disks) so you can get feedback from "us", and have a less buggy physical edition?

For future releases I'm working on getting a beta test team together to help with the testing so we can simulate more scenarios and have a level of redundancy for testing. I doubt we'd be doing a public beta any time soon.

For this release I was pretty much the sole tester... which really sucked for me in some ways. I tried my best to do play tests on a bunch of different computers -I have 6 at my disposal, but atm my m1330 needs more disc space (I did test the beta on it though and it worked), my netbook needs a harddrive and my mac needs a windows license so i can test in bootcamp. Obviously just because I can get things to work means that it will work for everyone.

Sidenote: For the review copies we've sent out I've yet to get any feedback about crashing or installation problems, which either means it works for most of them, they've been doing the troubleshooting themselves, or we're gonna get some pretty shitty reviews because of crashing problems some people are getting.